Chapter 2: The Neighbors

。・゚*.* Taehyung POV 。・゚*.*

"Son help the movers with the stuff in the back!" Mr. Kim said as Taehyung climbed out of the

moving truck.

"ok." He replied.

He opened the back of the truck and grabbed the closest box. Walking up the path toward the front

door, he glanced over the fence and saw a boy in the window of the house next door. The window

wrapped around the whole front side of the room and there the boy was watching the truck.

Taehyung smiled a little when he caught sight of him. He had big doe eyes under his black hoodie

and a small smile on his face. Taehyung thought he looked kind of cute, before turning and

entering the house. When he came back outside the boy was gone.

He shrugged and continued helping move stuff inside. When they had turned the truck for a better

space for the large items, he saw the boy in the window again. This time the boy was sitting along

the window with his head down reading and smiling.

Taehyung stood and watched for a little while wondering what was making the cute boy smile so

much. He noticed him turn to his head to the side before laughing and revealing a big bunny smile

and throwing his head back.

'Wow super cute' Taehyung thought to himself.

"Taehyungie oppa, did you find my box of stuffed animals yet?" Came a little voice.

His younger sister ran toward him and he picked her up.

"Hmm...I'm sure it's here somewhere! Let's look together ok?" Taehyung said bopping the girl on

the nose.

That night everything had been unloaded and brought into the house. Taehyung dropped on his

bead from being so tired. He decided to wait for dinner from this position. From the corner of his

eye he noticed the boy next door was still sitting reading.

His own room was dark now with the light from outside as the only source of light at the moment.

Be watched the boy for a little while just reading and smiling and now he could see why be kept


Next to him there was a laptop and Taehyung could see that the boys was talking to someone. He

decided to turn his light on and try to catch the boys attention. He stood walking over to the wall

and switching on the light, and the boy in the window instantly turned to look.

Taehyung walked over to his window and paused before waving to the younger boy. Jungkook

shrunk into himself a little before waving back just a little. Taehyung smiled at the small action.

How would he introduce himself....he found a piece of paper and wrote down the words: "Hi I am


He turned and help the paper in the window. The other boy smiled after reading the words and did

the same.

"Hi I am Jungkook! :)" Taehyung smiled again at the boys cuteness. He jokingly bowed and

smiled as if to say nice to meet you.

He turned quickly when he heard his mom yell for him from downstairs. He turned back to the

window and waved goodbye before leaving the room.

。・゚*.* Jungkook POV 。・゚*.*

"What's going on?" Jimin asks seeing Jungkook distracted by something out the window.

"It's just my new neighbor. I guess he is trying to introduce himself. He is writing something

down." Jungkook said without turning.

"Uh, he has barely been here a day and be is already flirting. He has no shame!" Jimin said


"I think he is just saying Hi Jiminie!" Jungkook replied.

"You show me no's just wrong!" Jimin said pretending to be hurt by the younger's


"Sorry Jimin-ssi!" Jungkook said loudly.

"Brat." Jimin growled.

This sent Jungkook into a fit of laughter. Before turning his attention again out the window to see

the neighbor holding a paper to the window.

"He says his name is Taehyung." Jungkook says.

He turns and grabs the notebook near by writing his own name down.

"Uh can you not flirt right in front of my salad kook?!" Jimin said pretending to be annoyed.

"I'm not flirting I'm just telling him my name, gosh Jimin-ssi get out of your imagination!"

Jungkook replies.

He hears Jimin cursing at him under his breath and turns to show his paper with a cute smile. Soon

he sees the boy turn for minute and wave goodbye, and he waves back. He turns to see Jimin just

looking at him.

"Don't do it look!" Jimin says shaking his head.

"Do what?" Jungkook asks.

"Don't fall for the boy next door! Those things never turn out like they do in those dramas and plus

you literally can't go near him because of your illness. So like yeah don't fall for him." Jimin says.

"What? Fall for him? We just said hi, calm down!" Jungkook replies returning to his book.

Jimin drops the topic and instead starts talking about some crazy job interview he had and

Jungkook takes one last glance at the room across the way and let's himself smile a little.

゚・。°*. ゚ Jungkook POV ゚・。°*. ゚

"So are we on for today?" Asked Hobi.

"Yeah definitely! My mom left early this morning and said she won't be back till after 8, so we are

in the clear!" Jungkook replied to his group of friends.

"I can't believe we are actually going to try and pull this off! Finally!" Jimin whines.

"I know we have been video chatting for years now, it's gonna be cool to see you in person

kook...well I mean kind of!" Replied Yoongi.

"I know! I'm excited!" Jungkook replied with a big smile.

"Ok well we have to go get supplies and we will see you in an hour, ok?" Said Jin.

"Ok see you guys soon!" Jungkook replied signing off.

He couldn't contain how excited he was to actually see his friends. Even though it would be behind

a glass window, it was something and he was beyond happy.

"I am still not sure about thing jungkook-ah." Sophie said nervously. "If your mom finds out she

won't be happy."

"Noona I promise it will be fine! You have been with me since I was little, she won't do anything to

you! You are basically family to me!" Jungkook said reassuringly.

Sophie smirked and walked out leaving Jungkook alone. There was still time before his friends

were arriving, so he decided to read for a little while. He took his usual place next to the window,

it definitely was his favorite spot.

He could feel the sun's warmth on his face which always made him happy. He opened the book to

where he had left off.

Not long later he noticed movements from the corner of his eye. It was the blinds opening in the

room next door. The boy he had seen yesterday opened them and smiled when he caught sight of

Jungkook. Jungkook returned the smile with a shy one of his own. Taehyung waved and grabbed

one of his notebooks to jot down a quick message.

Jungkook watched curiosly.

Taehyung turned the paper to the window.

"Hi again! How are you?" It said on it.

Jungkook smiled and started writing a note of his own.

"Fine! How are you?" He showed to the other.

Taehyung smirked. He had a thought. He started writing again and turned the paper again. This

time showing the other boy his phone number. And the message:

"Text me!"

Jungkook took out his phone and took down the number, before sending a quick message.


Jungkook: "hi"

Taehyung: "hey! What are you up to?"

Jungkook: "just reading! U?"

Taehyung: "unpacking mostly. I always see you in the window, do you read that much?"

Jungkook: "lol! Yeah I read a lot, I feel like the time passes quicker. The days feel less long when I


Taehyung: "you don't like going out? Movies, eating, handout with friends? That's kind of stuff?"

Jungkook paused for a moment. It was always hard to explain to people his condition. It took some

time for his hyungs to really understand how serious it was.


Jungkook: "I uh have a medical condition called SCID. Means my immune system is very weak, so

I can't go outside. I am completely sealed in here."

Taehyung: "wow really?"

Jungkook: "yeah. :)"

Taehyung: "how long have you had this condition?"

Jungkook: " since I was a kid, so yeah a pretty long time now."

Taehyung: "that's too bad, I'm really sorry!"

Jungkook: "you haven't done anything don't apologize! Where did you move from?"

Taehyung: "Degu!"

Jungkook: "oh wow! I heard it's nice there!"

Taehyung: "yeah it had its charms!:) So what do you actually do most of the day if you are stuck


Jungkook: "I read a lot, play games, draw, so song covers, talk with my hyungs during video chat."

Taehyung: "that all sounds really great!"

Jungkook: " what kinda of things do you like doing?"

Taehyung: "I work mostly and write sometimes if I have time. I also like to read too, but mostly

collect classic books."

Jungkook:" That's actually really cool! You must enjoy searching for the books."

Taehyung: "Yeah I stop by little book stores and stay for hours looking at all the books!"

Jungkook: "Wow! That sounds fun actually! Online book shopping isn't quite the same! Lol!"

Taehyung: "� Is there a treatment for your condition?"

Jungkook: "Some experimental things, but my mom is a doctor and says the risks are too high. It's

safer this way."

Taehyung: "hmmm...that's too bad!"

Jungkook: "hey I'm sorry I have to go, but it was nice talking to you!"

Taehyung: "Yeah you too Jungkook! Ttyl!"

゚・。°*. ゚ Taehyung POV ゚・。°*. ゚

After sending his last message to the cute boy across the way, he watched through the window a

little longer. He thought to himself, 'he doesn't look sick.'

He had never heard of SCID, and thought maybe he would read up on it.

So after Jungkook stepped out of view, he turned to grab his laptop and do some research. From

what he was reading, it sounded like a pretty serious condition. It made sense why Jungkook was

forced to stay inside.

He felt a sinking feeling in his stomach when he read the words 'no known cure' and 'most sufferers

live short lives.' He felt sad that someone like Jungkook, someone who seems to be so positive and

has a big smile, would be someone who had such a tough life.

He sat skimming over article after article feeling the same weird feeling the more he read.

"Taehyungie oppa!!!" Came a small voice.

"In here, seo!" He heard little feet running toward his room.

The little girl rushed in jumping into Taehyung's arms and squeezing him tight.

"Hey, what's wrong?" He asks her worried.

"It's starting again." She says softly.

Taehyung let out a sigh and closed the door to his room, making his little sister comfortable and

turning on a movie for her. He sat comfortably next to her, increasing the volume as the voices

down stairs grew louder.

'Here we go again', he thought to himself.

゚・。°*. ゚. Jungkook POV ゚・。°*. ゚

Jungkook had heard Sophie step outside and voices in the front yard. He rushed down the stairs

almost slipping from wearing his socks on the wood flooring. He peeked out the window to see his

hyungs gathering in front.

"Hello! I am Sophie. I am Jungkook's nurse. You are all aware of his condition? You are aware

you can not come inside the house, but are permitted to sit by the side window? Correct?" She said

nicely but we seriousness.

They all shook their head and followed her to the side of the house. Jungkook rushed over as the

entered his view and all started smiling. He waved to them watching them rush over and set up all

their stuff! Jin motioned to Jungkook to tell him he was call him.

Jungkook took out his phone and answered.

"Hyung you guys are really here!!!" Jungkook said excitedly.

"Of course kiddo! We would never stand you up!!!" Jin said laughing at how excited Jungkook

was. "I'm going to leave you on speaker so you can hear us better!"

He sets his phone down and all the other boys started greeting Jungkook at once, making laugh


He connects his wireless earbuds and sets his phone down on the table next to him.

"Jungkookie!!! I can't believe how close we get to see you!!" Said Hobi happily.

"I know! This is awesome!" Jungkook replied.

"Kook, how are you?" Jimin asks getting closer to the window.

"I am much better now!" He says.

"Ahhhh!!!! So sappy!" Yoongi shouts.

They all burst into laughter and smack Yoongi a few times.

Inside Jungkook always felt like a zoo animal, being watched through glass. This on the other hand

was better than what he could hope for.

"Did you submit your essay Jungkookie?" Jin asks.

"Yeah this morning! Thanks for your help hyung!" Jungkook replied.

They talked among themselves for some time, hours fly by. Jungkook had not realized how late it

got until the sun over head grew darker and his hyungs were shivering from the cold. Then he

heard the sound of a car driving into the driveway.

The hyungs heard it too and quietly started panicking. They started packing everything up, trying

to get ready to run. Jungkook signalled for them to run as soon as he heard his mom pass the last

round of purification. Most of the hyungs had gone out of the gate but then Jimin drops his phone,

and his eyes widen when he sees Jungkook's mom looking at him.

Jungkook turns to look at her and back to see Jimin rushing out of the yard.

"Jungkook! What's going on?" His mom asks angry.

"It's nothing! Just some of my friends came to see me, but they stayed outside I swear!" Jungkook

replied apologeticly.

"Are those the boys from that website I told you to not look at?" His mom said coldly.

"Mom it's nothing. I don't go on the site any more, we just chat through video sometimes. They

wanted to kind of meet in person." Jungkook said his head slowly dropping.

"It doesn't matter. I told you to stay away and you didn't!" She sighed. "Give me your phone."

Jungkook looked up at her sadly before handing it over.

"I can't trust that you won't make this mistake again." She turned and went into her office.

Jungkook felt a knot in his stomach. He knew she would block all sites except his homeschool site

after this. Which she did. A few days past and he had not seen or spoken to anyone, except

Sophie. His mom started working double shifts and that meant he was alone for almost half the

day. He also hadn't seen his neighbor in a few days either. Then one day Taehyung opened the

blinds and Jungkook looked up to see him.

Concern filled him when it look like Taehyung had a black eye that was almost healed.

Taehyung reached for his phone and tried to send Jungkook a message but Jungkook showed him

his empty hands and shook his head to tell Taehyung that his phone was gone.

Taehyung reached for his notenook and wrote down a few words showing them to Jungkook.

'No phone? Why?'

Jungkook started writing.

'Got caught breaking the rules. No email either.' He wrote back.

Taehyung replied by making a exaggerated sad face, making Jungkook laugh. Then Jungkook

started writing.

'Are you ok? You look hurt.' he showed Taehyung.

Taehyung's face drops a little.

'Just a misunderstanding.' he replied with a half smile. Jungkook gave him a sympothetic look, he

knew something bad must have happened.

They sat for a bit just looking once in a while at eachother while they both decided to read. This

started making Jungkook blush, when he would glance over to see Taehyung just watching him.

He tried to act like he didn't notice how many times Taehyung lingered watching him.

He could feel the blushing reach his ears. A little later he glanced over and saw Taehyung had

fallen asleep with his book resting on his chest. Now Jungkook was the one watching, admiring the other's features.

He was not confident enough to look at him this long when they were both awake, but now he

could steal small glances without the other seeing him. Soon Jungkook felt himself drift off to

sleep as well.

For the next few days Jungkook would find Taehyung reading and light up as soon as Jungkook

came into view, which always made him blush. One morning Jungkook heard a commotion come

from the front yard of his neighbors house. Taehyung's dad was rushing out with Taehyung


Their voices were slightly muffled but he could hear them.

"Dad what are you doing?! You can't leave after what you just did! We need to take her to a

doctor!" Taehyung yelled.

"Move Taehyung, now!!!" His father yelled.

Taehyung stood in front of the car blocking it. His father came around and landed a bit to

Taehyung knocking him away, before climbing into the car and driving away.

Jungkook didn't know why but he felt this ruah. He ran down the stairs, entered the door code and

ran outside. He ran over to where Taehyung was on the floor.

"Taehyung are you ok??" Jungkook asked trying to help him up.

Taehyung's eyes widened at the touch and sight of Jungkook outside.

"What are you doing Jungkook? Go back inside!" Taehyung said panicked.

"But you're hurt! You need help!" Jungkook replied.

"No you need to go inside!" Taehyung said taking his hand leading him back to the house.

When they reach the door, he quickly gets Jungkook inside closing the door behind him sealing it

shut. Jungkook turned with eyes wide with concern. Taehyung watched back with sadness placing

his hand on the glass before turning and walking away. Jungkook stood watching him walk away.