Chapter 3: Alone

゚・。°*. ゚Jungkook's POV ゚・。°*. ゚

Days passed since the scene in the drive way between Taehyung and his dad. The curtain in

Taehyung's window remained closed and Jungkook watched for any sign that the boy was ok. It

was all quiet. He sat reading in his usual spot when his mom walked in.

"Hey." She said softly. "I figured it was time for me to return your phone. I assume you learned

from this mistake. Am I right?"

Her voiced moved from her soft motherly voice, to her harsher voice.

"Yes mom, I won't have them come here again." Jungkook replied feeling defeated.

He musch rather be able to video chat his hyungs than be totally cut off from them. His mom

shortly left and Jungkook turned his phone on and was flooded with messages from his hyungs. He

decided to call Jimin first, since he was the most concerned and kind of emotional one.

The dial tone rang in his ear as he waited for an answer.

"Kook?" Came a voice.

"Hey hyung it's me." Jungkook said calmly.

"Oh my gosh!!! I am so glad to hear your voice." Jimin said relieved. "I was so sure we would

never hear from you again after what happened. I was so close to just sneaking in to make sure you

were ok!"

Jungkook laughed softly.

"Don't worry hyung, I'm ok now. My mom pretty much stayed away for days after. Even told

Sophie not to come." Jungkook said.

"What do you mean? She left you alone?" Jimin asked concerned.

"I think she wanted to make sure I didn't see anyone, to learn my lesson." Jungkook replied.

"Are you kidding? That's like solitary confinement. That's too harsh Jungkook, isolation like that

can cause serious phycological problems. Why would she do that?" Jimin said starting to get


"Hyung don't worry, this isn't the first time. I am used to it." Jungkook said sighing.

"Jungkook that's not right. I know I am dramatic sometimes but honestly that is dangerous. Did

anything happen to you while you were alone?" Jimin asked.

"No, but I did see Taehyung get into a fight with his dad. His dad hit him and I guess my instincts

kicked in. I ran out to make sure he was ok, but he dragged back home and locked me back in."

Jungkook said sadly.

"Wait WHAT?! You went outside??" Jimin asked suprised.

"Yeah, just for a moment to make sure Taehyung was ok. No big deal." Jungkook said.

"Did anything happen to you? Did you feel sick after?" Jimin asked.

"No i felt fine. Honestly I wasn't outside that long and I only came into contact with Taehyung for a

couple of seconds." Jungkook answered.

"Wow. Have you spoken to him again? Is he ok?" Jimin asked.

"I don't know. I just got my phone back and he hasn't been opening his curtains. I just really hope

he is ok." Jungkook let out a deep sigh. "I feel like for the first time that I could run and never

come back. That maybe I could be free."

There was a moment where neither of them spoke.

"Have you and your mom discussed trying new treatments? I mean she is a doctor, I would think

she would know if there were other options out there. It's been 17 years, they had to have

discovered something by now." Jimin sounded fustrated.

"I had hoped when I turned 18 maybe I could have more say in trying more experimental treatment.

But honestly I don't know of any right now. At least not ones that wouldn't possibly kill me. I mean

I guess this is just my fate." Jungkook sounded as fustrated as Jimin.

"Have you checked your records? Maybe there is more information there, maybe one of your other

doctors could offer some hope." Jimin replied.

"Maybe..." An alert sound came from Jungkook's phone.

He looked and saw a message from Taehyung.


Taehyung: "Jungkook, hi! I don't know when you will see this but I'm really sorry. I'm sorry you

had to see what happened with my dad. I'm also sorry that I pushed you away. I was embarrassed

and scared for you. I don't know why you came out but I hope you didn't get hurt. Let me know if

you are ok soon. Ttyl."

"Hey hyung, can I call you back later?" Jungkook asked quickly.

"Yeah kook call me later!" Jimin said before Jungkook ended the call.

He started to reply to Taehyung's message, but he felt his hands shaking. He felt nervous, and he

wasn't sure exactly why but he took a few deep breaths to help calm his nerves.


Jungkook: "hi Taehyung! So sorry I am just replying now. My mom had taken my phone and

limited my computer use after I broke some rules. I am fine, nothing happened to me. Are you ok?"

Taehyung: "I am so glad you are ok Jungkook, I was really worried that you got sick. You broke

rules? I find that hard to believe! "

Jungkook: "Yeah. My hyungs came over and sat with me. They stayed outside but my mom came

home early and was super angry."

Taehyung: "I'm sorry you couldn't spend time with your hyungs. How mad was she?"

Jungkook: "She stayed away from home for a week. Didn't even send Sophie my nurse."

Taehyung: "Wait she left you alone for a whole week? Oh my gosh Jungkook I'm so sorry. You

must have felt so lonely."

Jungkook: "It's not the first time. It's her usual form of punishment. So I am used to it. Sometimes

it feels like the days all blend together and I get a little confused, but like I said I'm used to it."

Taehyung: "Jungkook that sounds awful. I wish I could have kept you company. Your mom

wouldn't have know right since she wasn't there."

Jungkook: "She gets alerts when the door is opened or closed. But the day I ran out to you I entered

the override code. She doesn't know I know it."

Taehyung: "it kind of sounds extreme. Almost like a prison. I don't know how you don't go crazy in


Jungkook: "it's all I have know since I was little. Since I was diagnosed. I was a baby after all."

Taehyung: "So you have been like this since birth?"

Jungkook: "No. Uh....they discovered it after the accident. My parents and my brother and I were in

a car accident. My dad and older brother died do to their injuries. Me and my mom were only had

minor injuries. After that I kept getting sick. They realized that I pretty much had no immune

system, and here I am."

Taehyung: "I'm so sorry....Does your mom usually leave for most of the day?"

Jungkook: "Yeah usually. Why?"

Taehyung: "I would like to visit you. Do you think I could?"

Jungkook: "well, no one is supposed to come in the house unless they have had a complete

physical exam...but if you keep your distance from me...maybe we can try."

Taehyung: "I promise I have had all my shots and have not been sick in the last month! Also, I

promise not to get too close. I just want to talk in person."

Jungkook: " I think we can work it out, but you have to come early before Sophie comes. Which

is around 9. Is that ok?"

Taehyung: "perfect!"

Jungkook: "ok see you tomorrow the?"

Taehyung: "yes! Can't wait! Ttyl jungkookie!"

゚・。°*. ゚ Taehyung's POV ゚・。°*. ゚

That night Taehyung fell asleep smiling, looking forward to meeting Jungkook in person for the

first time. It was one night in a while that he felt happy, and hopfull. He woke early and ate before

waiting for the all clear message from Jungkook.

The message came not long later with the override code for the front door.

For some reason Taehyung felt nervous and when he reached the door he hesitated for a moment.

He didn't want to put Jungkook in any danger, but he also wanted to actually talk to him. So he let

out a sigh and typed in the code. When he stepped in and closed the door, he heard a odd hissing

sound. The doors were completely sealing, and there was a sink off to the side. Also a place for


Taehyung found everything so fascinating. Next there was a small room for decontamination

before the door unlocked and he could enter the main house.

He turned to corner to see a very open room with large windows. Across the room was Jungkook

standing by the stairs. He smiled seeing Taehyung walk in.

"Hi!" Jungkook said smiling and giving a small wave.

Taehyung let out a small laugh at Jungkook's cuteness.

"Hey! It's great to finally meet in person!" Taehyung replied.

"Yeah! Oh, come sit! I'll sit over here!" Jungkook said motioning for Taehyung to sit on a couch.

Jungkook took a seat in a chair way on the other side of the room.

There was silence for a moment, but soon they felt more natural and talked about all kinds of

things. They spoke about their interests, hobbies, favorite foods and more.

They had not noticed how long they had been talking, until the sound of the door opening rang

through their ears. Taehyung looked to see panic on Jungkook's face. He looked really scared.

"Jungkookie-ah! I brought some of your favorite..." Sophie began but trailed off when she saw

another person in the house.

"Uh, what's going on?" She asks with a small smile.

"Um, Sophie this is Taehyung he is our neighbor and a friend of mine." Jungkook said nervously.

"Hello Taehyung! Welcome. I'll let you two talk, but stay apart ok?" She mentions before leaving

for the kitchen.

Taehyung turned his attention back to the cute boy who looked stunned. This made Taehyung

smile again. They continued talking for a few hours. Taehyung told Jungkook about all the places

that be had lived. He even opened up about why they were always moving.

"I'm so sorry you have had to deal with that." Jungkook said sympotheticly.

"I have been trying to convince my mom to leave him for last couple of years since now I am old

enough to take care of them without my dad, but she is too scared. I know she is scared because

without my dad we really would have nothing, but it's been long enough." Taehyung said dropping

his head a little before turning to look out the window.

Jungkook sat watching the other feeling his heart ache. He wished that Taehyung did not have to

deal with such a thing on his own, but what could someone like him do. He couldn't even leave the


Taehyung turned and smiled softly at Jungkook, who looked away blushing a little. This made

Taehyung smile in return.

"I have a question." Taehyung said breaking the silence.

"Ok! What is it?" Jungkook asked.

"If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go?" Taehyung asked.

Jungkook smiled and looked down at his hands. He smiled to himself. This was the one thing he

thought about the most, since he was little. He would watch videos and look at pictures of places

all over the world.

"I have actually always wanted to learn photography, so that I could go to Jeju Island! I heard it's

really beautiful there!" Jungkook answered a little embarrassed.

This answer made Taehyung smile and imagine Jungkook in Jeju with his cute bunny grin taking

tons of pictures.

"That actually sounds really nice! I have never been to Jeju either, but I would love to go."

Taehyung replied.

They continued talking for some time and felt like they had really leaned a lot about eachother.

゚・。°*. ゚ Jungkook POV ゚・。°*. ゚

They had talked for a couple of hours before Taehyung said he had to go and he hoped he could

text later. Jungkook felt so happy to have the chance to see the other in person even though it was

hard to hide his blushes.

He felt so happy, and like he could do anything. It also made Jungkook thought more about his

dreams to go to Jeju Island. The more he thought about it the more he felt like he has never done

anything exciting in his life because of his illness.

His illness has made him a prisoner, and he would continue being a prisoner for the rest of his life.

That thought made his stomach flip. He wanted to experience things, to have memories outside of

his white walls.

He knew being in the world could kill him, but this wasn't living it was surviving. He wanted more,

more out of life. That evening he knew that it was time, time to do something drastic. So he called

his hyungs and told them what he wanted to do.

"Jungkookie, do you realize what you want to do? I mean you could get really hurt! I don't think

this is a good idea." Jin said worried.

"Hyung, the doctors said I wouldn't live as long as I have. I have had many years but nothing to

show for it. I have never done anything I dreamed of doing. How is that living? I don't want to my

only memories to be of this house." Jungkook said almost crying.

"I know why you want this Jungkookie, but are you sure?" Hobi asked.

"I have never been more sure! It's time!" Jungkook replied confidently.

"Well, there is no way in hell you are going alone!" Jimin replied.

"What?" Jungkook asks suprised.

"We are going with you!" Jimin says.

All the hyungs agree and plan to cancel anything they have going on for the next week.

"You guys don't have to do this!" Jungkook said shyly.

"We want to be with you, and if anything happens we will all be there! We don't want you to go

through this alone Jungkookie! Please let us do this for you!" Namjoon says.

"Yes and we will handle everything, so your mom won't suspect anything!" Yoongi chimed in.

"Oh, and there is one more thing." Jungkook said making his hoodie sleeves into paws over his


"I want to bring Taehyung."

The video chat went silent for a moment, each hyung beginning to smile a little.

"You want to bring your cute neighbor crush with you?" Jimin asked.

"He is just a friend but yes!" Jungkook replied slightly blushing.

"We will buy him a ticket, can you take care of telling him?" Jin asks.

"Yes!" Jungkook replied happily.

"Ok so we will see you soon Jungkookie!" Jin replied smiling.

Jungkook said goodbye to his hyungs and happily giggled to himself. He could not believe he

would finally be free. The fact that he could possibly kill himself by doing this, wasn't enough to

deter his plans. He had lived this long and was grateful but he wanted more.

He sat by his window hoping to see Taehyung and tell him the news. The curtains were closed, so

Jungkook took out his phone and sent a message instead.

( 📲)

Jungkook: "Taehyung are you free to talk for a minute?"

Taehyungie: "Miss me already?"

Jungkook: "Lol! Oh definitely I have been crying for hours!"

Taehyung: "lol! What's up Jungkookie?"

Jungkook: "I want to ask you a favor!"

After his last text Jungkook saw the curtain of Taehyung's window open to reveal a sleepy looking

Taehyung. Jungkook giggled at how cute sleepy Taehyung was.

( 📲)

Taehyung: "Of course! What is it?"

Jungkook: "Go on a trip with me?"

Taehyung looked at him in shock.

(📲 )

Taehyung: "what do you mean?"

Jungkook: " I'm taking a trip, and I want you to come with me!"

Taehyung: "But how? Why? When? Where???"

Jungkook: "Lol! I don't want to live like this. I want to see some of the world no matter what that

might mean for me. I want to make memories!! Please, will you come?"

Jungkook looked toward Taehyung with hopeful eyes waiting as the other watches in confusion.


Taehyung: "Are you sure you want to risk it?"

Jungkook: "I have to! I'm going crazy in here, and I want to be with the people I care


Taehyung: "Then let's do it! So what's the plan?"

Jungkook smiled and laughed a little. It was really happening! Jungkook called Taehyung and

explained everything while the other listened carefully. They needed up talking for several hours,

and Jungkook eventually fell asleep listening to the sound of Taehyung's voice.

゚・。°*. ゚Taehyung POV ゚・。°*. ゚

Taehyung could hear the shallow breathes of Jungkook sleeping on the other end of the call. He smiled to himself. He had been telling Jungkook stories about all the places he has lived. He knew

he could hang up, but he didn't want to.

Soon he too had fallen asleep, still connected to the call. Something about the sound of Jungkook's sleepy breathing had made him fall asleep as well.