Chapter 7: Daze

゚・。°*. ゚ Taehyung POV ゚・。°*. ゚

He hadn't really realized what he had said until the words had left his mouth and I was too late to take back. He had no excuse for the slip up, and had no idea how to distract Jungkook enough to forget what he had said. Was it too soon? He thought for sure he had messed up everything with those couple of words. He froze in Jungkook's embrace and waited to see how the younger would respond.

Jungkook was frozen as well, heart stopped, not breathing. Did he hear that right? Was he hearing things? Was he imagining it? He didn't know what to do or say because it was so unexpected, after what Taehyung had told him yesterday he did not expect to hear this. This could complicate things for sure. He had to be sure he heard right.

"Hyung…did you just say.." Before he could finish, Taehyung sat up pulling away from the other to sit up and face him properly.

"I'm so sorry Jungkookie! It just slipped out, I am so sorry." Taehyung said dropping his head and pouting.

"Hyung why are you sorry? Did you not mean it?" Jungkook asked.

"No, of course I mean it! But I didn't plan on saying anything because of the stuff going on with my family, and not being sure if I will be able to see you again after the trip. I didn't want to hurt you more by saying it." Taehyung slumped over hiding his face in his hands.

Jungkook didn't say anything for a couple of moments. He knew Taehyung was right, they might not see each other again after this week. He had never been in a situation like this before, so everything was new and confusing. Even though h knew it might be a mistake, he didn't want to keep anything from Taehyung.

"Hyung? Um…I really like you too!" he replied shyly.

Taehyung slowly moved his hands away to look at Jungkook, and saw the boy smiling and blushing like crazy which was adorable.

"You do?" Taehyung asked.

゚・。°*. ゚ Jungkook's POV ゚・。°*. ゚

Jungkook was not sure why he decided it was a good idea to say he liked Taehyung too considering the situation, but if this was the last time they would be able to be together in person for a while he wanted to make the most of it. Jungkook couldn't stop from blushing after his confession. The room got quiet as both of them became really shy and before another word could be said Jimin quickly opened the door tackling Jungkook on the bed.

"Morning Jungkookie!!! Let's do something fun today!" Jimin said happily squishing Jungkook's face.

"OK hyung what do you want to do?" Jungkook tried his best to say with his face still squished.

Jimin sat up and thought for a moment, sitting on the bed in between Jungkook and Taehyung.

"How about we go snorkeling?" Jimin suggested excitedly.

Jungkook's face lit up, "Yeah let's do that!!! I have always wanted to!"

"wait… can you swim Jungkookie?" Jimin asked concerned.

Jungkook laughed at the question.

"Yeah my mom had special at home lessons for me, it's a long story!" he replied.

"OK then let's go! First Jin hyung has breakfast ready, so come eat! Then we can go!" Jimin said pulling Jungkook out the door.

Breakfast was full of loud talking and laughing, something Jungkook had never experienced before. He had never smiled so much in his life. Every moment since he left his prison had been the happiest moments he has ever experienced. There was so much that he still had not seen and done, but what little he had was more than he could ever hope for. He was glad he brought back up storage for his camera because he wanted to remember everything.

When breakfast was over the group quickly changed and headed toward the docks where many boats were available to rent, with the option to dive. Which is where they headed, and excitement started to build inside Jungkook. There was slight fear because he had never done anything like this before, and he wasn't sure what to expect. He listened carefully as the instructor explained everything, and soon they were heading out to open water.

The motion of the boat on the ways was so calming, and several times Jungkook closed his eyes breathing in deeply and smiling as the warmth of he sun hit his face. The smell of the sea and the motion of the waves was enough to easily make him sleepy, but he was too excited to let that happen.

About half an hour later they had reached the corals off shore and anchored. The group began putting on all their gear just like how the instructor showed them, but Jungkook was having trouble with his mask. He repeatedly tried putting it on and get the right suction without success. He let out a frustrated sigh that caught Taehyungs attention, and he walked over to him.

"Do you need some help with that?" Taehyung asked smiling.

゚・。°*. ゚ Taehyung POV ゚・。°*. ゚

When he had heard Jungkook let out the sight, he knew this was a chance for him to get closer to the cute boy. He had stolen glances of him since breakfast this morning, but being with the hyungs made it kind of difficult to further their conversation from earlier. So he waited for an opening to talk to Jungkook or even be near him even for a short time. When he watched the younger struggle with his goggles, he knew this was a chance and he took it.

"Uh yes. Thank you!" Jugnkook replied dropping his eyes shyly.

Taehyung took the goggles from the younger and reached over his head to properly place the goggles on Jungkook's face. He adjusted it so it was on his face correctly, and smiled slightly at how cute the goggles made the other look. He let out a little laugh, which made Jungkook scrunch his nose inside the mask.

"Hey don't laugh! I don't think anyone could make these goggles look good!" Jungkook said with a pout.

This only made Taehyung laugh more, not because Jungkook looked funny but because the more he pouted the cuter he looked.

"Hyung stop laughing!" Jungkook cooed.

Taehyung smiled. "You look really cute Jungkookie!"

This made Jungkook shy away, and Taehyung turned and walked back to his previous spot.

゚・。°*. ゚ Jungkook's POV ゚・。°*. ゚

Jimin had spotted their little interaction and wasted not time rushing over and whispering to Jungkook.

"SO?" He asked nudging Jungkook.

"SO what?" Jungkook asked trying to play it cool.

"So….are you guys together now?" Jimin asked grinning.

"No hyung. We Just like each other, but we aren't a couple or anything. He is moving away soon, so I'm not sure what might happen after this trip." Jungkook replied.

Jimin's smile faded. "He is moving away? Why?"

"Family reasons, its not really my place to say." Jungkook said.

"I'm so sorry Jungkookie! That's sad. Are you ok?" Jimin asked concerned.

"Yeah, I'm fine hyung. I am just going to enjoy this trip the best I can and I will worry about all that after." Jungkook replied walking toward the others.

They spent most of the late morning swimming and diving, and Jungkook filled his go pro full of underwater video of his hyungs swimming and messing around. When afternoon rolled around they decided to run back to their rental house and change so they could go out and eat lunch. There was a nice restaurant near where they had rented the boat and Jin had seen they had pasta, so he definitely wanted to try it while they were there.

Lunch was delicious and they all ate to the point they thought they would explode. So when they finished eating the decided to go back to the rental and relax for a while and just play games or something.

For several days, the swam and enjoyed the beaches and the sun followed by stuffing themselves with yummy food. Jungkook and Taehyung didn't talk much more about their feelings after they had confessed. They pretty much quietly agreed to just enjoy this time together.

They found themselves waking up cuddling each other or holding hands and when watching a film together. That was all they could bring themselves to do, anything more seemed like dangerous territory. Anything more would make it harder to say goodbye. So they shared these few sweet moments and tried to keep things light and happy.

But as the days went on Jungkook was feeling less and less like himself. He wasn't sure what it was, but his energy was becoming less and less. He found he would need a nap in the afternoon pretty much everyday. He brushed it off to the fact that they were busy every day with one activity or another. His hyungs had planned a pretty full trip, and he still was not used to everything. So he didn't worry too much, until the day four. That morning he woke up with his arms wrapped around Taehyung yet again, and slowly tried to slip out of his grip without waking him.

Once free, he stood and immediately felt dizzy. He reached out for the closest piece of furniture to stabilize himself. He closed his eyes and tried to breathe slowly, but there it was again. The tightness in his chest. He clutched his shirt over his chest trying not to panic. Something was wrong and he wasn't sure if this time he could ignore it, because nothing was helping. He tried to walk toward the bathroom, but the dizziness worsened. His legs felt so heavy with each step and once inside the bathroom connected to his room, he felt his legs give way underneath him and he felt a sharp pain before everything went black.