Chapter 1: The Window

。・゚*.* Taehyung POV 。・゚*.*

"Mom I don't understand why we have to move again!" Taehyung said voice shaking a little.

"It's time, ok? Your father doesn't want the neighbors talking." His mom replied

"Then he shouldn't have done that!" Be said pointing.

"Please just let this go tae!" She says.

"Mom we have been moving every time this happens, I don't want to do this again!" Taehyung said


"Look, just so as he says ok? It will get better!"

Taehyung knew better then to believe those words. She said them everytime and not once had they

been true. This was the third time in two years they had to move, but this time they would be

moving out of state.

Starting over where no one knew them or their story. No rumors floating through the air to crumble

the lie of the happy family. Running away before anyone realizes the real truth.

Taehyung was used to it at this point but he at least has his friends near by, sometimes just a city

away. He figured they had lived in every city around their home town and that's why they were

moving over 6 hours away.

He's excuse was that his dad traveled a lot for work, and would be transferred to a new branch

every year or so. A lie. He was so done with it all, ready to leave it all behind. But his mom, and

his sister, he couldn't leave them. So he stays and tries to take care of them.

。・゚*.* Jungkook POV 。・゚*.*

"Did you take your meds this morning?" Jungkook heard as his mom came into his room.

"Yes, just like I do everyday." He said back with a smirk.

She gives him a soft smile.

"I know, but I still have to ask." She says.

She takes out a folder taking notes of his temperature and blood pressure and checked his blood

sugar as well with a prick to his finger.

"What are doing today?" She asks him kneeling beside him.

He looks down at her, and just like every other morning harldy gets any eye contact from her.

She wasn't bad to him, but distant. What can you expect from a surgeon? There is a need for

distance when dealing with patients, and he knew this. He knew he was a patient to her, but he was

also her son and that line had been blurred long ago.

"I think I'll work with my study group a little, and see if I can finish this English essay." He replied

turning to his laptop.

"This study group helps right? They don't distract you from your work?" She asks.

"Yes, mom they help me a lot. Don't worry I still get all my work done. And I have to make friends

some how." He replies starting to feel a little annoyed.

"I know you need friends, but I don't want them to be a bad influence on you either." She says


"They are not like that mom. They are really nice and some are older and have completed the

subject I need help with." Jungkook said softly removing his arm from his mother's grip.

"Ok well, I will be back later tonight. Sophie will be by in a little bit. Please be good today!" She

says resting her hand on his shoulder briefly.

He nodded.

He opened the video group chat and waited for the other to join.

"Hey!!! Kook! What's up?!" Said one of the boys.

"Hey Jin hyung! Nothing just working on my essay again!" Jungkook replied with a smile.

"Aye, you still working on that? I would have figured you would be done by now!" The older


"My mom says it needs to be revised more. It doesn't sound serious enough she said." Jungkook

said rolling his eyes.

Jin paused looking around Jungkook's room through the camera.

"She isn't there right?" He asks.

"No she left already!" Jungkook replied getting his stuff together.

"Good! I don't want her to think I'm a bad hyung letting you talk bad about her behind her back!"

He said smirking.

"She is hardly here hyung don't worry! Anyway I sent you the revised version, can you look at it?"

Jungkook said with his pouty face.

"Uh, stop with the face! I'll look at it now!" The elder replies.

"Your the best hyung!!!" Jungkook said happily.

"Hey I thought I was your favorite hyung!" Came another voice as another image came on the


"Hobi hyung!" Jungkook said happily.

"Hey kid! What's up?" He asks the younger.

"Nothing, just having Jin hyung read my essay again!" He said smiling lazily.

"Oh got it! Why do you look so tired?" Hobi asks.

"Oh I stayed up late reading." Jungkook replied rubbing his eyes.

"You need to sleep kid! You look awful!" Hobi says giggling.

"Wow thanks!" Jungkook replied.

"Just kidding kid, you always look fine. Pale but fine." Hobi replies.

"Stop teasing the kid, you know he is a hermit. What do you expect?" Jin rang in.

"Both of you shut up!" Came a different voice.

"Oh come on yoongi hyung, we are just playing!" Replies Hobi.

"There is nothing wrong with being pale kid!" Yoongi says.

"You are saying that because you barely leave the house either, you would think you were the one

allergic to the world!" Hobi teases.

Jungkook rolls his eyes laughing softly at his hyungs teasing. He didn't take anything they said to

heart, it was actually kind of nice to not be treated like he would break. His hyungs made him feel

normal, and actually enjoyed their back and forth teasing.

"Hey! You guys started without me?!" Came yet another voice.

"Hey Jiminie, no we are just teasing yoongi hyung about how he looks paler than the kid." Hobi

said giggling.

"Aw yoongi hyung you really should get out more, it's good for your health." Jimin said sweetly.

"Awwwww!!!!" Rang all the boys at once.

"Shut up!" Jimin said blushing.

"Aw Jiminie is worried for Yoongi hyung. Just ask him out already!" Says Jungkook.

"Uh whatever..." Jimin says moving off screen.

"Aye, hyung come back here!!!" Jungkook yelled.

"Jungkookie!!! Hey! How are you?" Another voice came but from Jin's video.

"Namjoonie hyung!! Hi!" Jungkook said almost in a baby voice.

Another of his friends walked up behind Jin moving to take his place while the other finished

reading Jungkook's essay.

"How are you today? You look tired! Did you fall asleep reading again?" Namjoon asked.

"Yeah sorry hyung." Jungkook said pouting.

"Uh stop babying him!" Said Yoongi.

"What do you mean? You baby him all the time! Have you read your messages in the group chat?"

Says Hobi.

"I think we all baby him, because he is the baby!" Jimin added.

"I am not a baby but yes you all do treat me like one!" Jungkook replied.

"Well, you are our baby and we will protect you!" Hobi says shaking his fists in the air.

"From what exactly? He can't leave his house." Yoongi added.

Jungkook just shook his head smiling as hyungs again went off on a rant about who knows what.

He has learn to tune them out when they go off like that.

As the hyungs went on minute six of this rant, Jungkook heard something from outside his

window. He stood and walked toward the window and saw a rental truck pull up to the house next

door. A man climbed out of the driver's side and soon after a younger guy did as well, but his back

was turned toward the window.

Jungkook watched fascinated. That house had been empty for over a year, and he had not heard it

had been sold. Maybe he was too busy to notice. He continued watching as the older man pointed

to the back of the truck for the younger to follow him.

"Aye, kid where did you go?" Hobi yelled.

Jungkook turned to his computer and back quickly to the window to catch a last look at his new


"Jungkook you ok? Wave a hand if you are still concious!" Said Yoongi.

"Really hyung?! Don't make us worry yet!" Said hobi.

"Jungkooooooookie???!!!!" Hobi sang.

Jungkook rolled his eyes.

"Aye hyungs I'm here, relax!" Jungkook replied sitting back down in front of the camera.

"Hey, don't scare is like that!" Said Namjoon.

"Sorry jyung. Looks like we have new neighbors so I was just taking a look!" Jungkook said.

"Oh really? Someone you can spy on, hm? Fun!" Said Hobi.

"Hyung this isn't 'Desterbia' the next door neighbor isn't hiding dead bodies or something!" Jimin


"Hey, you never know! People seem totally normal and it turns out they are like a canabal or

something!" Said Hobi in a serious voice. "Just watch out Jungkookie!"

"Hyung you need to stop watching those horror movies so much, they are crying your brain."

Jungkook replied smiling.

"Hey! Some are based on real things! So don't say I didn't warn you." Hobi says looking down at his phone.

"Jungkookie!!! I'm done, looks really good!" Jin said coming back into the frame of the camera


"Thanks hyung!" Jungkook said giving a big smile.

"You are reading his essay again Jinnie?" Namjoon said turning and smiling at the other.

"Yep! Gotta help our boy!" Jin replied putting his arm around Namjoon and taking a seat in his lap.

"Uh! Will you too stop being so clingy during video chats?! Some of us are single you know!"

Hobi yells covering his eyes.

"Yeah and some of us just find it gross!" Yoongi said turning his chair all the way around.

Jungkook just giggled.

"Oh hush children we didn't do anything! I just sat down!" Jin says annoyed.

They chatted for a while before one by one they had to sign off. Jimin and Jungkook were the last

to talk.

"Seriously though kook, how you feeling?" He asks concerned.

"I'm ok. My mom says I might be a little dehydrated, so she has been giving me an IV drip at night.

She says sometimes it's a side effect of my medication." Replied Jungkook shrugging.

"Ah man. Even though you are like totally sure off from the world some how you still can get sick.

That sucks..." Jimin said frowning.

Jimin was the closest to Jungkook in age and really worried a lot about him. All the hyungs did but

they tried their best to keep his spirits up, so he felt more normal. But each would check on him in

their individual chats to make sure he was ok or if he needed anything.

His room pretty much had everything he could want in ways of entertainment. He had a TV and

various game systems to entertain him, and his laptop for chatting with his hyungs and homeschool

stuff. I mean a lot of 17 year olds would think this was a dream come true.

But he had lived like this his whole life, and eventually all those things lose their excitement. He

really looked forward to these video chats more than anything to just feel a part of something.

"So you have new neighbors huh? Did you get a look at them?" Jimin asks.

"I saw I'm guessing the dad but only the back of the son. Hold on I'll take another look real quick."

Jungkook said turning the laptop to face where he was headed.

He looked out the window again and saw the younger guy unloading something and a younger girl

jumping happily near by. The younger guy turned finally and Jungkook could see his face. Without

thinking he let out a 'wow'.

"What?" Jimin asked.

He could only see Jungkook by the window but not what he was looking at.

"Jungkook? Kook? What is it?" Jimin asks again.

This shook Jungkook to turn.

"The son is like really good looking." Jungkook said embarrassed.

"Hahaha... Jungkookie you haven't seen many people I'm sure everyone looks good to you." Jimin

said jokingly.

So Jungkook lifted the laptop to the window to try and show Jimin the view.

"Damn, wow! He is like a feakin' model! Ok, I agree with your taste kook!" Jimin says jokingly.

Earning a scolding look from the younger. Jungkook turns to set the laptop next to him on a small

table and take a seat by the window and start reading.

"Why do you read when we video chat kook, that's rude!" Whined Jimin.

"We go through this every day hyung. You are the one who has nothing better to do." Jungkook says jokingly.

"Hey I'm looking for a job , ok?!" Jimin snaps back.

"Yeah but you still live with your parents." Jungkook replied.

"Leave me alone ok, I'm still getting my life together don't judge! Anyway have you talked to your

mom about my plan?" Jimin asks.

"Yeah, she said she doesn't know if its a good idea." Jungkook says sad.

"We aren't going to actually go inside the house. We can set up some chairs outside the window

and just hang out!" Jimin said smiling.

"Great so am I the animal in the cage then?" Jungkook joked.

"Yes our little bunny!" Jimin teased.

"Shut up!" Jungkook yelled annoyed.

"I mean do we have to tell her? Can't we just set it up while she is gone?" Jimin asks smirking.

Jungkook turns and sees Jimin smirk.

"Hmmm... actually I guess that could work!" Jungkook replied happily.

"What could work?" Said Sophie standing in the door way.

"Sh***!" Said Jimin accidentally too loudly.

"Hi Jimin-ah!" Said Sophie.

"Hehe...oh hi noona!" Jimin said with an awkward laugh.

Jungkook had stood and was fidgeting awkwardly.

"See...the guys wanted to come visit, but they weren't going to come inside. They wanted to set up

outside the living room window so we could kind of hang out in person!" Jungkook said grining.

Sophie looked at him with one eyebrow raised.

"You know your mother would not want you to do that. She would say it is just a painful reminder

that you can't actually be with them." Sophie said walking toward him.

"Please noona! I mean, they will be gone before she gets back. She won't need to know!" Jungkook

said pouting.

Sophie watched him for a minute.

"Alright but they have to be gone before 4. We don't want your mom to catch them, you know how

strict she is about these things." Sophie replied ruffling Jungkook's hair.

"Thank you so much noona!!" Jungkook replied hugging her.

"Yeah thanks noona! You are the best!" Came Jimin's voice.

"Your welcome, but Jiminie-ah I don't want to see any alcohol ok?" Sophie said .

"No of course noona, no alcohol!! I swear on my hair!" Jimin replied.

Sophie gave him an a confused look before leaving.

Jungkook and Jimin laughed from excitement.