Chapter 4: Time Stands Still

゚・。°*. ゚Jungkook's POV ゚・。°*. ゚

Jungkook had not wasted any time before gathering his belongings together and packing for his

trip. His mom was going to be home late again, which gave him plenty of time to hide his suitcase.

His nerves were on fire, he couldn't believe he was actually going to do this.

He had never thought he would have the courage until he heard Taehyung talking about all the

places he had lived. Hearing all the places out there that he had never seen, only made him more

determined. He didn't want to lie to his mom, but he knew she would never agree to this plan.

He had to do this, do something, anything! He saw his digital clock turn to eight he heard the

sound of his mom entering the house. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. Then he turned

his attention to his laptop and tried to study for his finals. He could hear his mother's foot steps on

the stairs, and he let out one more breathe to steady his racing heart.

"Jungkook? Are you still awake?" Came his mom's voice right before she appeared in the door


Jungkook closed his eyes tight once before turning his attention to his mom.

"Yeah I am just doing a last look over my notes for my finals. I think I might stay up and try to

finish them tonight actually." Jungkook said with a smile, trying his best not to give anything away.

His mom watched him for a moment.

"Are you sure? There is still time right?" She asks.

"The teacher will post it tonight. It isn't due until tomorrow by noon but since it's up early I kind of

just want to finish it. That way everything is still fresh in my mind." Jungkook replied shuffling

some papers on his desk.

"Ok well still try not to stay up too late. I'm pretty tired so I am going to head to bed early." She

says turning and walking away.

Jungkook felt his chest feel less tight and he let out a breathe he didn't realize he was holding in.

He wasn't very good at lying to his mom. There was never really anything he had to keep from her

until recently. He had decided to finish his final exams early so everything was done before his trip.

He didn't want to set off any alarms that would have anyone contacting his mom before she

realized he is gone. The truth was he had finished his finals a couple of hours ago, and his teachers

all confirmed they had received them. They would contact him in a week with his final results and

the process of his completion of school would be done at that time.

He had written two letters. One for Sophie to explain everything to her and how to contact him if she needed to. He provided her with the number to a prepaid cell phone he had bought. He didn't

tell her where he was going, because he didn't want her to have to lie of anyone asked.

He knew this all seemed extreme, but his mom knew a lot of people. People who could find him

and bring him back if they found out where he was going. So even though it seemed like a crazy

plan, he felt it had to be this way.

The second letter was to his mom.

It was as follows:


Hi Mom,

When you see this letter I will have already been gone for a few hours. I'm sorry I didn't ask you to

go, but I need this. I need to make memories, to do something more with my life.

Because mom it is my life. You have kept me alive all these years and I am grateful, but I want


More than these same walls and windows and doors. I want to be outside, to breathe the fresh air.

So if this trip is the last thing I ever do, then I think it's worth the risk if it means being free.

I am so sorry for hurting you but I need to do this. So please don't look for me. Don't worry I am

not alone and my hyungs are going to take care of me I promise. I am leaving my phone and

computer because I won't need them where I am going.

I need some time and space mom, I'm sorry but I need to do this on my own. I hope one day you

can forgive me!

Love you Mom!

Your son

That night his stomach was full of anxiety making it hard to settle and sleep. He mostly tossed and

turned all night, struggling with excitement and guilt. It was as if someone sensed how uneasy he

was feeling because soon he got a notification on his phone.

( 📲)

Taehyung: "Hey! I know tomorrow is a really big deal for you! It's one of the biggest risks you

have ever taken, but I promise it will be worth it when you get to finally see the world. So don't

feel too guilty, and just try to let yourself be happy. Ok?"

Jungkook: "Thanks hyung! I am really scared but I am ready! And I will have all my hyungs with

me, so there is nothing I can't do!"

Taehyung: " And we will take good care of you, just make sure to let us know as soon as you don't

feel well, ok?"

Jungkook: "I will, I promise!....hyung?"

Taehyung: "hm?"

Jungkook: "Thanks for doing this with me!"

Taehyung: "There is nowhere I would rather be Jungkookie! Try and sleep, see you in the morning!

Good night! "

Jungkook: "good night taehyungie hyung!"

(📲 End)

Eventually Jungkook felt his eyes get heavy and he was able to drift off to sleep. He felt the twists

of nerves settle and he was able to sleep peacefully, until slots of sun light peaked into his room a

few hours later.

When a stream of sunlight had filled his room hitting the side of his face, causing them to feel

warm, he started to wake up. He blinked a couple of times, stretching and letting out a sigh. A

smile began to form when he realized that today was the day he was finally going on this life

changing trip.

He sat up looking around for a moment and reminding himself that this was all still a good idea.

He switched on his prepaid phone, and cleared his personal phone setting it to it's factory settings.

He quickly showered and got dressed and checked the time. It was 7:30 and his hyungs were going

to arrive at 8, so he checked his suitcase again to be sure he had everything.

He decided to pack some hand sanitizer and gloves, just in case he felt the need to use such things.

He didn't want to over think but as a precaution. Once he was sure that he had everything he

brought his bags down and left his two letters on the dining table.

A notification appeared on his new phone telling him that Taehyung was waiting outside. He

turned and took one last look at his home before slipping his shoes on and opening the door. This

time he hesitated before opening the last door between him and the outside.

The last time he was only thinking about Taehyung and didn't realize what he was doing, but this

time it was different. He hesitated but looked up and saw Taehyung turn the corner of the fence

and stood waiting with a smile for Jungkook to take that last step. Jungkook swallowed down his

last fears and opened the door slowly, and stepped out.

The soft breeze of the early morning brushed against his face sending goosbumps down his arms.

It was a cool breeze but it also smelled fresh, carrying the smell of the wet earth thanks to the light

rain the night before. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, and stood on the steps of his house

for a minute.

All his senses were overwhelmed the second he stood in the world outside of his prison. This was

what the outside world was like? The warmth from the sun, the smell of grass in the air, and the

freedom he felt brought a big smile to his face.

゚・。°*. ゚ Taehyung's POV ゚・。°*. ゚

Taehyung had not thought much about his surroundings when he would leave the house every day.

He was used to all these sensations that he didn't pay attention to the small things any more. He

didn't take the time to appreciate the beauty of each day.

As he stood watching Jungkook take in everything around him, he realized how beautiful the world

really was and how much he had missed. He watched a smile form on Jungkook's face as he looked

up to the sky and watched the scene around him. Even though this all happened in a matter of

moments, it felt as if time had slowed and he was frozen.

He couldn't look away, he stood watching the sun trace around Jungkook's face giving a beautiful

glow. He was glad Jungkook was too distracted to see him just admiring the younger's features.

The moment soon based when the sound of a car horn rang and disturbed the scene that was


Jungkook lowered his head and smiled to see the large SUV carrying his hyungs park in front of his

house. The windows rolled down and they all waved and filled out to let Jungkook and Taehyung


Jimin rushed toward Jungkook, hesitating for just a moment in front of the younger. His eyes were

slightly tearing up seeing Jungkook standing in front of him. He didn't hold back for long before

grabbing Jungkook and squeezing him tightly in a hug. The scene only grew when the other

hyungs rushed toward the two joining in the hug.

They all laughed and smiled as they held the youngest, and Taehyung could only smile seeing

them all look so happy. Then a hand was reaching out for him pulling him toward the group to join

the hug as well.

゚・。°*. ゚Jungkook's POV ゚・。°*.

Feeling all his hyung's around him was the best feeling Jungkook had ever experienced. He had

never felt as loved and cared about as he did having all his closest friends holding him. They were

all giggling and squeezing him, and saying how happy they were to finally be together like this.

He saw Taehyung watching them so he stepped forward a little grabbing the other by the arm and

pulling him into the hug as well. One last squeeze and they agreed they better get going. So they

loaded everything into the SUV and headed toward the airport.

Jimin was especially clingy to Jungkook on the verge of crying several times.

"Hyung you don't have to hold onto me so tight, we have a whole week to be together don't worry!"

Jungkook said to Jimin teasing.

"I know! I just can't believe you are here with us!!! I'm so excited!" Jimin says grabbing the

younger giving him a good dqueeze.

"Don't be too mad Jungkookie, you know how emotional Jimin is!" Yoongi said from the far back


"Yeah, Jungkookie it's sti so hard to believe you are outside with us, so don't be too mad if we are a

little clingy!" Jin added.

"You are our little baby bun! And we finally get to hang out with you in person, we are all a little

emotional! Even yoongi hyung, even if he won't admit it!" Namjoon added.

"I am really happy to be with you all too, but I'm gonna have a few bruises of these tight hugs keep

happening!" Jungkook replied sarcastically.

They went back and forth about all they had planned for Jungkook on this trip and he couldn't stop

smiling. He still couldn't believe he was out, and with the people who make him feel like the most

special person in the world. He felt safe and excited to see all that his hyungs had to show him.

After about an hour of driving the arrived at the airport, and payed for their parking. Jimin

wouldn't let go of Jungkook now intertwining their arms acting like a security guard to Jungkook.

Which only made Jungkook giggle, he had a feeling his hyungs were going to baby him quite a bit

on this trip. He didn't mind though, it was actually the most attention he had ever gotten before.

He thought back for a moment while the hyungs unloaded the bags, about the last time his mom

his mom was affectionate with him. It was hard to remember a time when she had been. Being a

doctor she knew how to push her feelings aside to focus on her job, and because of Jungkook's

condition he was pretty much just another patient.

His mom had never been very motherly toward him, so he had no idea that this is what it felt like to

be cared for I this way. It warmed his heart to feel how much his hyungs cared about him, and he

was happy to let them baby him if that made them happy. He reached for his bag and was stopped

when Taehyung took it for him instead.

"Oh, before we go in let's make proper introductions!" Jin said coming around the side of the car

from the driver's seat.

"Sorry Taehyung, we were so excited to see Jungkookie we didn't properly introduce ourselves!"

"Oh don't worry, I understand! It was a very emotional moment!" Taehyung said smiling.

"It was but still it was rude of us! So my name is Seokjin and that is Namjoon my boyfriend. That

over there is Yoongi and Hoseok and the one attacked to Jungkookie is Jimin!" Jin said happily.

"Hi everyone! I am Taehyung. Neighbor." He said a little awkwardly.

They all talked at once welcoming him to the group and shaking hands before turning to go into the

airport. As they were walking Jungkook and Jimin ended up walking behind the others talking


"So that is your neighbor? I mean he looks better in person!" Jimin replied jokingly.

"Hyung!" Jungkook said blushing.

"What? It's true! you like him?" Jimin asks nudging Jungkook with his elbow.

Jungkook felt his face grow warm and turn slightly pink.

"I mean, I don't not like him. He is really nice!" He replied shyly.

This just made Jimin giggle at him and poke him in the side making the younger grow more


゚・。°*. ゚ Taehyung's POV ゚・。°*. ゚

Taehyung turned when he heard Jungkook let out a slight help and smiled watching the two friends

giggling together. He was happy to see Jungkook already looking so happy and enjoykng his


"Sorry about Jimin, he is really affectionate with his friends and he loves Jungkook a lot!" Jin said

quietly walking along side Taehyung.

Taehyung just smiled turning his attention to in front of him, pulling his and Jungkook's bags along

each side of him.

"Jimin was the first one to meet Jungkook actually. He introduced us to Jungkook actually. They

met on Twitter actually. I don't know the whole story but some how they noticed they had a lot in common and started talking. We were all already friends and when Jimin told us about Jungkook

we felt bad for the boy. So Jimin asked if one day we could video chat with him so he could

introduce him to some more people. Jungkook was shy at first but we all grew really close. This is

the first time they have ever been together like this and I think it's been hard for both of them." Jin

said with a soft look on his face.

"Wow, that's really great that Jungkook happened to meet Jimin, now he has such great friends."

Taehyung replied lowering his head a little.

"I just don't want you to feel left out. Jungkook has been some hard times and has had to deal with

them mostly on his own until he met Jimin. We are all very protective of him because of all he has

to deal with. But I can tell you are special to him too, so I hope you get to know him better on this

trip. He is a really good person!" Jin adds proudly.

"I would like that, he is special to me too." Taehyung replied a little embarrassed.

"I'm glad to hear that! He deserves to be happy, even if it's for only a short time. I can't think of a

single person in this world who deserves to be happy then him. He is one of the best people I have

come to know." Jin added turning and smiling at the younger.

Taehyung glanced up at the elder as he watched the two younger giggling and laughing. It was

strange for Taehyung too to see how much this group cared for Jungkook. They loved him a lot

and it was obvious in the best way. It was endearing the way they talked about the youngest. Soon

Hobi wrapped his arms around Jungkook as well ruffling his hair.

Taehyung smiled listening to Jungkook's little giggles and laughing. It had to be the sweetest and

most innocent sound he had ever heard. Just pure joy without holding back, the kind of thing that

could warm the coldest heart.

They filed into the terminal making their way through security without any trouble and gathering

on the other side. Taehyung was the last to walk through and was trying to slip his shoes back on

when Jungkook walked toward him.

"Hey! I'm really sorry that my hyungs are kind of stealing all my attention. They are kind of

excited!" Jungkook said apologeticly.

Taehyung stood straight and smiled at the younger.

"Don't worry about it Jungkookie! They love you a lot and this is the first time you guys are all

together, they have a lot of affection to make up for!" Taehyung said jokingly.

This made Jungkook giggle shyly.

"Yeah honestly it all feels surreal, I am not used to getting this much attention! I guess I have to get

used to it. But I'm really happy to be with you all!" Jungkook says.

"I am just happy you included me!" Taehyung replied.

"I am really glad you came too! I hope you don't get into too much trouble!" Jungkook said getting

a little sad.

Taehyung's eyebrows furrowed seeing the younger get sad suddenly. He reached out for

Jungkook's hands taking them into his own.

"Hey! Don't worry ok! Everything is fine! Don't worry about anything, ok? Let's just enjoy our

trip!" Taehyung said reassuringly.

Jungkook lifted his head and smiled. Taehyung laughed softly and gave Jungkook's hands a quick squeeze before grabbing his backpack and pulling the other back over to the others.

"Come on! It's time to catch our plane!" He says rejoining the others.

゚・。°*. ゚ Jungkook's POV ゚・。°*. ゚

Soon they were all seated on the plane and talking happily amongst themselves. Jungkook was

seated next to Taehyung and Jimin. One on each side of him, he was too scared to take the window

seat. This was his first time flying and he wasn't sure how he would feel, so he thought it would be

safe to sit in the middle.

Namjoon and Jin sat together and Hobi and Yoongi sat together. Jimin was leaning over the seat

talking with Hobi and laughing about something.

Jungkook felt his nerves growing now that he was on the plane. He never really was afraid of

anything but that had been because he never did anything like this. He started running his hands

down his legs trying to calm himself. Then he saw Taehyung reach over and take his hand.

"Hey don't worry, just hold my hand ok?" Taehyung said smiling.

He held on to Jungkook's hand and his phone in the other. Jungkook smiled shyly to himself and

sat further back in his seat hoping the thing would just swallow him so no one could see how much

he was blushing. Taehyung softly brushed his thump along the side of Jungkook's hand trying to

keep the younger calm.

The motion made Jungkook feel safe and soon his nerves were almost completely gone, and it was

time for the flight to take off. Jimin took his other hand and not long after take off, Jungkook felt

his eyes get heavy and he fell asleep.