Chapter 6: Time...

゚・。°*. ゚ Jungkook POV ゚・。°*. ゚

Jungkook felt the dizziness returning and he reached out a hand to steady himself as he sat on the bed. Taehyung immediately stood and rushed to the other side of he bed kneeling next to Jungkook.

"Jungkook what is it? Are you ok?" Taehyung said almost panicking from concern.

Jungkook kept taking in quick short breathes feeling the tightness in hi chest get worse. Taehyung watched him for a moment and realized that Jungkook must be having a panic attack. He let out a sigh of slight relief. His concern was not gone but he had an idea of how he could help.

"Jungkookie, listen ok? You are having a panic attack. Everything will be fine, ok? Just focus on my voice and try to take some slow breathes." Taehyung said these words softly and reached and softly took Jungkook's hands in his own.

Jungkook began to breathe in and out slowly raising his eyes and noticing Taehyung's gaze on him. Now not only was his chest tight but his stomach was in knots seeing the gaze on him. He dropped his eyes and his face flushed a soft pink, but soon he began to feel more like himself. Once he had calmed down he expected Taehyung to let go of his hands, but he still holds them gently.

"How do you feel now?" Taehyung asked softly.

Jungkook looked up at him and forced a small smile.

"Yes I am feeling better…thank you." Jungkook said as his breathing became easier.

"Stay here a minute I am going to get you a glass of water, ok?" Taehyung said standing and heading to the door.

Jungkook sat quietly waiting pressing his thumb a little too hard along the side of his hand as he thinks back on what happened. It was embarrassing and he hoped Taehyung didn't think it was because of him leaving. Before he could think much more about all he was feeling, Taehyung retuned with a bowl and a glass.

"I told the hyungs that you are tired and need some rest right now. Jin hyung made this rameyon for you, and told me to keep an eye on you! I hope that's ok!" Taehyung said smiling

"Yes that's ok, thank you hyung." Jungkook replied.

He sat back against the head of the bed and ate until he was happily full and now sleepy. He didn't realize how much he had done in his first day would effect him so much, but it was more than he had done before, and realized he might have to take things a bit slower. There were still many more adventures ahead and he didn't want to ruin the trip having to stop and rest every time they did something. So he took the afternoon to rest but told himself he wouldn't let it happen again. What he really surprised him was when Taehyung sat down in the bed right next to him and got comfortable.

"So do you want to watch a movie or something?" Taehyung asked turning on the TV in the room.

"Uh….sure!" Jungkook replied.

゚・。°*. ゚ Taehyung POV ゚・。°*. ゚

Taehyung still felt worried about what Jungkook had experienced earlier. He knew this was all a lot for him, and was overwhelming him. There was still a chance that this episode was something small leading to a bigger illness, so Taehyung decided not to let Jungkook out of his sight. There was still a long trip ahead and he didn't want to worry the others yet, so he decided to silently observe the other in case his condition became more severe.

"So what kinds of movies do you like?" Taehyung asks.

"hmm….I like super hero films a lot! Like Iron Man!!" Jungkook said happily.

"OK let me see what they have here….oh yeah they have the Iron Man films! Should we watch them all?" Taehyung asked smirking.

Jungkook happily shook his head with a big smile on his face and lifting his arms into a cute little excited clap. Another among the many cute habits Taehyung had noticed after meeting Jungkook.

They sat quietly watching the movie, once in a while hearing laughing and loud conversations from outside their room.

"I think the hyungs have been drinking a little!" Jungkook said jokingly.

"It sounds like they have been drinking a lot!" Taehyung replied.

Jungkook laughed a little. "Did you want to go join them? I'm much better now, so I can stay alone for a bit!"

"No I actually am really comfortable right now and I don't want to get up! Plus I'm really getting into this movie!!" Taehyung said turning to Jungkook flashing a cheesy grin.

Jungkook smiled shyly feeling his cheeks flush again, which seemed to happen a lot around Taehyung. So they just lay there watching the movie and feeling more and more sleepy. Occasionally their arms would brush but neither one would pull away or move their arm. Jungkook had one hand resting in between him and Taehyung while the other held a pillow against his chest. Taehyung could tell he was really into the film and his doe eyes grew into surprise when a really intense scene would appear. Taehyung hadn't realized that he had been watching the other for most of the movie until he noticed the ending was near.

He had been also looking down at Jungkook's hand trying to build the courage to reach over and hold it. He still wasn't too sure how the other felt about him and he didn't want to over step and mess up what they had now. As the movie ended and the started the next, he felt a strong pull more than before to just take the other's hand. So he rested his hand right next to Jungkook's letting their arms brush against each other. After a couple of minutes he moved their hands closer together and the hands barely touch, but his heart starts racing.

He doesn't know why he is so scared, but when Jungkook turns his hand over he found his hand fits perfectly in the others. He felt his ears and face heat up and his heart race as a small smile forms on his face. Neither one of them looks at the other because they were too nervous, but the moment was perfect. Soon they had drifted off to sleep still holding on to each other.

゚・。°*. ゚ Jungkook POV ゚・。°*. ゚

Jungkook had not realized he had fallen asleep until whispers coming from the doorway woke him up. He opened one eye slightly to see what was going on, and he saw Jimin and Hobi holding their phone through the door and giggling. He was confused by why they were taking pictures of him while he slept, he knew they thought he was cute but this was a little much. He tried to move and felt an extra weight on him. He looked down and saw Taehyung clinging onto him, arms wrapped around him sleeping peacefully. Now he could see why his hyungs were taking pictures of them.

Now that Jungkook had realized what was going on he tried his best not to move, even worried about breathing too hard because he didn't want to wake the other. He flashed his hyungs a shy look and waved them away. Once the door was closed again and no one was watching, Jungkook reached over and brushed some hair out of Taehyung's face before wrapping his arms around him. Once he had his arms around Taehyung's waist he felt the other tighten his grip and cuddle closer to him.

Jungkook giggled a little to himself because Taehyung looked so small and cute cuddled up to him, and it had to be the cutest thing he had ever seen. He took his own phone out an snapped a few selfies to show Taehyung later before browsing twitter for a little bit. About an hour passed before Taehyung started to wake up. He moved slowly lifting his head further up Jungkook's chest until he was looking up toward Jungkook's face. When he opened his eyes he saw Jungkook's side profile and smiled, before he realized what he was doing. He looked down at his arms wrapped around Jungkook and panic set in.

He was about to pull away, but Jungkook grabbed his arm before he could causing him to look back up again.

"Good morning hyung!" Jungkook said looking down at him with a sweet smile.

Taehyung felt his stomach flip and he blushed looking away.

"Uh, morning Jungkookie…did we sleep like this the whole night?" he asked shyly.

"Yes!" Jungkook replied with a little laugh.

"I am so sorry! I forgot to tell you that I am a cuddler!" Taehyung said embarrassed.

"That's ok hyung! I didn't know I was one too until now!" Jungkook replied.

Taehyung laughed and hid his face in Jungkook's side as they cuddled more. Jungkook had never hugged someone like that before, and he could admit that he really liked it. It felt right, especially when the person he was cuddling with was Taehyung. They stayed like this for quite a bit longer talking and laughing together, not waning to let go.

"I really like cuddling with you hyung." Jungkook admitted shyly.

"I really like it too Jungkookie! Actually I really…"