Chapter 5: Too Soon

゚・。°*. ゚Jungkook's POV ゚・。°*. ゚

The flight had gone better than he expected thanks to the fact that he slept for most of it. When they arrived Jungkook stood and looked around at the green everywhere, it was so beautiful. The air smelled sweet and the colors of flowers along the fields they passed were the brightest colors he had ever seen.

He was too shy to ask to stop by a field of yellow flowers as they passed, but with one look Jin knew to pull over and let Jungkook out. They watched him wander through the high grasses and flowers, as he stopped and took as many pictures as he could.

All the hyungs watched and giggled seeing how excited Jungkook was and soon he was dragging them one by one into the field to take pictures of them. Of course they didn't argue because it was their sweet Jungkookie asking. Even grumpy Yoongi gave in to his puppy eyes and posed with Jimin, and even smiled!

"Jungkookie give me the camera, we have to get you in a few pictures too!" Jimin yelled from his spot next to Yoongi in the field.

"Oh no I like talking the pictures hyung!" Jungkook said feeling shy.

"This is your special trip, we have to have pictures of you as well! Come on, all of you stand with Jungkookie!" Jimin said pushing everyone closer to Jungkook.

Taehyung took a place on one side of Jungkook. He hesitated for a moment but decided to slip his arm around Jungkook's waist as Hobi wrapped his arms around Jungkook's shoulder. The arm wrapped around his waist brought a slight pink tint to his face as we cleared his throat turning to smile for the picture.

Once the had taken around a hundred pictures, they loaded into the car again to head to the house they were staying in for their week trip. The house was a good size and had three bedrooms.

"How do we want to decide the room arrangements?" Asked Yoongi when they had all gathered in the living room.

"Well obviously Namjoon and I will share a room ,seeing as we are a couple and all." Jin said sarcastically.

"Ok well how will us single people split up?" Yoongi said rolling his eyes.

"I think you, Jimin, and I can share! So Jungkookie and Taehyung can share the third room! What do you think Jungkookie?" Asked Hobi with a big grin.

Jungkook looked wide eyed at his hyung and tried to reply but no words came out.

"I think that's a good idea! I'm sure everyone will feel the most comfortable that way!" Jin said before the silence got too awkward.

Jungkook looked down at his hands as the hyungs finished discussing what the plans for the rest of the day were. He had never shared a room with anyone for obvious reasons, and now he had to share a room with the the boy he had been crushing on for weeks.

The group broke up as each one grabbed their bags and headed to their rooms. The sound of Hobi laughing as the three in his group entered their room to discover a small couch and one full bed. The three were wrestling to see who would sleep in the comfy bed!

Jungkook a d Taehyung opened the door to their room to find yet another single bed. Jungkook wondered what possessed Jin to rent a house with single beds one every room. Taehyung seemed unbothered by the fact that there was only one bed, and began unpacking a few of his things.

Jungkook paused not sure what to do. He hadn't know Taehyung that long, at least not long enough to share a bed with him.

"Um, if it's too weird sharing a bed I can sleep on the couch in the living room." Taehyung said noticing how uncomfortable Jungkook seemed.

Jungkook felt guilty then, he didn't want Taehyung to sleep on a lumpy couch for a week.

"Oh no! It's ok, I have just never shared a room let alone a bed with someone before! This trip has a lot of firsts for me! I actually don't know if I mind it or not, I guess we just have to wait and see!" Jungkook replied smiling shyly.

Taehyung smirked and returned to looking through his bag. Jungkook followed and began unpacking his bag as well. He noticed the bottle of medicine he had packed. He took it in his hand and thought if maybe it would be a good idea to stop taking them.

He wanted to see if he was really sick, and he thought that would mean not having any help. So he decides to take a break from the pills during this trip. It was dangerous he knew but he needed to be sure.

"So what do you want to do on this trip?" Taehyung said sitting on the bed.

"Um, I want to do everything! Whatever it is I want to try it! I want to make the most of this trip just in case it's my..." Jungkook's voice trails off before he can finish what he was about to say.

He cleared his throat and finished unpacking. He could feel the moment get a little tense after what he almost said. He wanted to stay positive during this trip but he couldn't forget the fact that it could be the thing that kills him.

"Jungkook?" Taehyung says waiting to get the other's attention.

Jungkook turned and sat on the other side of the bed.

"Hm?" He replied.

"I know how dangerous this all can be for you. Please tell me the minute you don't feel well, ok? Don't pretend like you are fine if you aren't. Please." Taehyung said sadly.

"I will! I don't want to worry any of you, but I don't want to scare you either. So if I feel unwell I will tell you! I promise!" Jungkook said confidently.

They gave eachother soft smiles and turned away both feeling a little shy. A moment later Jimin comes in smiling and taking Jungkook by the hand pulling him out of the room with him.

"Hyung where are you taking me?" Jungkook asked laughing a little.

"Let's go walk and see what's near by!" Jimin said happily.

"What about the others?" Jungkook asked.

"Everyone! Me and Jungkookie are going to explore, anyone want to come?" Jimin yells stopping for a moment.

"I will go too!" Taehyung said.

The rest of the hyungs grunted and groaned from their seats too busy in their own world's to pay the younger ones any attention.

"Ok then! See you later!" Jimin yells continuing to pull Jungkook behind him.

They step back outside and walk toward the street before Jimin let's go of Jungkook.

"So which way should we go?" He asks.

Jungkook turns to Taehyung with a questioning look, but the other only shrugged his shoulders.

"I think we should do some shopping!! There was some shops not far from here, close enough to walk! Shall we go?" Jimin asks excited.

The two younger ones smile and nod in agreement.

The three younger boys laughed and enjoyed their time shopping, and carried bags of their new clothes back to the house and collapsed on the couch.

"Did you guys buy something from every shop?" Yoongi asked huffing.

"There is a slight possibility that yes we did!" Jimin replied proudly.

"Well just remember we have like 6 more days here and you only have so much room in your suit case!" He said with a smirk.

He wouldn't say it out loud, but he was happy to see the younger boys enjoying their time so far.

"Jin hyung is cooking dinner now! I'm sure you guys are really hungry." Yoongi said keeping his eyes on his phone.

"Yes! We are starving, I'm going to go see what hyung is cooking!" Jimin said jumping up and running up the stairs to put his stuff away.

Taehyung also stood and made his way to the room he was sharing with Jungkook. Jungkook let out a sigh and began standing when he felt dizzy for a moment. He hadn't stood up yet, so when he paused for a second it was barely noticeable.

Yoongi though did notice and his eyes peered over the top of his phone. He lifted an eyebrow, and watched Jungkook for a second. He didn't want to make a fuss and worry the others if there was nothing seriously wrong with Jungkook.

The younger remained seated shutting his eyes tightly several times until he felt the dizziness pass. Once he felt his vision stabilize, he stood and walked slowly toward his room. Yoongi watched him walk away, observing his every move until he was out of sight.

Jungkook still felt a little off when he began putting away his new clothes. He felt slightly short of breath and a little dizzy again, but he did not want to say anything because he didn't want to worry his hyungs just yet. He decided to just ignore the feeling he was having and try to focus on other things.

Taehyung had his back turned to Jungkook when the younger spoke up.

"Did you let your family know you came on this trip with me?" Jungkook asked.

"I told my mom and she told me to enjoy my time away." Taehyung replied still turned away.

"Will she be ok without you?" Jungkook asked softly.

This made Taehyung turn and look at the younger. Jungkook lowered his eyes when Taehyung turned and looked at him. He didn't want to pry but he was worried about Taehyung's dad hurting Taehyung's mom or sister if he isn't there. These thoughts made him feel guilty for taking Taehyung away, just to spend a shirt time together.

゚・。°*. ゚ Taehyung's POV ゚・。°*. ゚

Taehyung could tell Jungkook felt guilty for asking him to come after hearing the question leave his mouth. He could see that Jungkook was genuinely worried for his family. He smiled.

"She is visiting my aunt this week, so she and my sister will be ok without me. This was a good time for all of us to get away for a little while, my dad is working a part time job out of town." Taehyung replied.

Jungkook nodded his head. "Oh."

He went silent not wanting to talk about something that might be too sensitive to discuss. Taehyung, though, could see that Jungkook had a lot of questions. So he decided to explain the situation a bit more.

"My mom wants to leave him, but she says it's too hard when she has to face him. I have told her many times that we should leave. This is kind of the perfect timing, and I am sure she doesn't plan on going back. If she for sure decides to stay with my aunt, I will go and get our stuff." Taehyung says returning to unpacking his new stuff.

"So you guys would live with your aunt?" Jungkook asks trying not to sound too sad.

"Yeah for a little while until we can find a place of our own." Taehyung replied.

"Where does she live?" Jungkook asked trying to sound casual.

Taehyung paused and swallowed the knot in his throat.

"She lives in Busan." He replies his mouth feeling dry.

He knew moving in with his aunt meant saying goodbye to Jungkook. He hadn't want to tell the other until the trip was over, but he didn't want to keep it from him either. The silence filling the room felt cold and hurt more than Taehyung had expected.

Jungkook had stopped moving almost frozen when he heard what Taehyung had just said. He didn't know how to respond and he didn't want the tears filling his eyes to fall in front of the other.

Taehyung didn't turn around, he couldn't see Jungkook's face right now. He knew the boy would be hurt and sad and he couldn't see that something he has done would hurt him.

゚・。°*. ゚Jungkook's POV ゚・。°*. ゚

Hearing Taehyung say that he would go to live with his aunt as well made Jungkook's heart hurt. He had grown attached to Taichung, and had grown to really care for him. As much as he wanted to be selfish and ask Taehyung not to leave, he knew he had a responsibility to take care of his family. So he held back tears and after composing himself, he forced a smile.

"I think if your mom is brave enough to take this chance to be happy again, then it's something to celebrate! You all can start over and not have to worry!" Jungkook replied.

"You think so?" Taehyung asked turning now to look at Jungkook, who had his head down avoiding eye contact.

"Yeah I do! But that means we have to make this trip extra special since you will be leaving after, and we won't see each other again." Jungkook replied.

Taehyung felt the same pull at his chest as Jungkook. Even though they had not said anything, there was something between them and it would not be easy to just say goodbye. He didn't want to say goodbye, because it sounded so final.

"We can still talk Jungkookie, no matter how far away I am I will always be there for you!" Taehyung said sitting on the bed trying to look at Jungkook's reaction.

"That's true!" Jungkook said smiling and turning to put his bag away.

He stood there for a minute. Maybe Taehyung only thought of himself as another friend to Jungkook and as nothing more. Jungkook lowered his head thinking that maybe that was why it was so easy for him to just leave.

He didn't want to let Taehyung see him unhappy, but holding back his cries also brought back that shortness of breathe he had felt earlier. His hand instinctively reached to his chest as he felt a tightness come on. He let out soft unstable breathes as the tightness grew. 'What's happening?' He thought to himself.