Chapter 8: Hurt

゚・。°*. ゚ Taehyung's POV ゚・。°*. ゚

Sleep had not yet left Taehyung when the sound of a loud thump rang through the bathroom door and almost jolting Taehyung awake. He quickly sat up waiting to see if another sound would come from the room, like maybe Jungkook had only dropped something and there was no real need to panic.

"Jungkook?" he said loud enough for the other to be able to hear with out waking up the whole house.

He waited for a response. Nothing. The only thing he could hear was the sound of his heart beat picking up and worry setting in. He stood up quickly and rushed to the bathroom door. He knocked a couple of times and waited and when even calling Jungkook's name again didn't come with a response he opened the door.

His eyes widened and it felt like his heart dropped down to his stomach when he saw Jungkook lying unconscious on the floor with blood dripping down the side of his head.

"Jungkook? Oh my gosh! Jungkook what happened? Jungkook!!!!" Taehyung said panicking.

He had rushed in and knelt down next to Jungkook taking him into his arms trying to wake him. He felt his eyes stinging with tears as he kept calling Jungkook's name trying to get him to answer. The sound of his sobbing cries had alerted the hyungs and they rushed in soon after.

"Taehyung? Oh my god Jungkook! What happened??? What's wrong with him?" They said overlapping each other.

Taehyung felt like the wnd had been knocked out of him and struggled to answer them.

"I don't know, I found him like this! He wont answer me! And….and there is blood…" He said beginning to le tout his tears.

"Hello, yes we have an emergency. Our friend has collapsed and it looks like he hit his head." Yoongi said to the dispatcher on the other end of his phone call. "The paramedics are on their way!"

Jimin helped Taehyung cradle Jungkook softly trying not to move him too much as they waited for the sound of sirens. They didn't wait long before the sound could be heard and some sort of relief fell over the group. Several people rushed in after Yoongi had let them in, and they politely asked everyone to make room so they could examine Jungkook. They attached several machines to the boy trying to monitor his vitals. Worry came over them when they noticed Jungkook's pulse was weak. They quickly but carefully moved him to a gurney and took out to the ambulance.

"Someone can ride in front and the rest of you can meet us at the hospital." One of the men said as they rushed in the back.

Jin gave Taehyung a nod and Taehyung didn't hesitate to climb in the passenger seat and quickly the ambulance mad its way to the hospital.

Everything after seemed like a blur to Taehyung. The paramedics had rushed Jungkook inside leaving Taehyung alone and confused as to what he should do. One of the nurses walked over to ask him for information about Jungkook, but at first he had not heard a word. The panic had him totally zoned out.

"Sir? I need to ask you a few questions. I know this is hard but why don't you sit down here and try and catch your breathe." The nurse showed Taehyung into the waiting room and waited until he seemed calm enough to talk.

"Are you ok to answer some questions?" She asked nicely.

Taehyung just nodded his head.

"OK, can you tell me your friend's name?" She asked.

"Jeon Jungkook, he just turned 18." Taehyung said almost in tears again.

The nurse watched him for a moment with a little smile.

"Ok and do you know why he fainted?" She asked.

Taehyung shook his head before answering. "No. I don't know…I woke up when I heard a noise. When I went into the bathroom he was already on the floor."

"Ok, and is there any more information you can give me about him?" She asks.

"um…he has SCID." Taehyung replied eyes still fixed on the door Jungkook had disappeared behind.

The nurse paused for a moment and a sense of urgency came over her.

"Ok thank you, I should let the doctor know this information right away. Thank you so much, and I will keep you updated." She said turning and leaving Taehyung alone.

He wasn't alone for long as the hyungs soon joined him.

"Taehyung have they told you anything yet?" Jimin asked rushing toward him.

"No…no they just took him in there…" Taehyung felt his eyes fill with tears again.

Jimin saw and instinctively wrapped his arms around Taehyung, while the other hyungs patted him on the shoulder and arm. Jimin felt his own eyes filling with tears as did the others as they stood around each other.

"Lets sit down and wait for the doctor ok?" Jin said breaking the silence.

They all sat down falling into concerned silence. A couple hours passed before the doctor emerged from the doors they had all been focused on.

"Jeon Jungkook's family?" He asked looking around.

The group quickly stood and came toward him.

"Are you all related to the patient?" Asked the doctor.

They looked among themselves not sure what to say.

"I can only discuss this with family or significant other." The doctor said firmly.

Taehyung didn't think, he just blurted out the first thought that came into his head.

"I'm his boyfriend." He said shakily.

The doctor paused for a moment to be sure it was true, then proceeded to talk.

"Ok, well your boyfriend seems to have been very sick, and because of his low immune system it caused him to be very weak. That is why he must have fallen resulting in a pretty nasty head injury. There was some bleeding in his brain due to the impact which we were able to resolve. So he is out of danger now, but he is still unconscious. So only you can see him now, but the other will have to wait until he is moved out of recovery to visit. If you follow me, I'll take you to see him." He said to Taehyung.

Taehyung nodded and followed the doctor back to the room where Jungkook laid asleep.

"He will wake up right doctor?" Taehyung asked holding back his tears again.

"Yes, it may take some time. Maybe a few hours but he should wake up soon. Its very important that he know you're here, so talking to him is a good idea." The doctor said patting Taehyung on the shoulder before turning and leaving.

Taehyung turned to Jungkook again and slowly walked over taking a seat next to the bed. He looked down at Jungkook's hand hesitating for a moment. He felt like if he held it, it might hurt Jungkook. When the fear had subsided, he took Jungkook's hand gently in his own and le out the tears he had been holding in. He laid his head on the bed letting the tears fall. He looked up at Jungkook and his words came out almost like a whisper.

"Jungkookie I am so sorry! I should have known something was wrong. I should have asked you. I am so so sorry! Please wake up soon!" He said in between sniffles.

A few hours later, and Taehyung had fallen asleep holding on to Jungkook's hand. Nurses had come in and out quietly several times to check on Jugkook and one had even covered Tahyung with a blanket. After some time Jungkook moved slightly and opened his eyes slowly. He blinked several times trying to adjust his eyes before feeling a weight on his hand. He looked down to see a sleeping Taehyung laying and holding said hand. His voice didn't make a sound at first but the second time I was a soft whisper. He reached over with his other hand and set it down softly o Taehyung's head.

"Tae?" He said softly.

The feeling of a hand on his head was enough to wake Taehyung, and soon his eyes widened realizing Jungkook was looking back at him.

"Jungkook?" he said with a deep sigh of relief. "Jungkookie you are awake!"

Taehyung felt a surge of relief and joy in that moment and cupping Jungkook's face in his hands gently. Then without thinking he placed a soft kiss on the youngers lips before embracing him. He didn't think twice about what he did being too full of emotions to realize what he had done. Jungkook was too weak to react and simply wrapped his arms around the other. They stayed like this for several minutes before Jungkook's arms were too weak to stay in that position.

Taehyung retreated back to his seat with a relieved smile on his face, which was returned by a weak but sweet grin from Jungkook.

"You scared me so bad Jungkookie." Taehyung said with soft tears falling.

Jungkook smiled and reached to wipe the a tear away, and when his hand graced Taehyung's cheek th other reached for it and took I instead.

"I'm ok now hyung." Jungkook replied.

A moment later and a nurse entered.

"I see the patient is waking up." She said and beginning to take vitals.

She still looked very concerned.

"What is it?" Taehyung asked when he noticed her reaction.

"His vitals are still very week, probably due to the infection his body is fighting. He may still be weak for some time, but let me talk to the doctor." She said leaving he room.

Jungkook turned his head to Taehyung who was still looking in the direction the nurse had left in, lost in thought.

"Tae?" he said softly.

Taehyung instantly turned to him.

"Don't worry. I knew this could happen when I came on this trip, but this has been the most amazing time of my life and I wouldn't trade I for anything." Jungkook said softly.

"We should have not let you leave your house Jungkookie. You would have been fine right now." Taehyung said feeling guilty.

"No, I wanted this. Its no one's fault but mine. Please don't blame yourself…" Jungkook's voice trailed off.

He felt sleepy and was starting to drift off again.

"Tae, I am glad we had this time together! I have never felt happier…" He said before drifting off again.