Chapter 9: The Plan

No one had wanted to call Jungkook's mom, but they knew it had to be done. She had the right to know what was happening, and only she knew his full medical history. So Jin took it on himself to call Jungkook's mother and explain where they were and what had happened. She was rightfully furious that Jungkook had left the protection f their house to go on as she described "an irresponsible childish trip". Jin held back all the things he wanted to say trying to show respect, but when the woman began to insult him and his friends, he could not hold back any more.

"With all due respect Mrs. Jeon, your son was miserable. He had never had friends until we met him, and he cares very much about as. We care about him like he is our own family, and would never put him in danger. We did this at his request only and tried our best to convince him not to leave. We would rather be with him and look out for him then to let him travel on his own. It's a good thing we were here because he would have died if we had not been with him. Now, if you wish to come here I will give you all the information, but please refrain from throwing insults at myself or Jungkook or the others." He said with a calm but firm voice.

Mrs. Jeon was speechless for a moment on the other end, and it took a few moments more to gain her composure. She had never had a younger person speak to her in this way, especially being a doctor she had the pride that went along with it, and not wanting to be talked down to by anyone.

"Yes send me the information." She said irritated.

"Ok…" Jin said before he was interrupted.

"And I want all of you gone when I arrive. I do not want to see any of you near my son again, and if I see any of you I will call the police. You have endangered my son's life and I will not hesitate to use my rights as his mother to keep you all away." She said hanging up.

Jin let out a curse under his breathe as he moved the phone away from his ear. Namjoon walked toward him when he saw him hang up the phone.

"What did she say?" He asked looking at the other.

Jin let out a sigh and turned to Namjoon with sad eyes.

"She told us to leave and never go near Jungkook again or she will call the police." Jin replied looking defeated.

Namjoon and Jin walked over to the others and told them everything Jungkook's mother had said.

"She would really call the police on us?" Jimin asked.

"I wouldn't put it past her, she has been controlling Jungkook's life for many years. She won't want to give up that control easily." Jin replied.

The whole group grew quiet trying to think abut how to handle the situation.

"What do we do? We can't just leave Jungkook, he is our family and he needs us." Hobi added.

"Yeah, he is our brother. If we leave before he wakes up he will think we don't care about him." Jimin replied.

"Jungkook would never think that! He knows how much we love him, maybe if we explain what his mother said he will understand why we couldn't stay." Jin replied.

"What about Taehyung? He will be crushed when he hears this." Jimin said.

"I know, but we don't want o cause more stress for Jungkook by fighting against his mom. That woman is sketchy for sure and I have always had a bad feeling about her. But she is his mother an she has more rights to Jungkook than we do. Especially right now. So I say for now we give her what she wants, but I wont stop there." Jin adds turning around looking toward the door that Jungkook was behind.

"What do you mean?" Hobi asked.

They all turned and focused their attention on the oldest member, and soon Yoongi spoke up.

"He means we have been here for four days and Jungkook was fine. Even though he had caught this virus, he should have felt more sick right away right?" Yoongi asked looking up at Jin who nodded.

"What are you saying? That Jungkook is not really sick?" Jimin asked.

"I don't know everything about SCID but I'm sure if he was never supposed to leave his house it was because he would have been effected pretty quickly. Think about all the things he has been exposed to since the day we left? And only now he got sick. That doesn't make much sense don't you think?" Jin said waiting for the others to process this idea.

"You think his mom lied? That he isn't as sick as she said he is?" Hobi asks.

"It would explain a lot." Yoongi answered.

"But why? Why would she lie and say he had this really bad condition?" Jimin asked not really expecting an answer.

"Because she is controlling, why else? She wanted to control Jungkook, and has been his whole life." Yoongi added sounding angry.

"We need to find out the truth." Jin said.

"But how? Won't that require like medical records and stuff like that? We don't have access to those things." Hobi said.

Everything in Jin's mind was starting to make sense, and he was not about to let this go. He knew something was going on, and he was going to find out.

"My dad is a lawyer. If I explain to him Jungkook's situation I think he can help us. Since Jungkook is technically underage to leave home on his own, we might have to file for guardianship to get the information we need." Jin says thinking out loud.

"You are saying you want to legally take Jungkook away and file charges against his mom?" Hobi asks concerned.

"If she has been holding him hostage in that house all these years lying to him and manipulating his health to make her lie believable, then she has been harming him mentally and possibly physically. If that is the case, then I wont let her hurt Jungkook any longer." Jin said not noticing Taehyung approach.

The other's attention turned to Taehyung as he approached.

"What do you need to make the case?" Taehyung said making Jin turn to him at the sound of his voice.

"We need to get the records on his current health, and tests they can run they need to." Jin replied.

"The doctor thinks I am Jungkook's closest relative at the moment I can talk to him." Taehyung said.

"Good I am going to call my dad and ask him to get started on the process, and anything we need to get the records we need." Jin said firmly.

They all looked at each other ,and agreed to move forward with this plan.