Chapter 11: Truth

゚・。°*. ゚ Jungkook POV ゚・。°*. ゚

Jungkook had drifted off to sleep after he had eavesdropped on his mother and the doctor earlier. His mother had been pretty silent the rest of the time, but as Jungkook started waking up again he saw her answering a phone call. Do people really not notice he can hear them?

"This doctor pretty much threatened me. He wont let me take Jungkook home, and I definitely don't trust any of them…..well you are my lawyer, don't you know of any laws that get me what I want?" She said with an angry whisper.

"What do you mean? An injunction from who?...Well don't I have a right to know who filed it? Why would someone try to take custody of my son from me?...This is crazy! Ok you know what I should go now, let me know what happens later…ok goodbye."

Jungkook hears his mother let out a frustrated huff. Did he hear that right? Why was someone taking legal actions against his mother for him? What was happening? He knew he needed to talk to her so he opened his eyes and got her attention.

"Mom?" He lets out weakly.

She turned and moved closer.

"Hi Jungkook, I am here." She said a little more lovingly than her usual self.

Jungkook found the slight affection in her voice odd, but was too overwhelmed to care.

"What's going on you seem upset." Jungkook said.

"Don't concern yourself with it, I am handling things. We will get you home soon and it will be like nothing ever happened." She said a little too sharply.

Jungkook felt goosebumps go up his arm. Her words sending a chill over his body, telling him not to trust her. This wasn't her usual impersonal coldness but something darker, something that scared him.

"Did the doctor say I can go home soon?" He asked her trying not to sound nervous.

"He says you are healing fine and you can leave soon, so don't worry I will handle everything." She said. "I need to get some coffee so I will be right back."

Jungkook felt himself relax once she had gone. She had lied and he had heard it all. He didn't know what to think and he definitely didn't feel safe with her. That's when he noticed that no one else had come in since he started waking up again. Where were his hyungs? He pressed the button for the nurse. A nurse came in, the one who had been helping his hyungs without his knowledge.

"I see you are full awake Mr. Jeon, I am glad. Are you feeling ok?" She asks him.

"Yes thank you, but I had some friends with me and I haven't seen them. Are they in the waiting room?' Jungkook asks.

She smiled and reached into her pocket. "They left this with me and asked me to give it to you when you woke up but not while your mother was here." She handed him his phone.

He smiled and she left him alone to scroll through his messages. There were many from Taehyung and from the group chat. It was going to take time to read it all. He started with Taehyung's messages.


Taehyung: Jungkookie…I am sure when you wake up and see me not there you are going to worry, but please don't. There is so much I need to explain to you but I feel like it would be too much for you right now. I want to be honest with you always, but I also don't wan to see you hurt. So please forgive me and trust that everything I say is the truth.

Taehyung: Me and the hyungs all were there with you until Jin hyung called your mom and told her what happened…she threatened us and said if we were not gone before she arrived that she would have us arrested. We left, but we are still in Jeju ok? We are not leaving you ever, not until everything is sorted. Jin hyung is working on something right now and it may not make sense to you but I promise everything will make sense soon. Just get better and we will be here when you are able to talk again, ok? And….we love you Jungkookie don't forget that…I love you….talk to you soon.


Jungkook was conflicted. His hearts was exploding from reading the words 'I love you' coming from Taehyung, but also what was he talking about? What was Jin hyung figuring out and why. The more he thought the more the phone call he over heard made more sense. Jin hyung was trying to take Jungkook away, but why? Why would he file legal documents against his mother. What was happening? He knew something bad was about to happen when his mom came in with a wheel chair. He quickly put the phone under his pillow before she saw him holding it.

"Jungkook, good news! I got the all clear from your doctor! We can take you home now!" She said almost excitedly.

Jungkook knew something was wrong but he was so confused and he didn't know what he should do. He didn't think his mother would actually or has ever hurt him, so he wants to trust and believe her. In the back of his mind he could sense something was off after all the things he had over heard.

At the same time he was completely overwhelmed with everything and it seemed easier to just go back home and forget anything every happened. That option seemed to be the less complicated solution and would be best in the end. His dream of escaping his home had put everyone through so much stress, and at this point he just wanted it all to be over.

He wanted everything to fade into a distant memory, so he pushed his thoughts aside and agreed to go home. His mother had brought him clothes and she wheeled him out passed a busy nurse station. There must have been some kind of emergency because nurses and doctors were rushing around not even noticing them. His mother wheeled him out and to a car she had rented. Jungkook watched out the window as he saw all the memoires he had made there fade past him. He had managed to grab his phone before they left the hospital, and wanted to read the rest of the messages as soon as he was alone.

The flight and drive home was quiet and he was happy it was, because there is so many lies he didn't want to hear his mother feed him right now. They made it home after a few hours traveling and he walked right back into the house that had kept him prisoner for his whole life. His mom seemed relieved as soon as they were inside and the code to the door had been entered. He assumed she had changed it, making sure Jungkook wouldn't try to leave again.

"I will make us something to eat." She said calmly.

"Ok, I am going to go lay down then." Jungkook replied walking slowly up to his room.

He felt exhausted, but he was alone again and had to read the messages from the group chat now.


Jin: Jungkookie, I know you were hoping to see us after you woke up but your mom asked us not to be there. I don't want to cause a scene at the hospital so we went back to the rental house.

Jimin: Yes Jungkookie we are so sorry! We love you I hope you know, but you need your time to rest without drama.

Hobi: we love you Jungkookie please don't forget that

Jin: There are some things have to do Jungkookie, and I hope you understand why soon. It's a lot to tell and I want to be 100% sure before I explain everything to you. Just stay at the hospital and get better, ok?


Jungkook read through several sweet messages from his hyungs before the icon that some one was typing appeared. A second later a message from Jin appeared.


Jin: Jungkook where are you? Your nurse called! She said you are missing, she came back and you were gone. Where are you????


Jungkook smiled a little, he found it sweet how much his hyung worried. He started to reply.


Jungkook: Don't worry hyung. My mom brought me home, she said the doctor said I could go home.

Jin: Jungkookie, what are you talking about? The nurse said there was no discharge papers. She said the doctor told your mother that you could not leave yet.

Jungkook: Hyung what do you mean? Why would she tell you that?

Jin: Jungkook, look something is not right….I have been looking into some things…about your mom and your illness….kook they have no record of you ever having SCID….not anywhere. My dad is a lawyer you know and he is investigating but it looks like there is a lot of your records missing if they ever existed. There are no medical records for you since after you turned 6 months old…

Jungkook: hyung…what are you saying?

Jin: You, and your mom were admitted to the hospital along with your dad and your sister after a car accident. Your were 6 months old at the time. You and your mom only had minor injuries, but it says you got pretty sick from an infection. You got better and were released, then nothing. The rest is gone.

Jungkook: ….a sister? My dad. What happened to them?

Jin: You didn't know you had a sister? Oh my gosh…Jungkookie I am so sorry! I didn't know you…look, I know this is a lot but I want you to know everything….I don't want to keep anything from you ever! But if its too much it can wait.

Jungkook: No hyung, I want to know everything. But a sister? We don't have many family photos and the ones my mom showed me only had me her and my dad in them. She told me my dad passed away from an accident but never anything about a sister. I don't know what to think right now…just go on hung I'm ready…

Jin:…ok…so like I said we can't find any records of any doctor visits or prescriptions. We gave your pills to the doctor so they can run tests. He told me they were antivirals which is not uncommon for people with SCID to take, but taking them for prolonged time without an actual viral infection for it to treat can result in immune deterioration.

Jungkook: so you are saying my mom has been poisoning me?

Jin: In a way she seems to have been trying to keep your immune system weak. Look, I know this may all be a lot, but I don't think you are safe with her and I want to get you away from her. So I requested to get guardianship over you, and I know in a year you are technicaly an adult but I don't want you there any longer. So we are leaving Jeju now and heading home. My dad is meeting with a judge now and I am getting you out of there. Please be careful Jungkookie! I'll tell you when we hear anything.

Jungkook: Hyung I'm scared…I don't understand any of this! Why would my mom do this? It all sounds so crazy, I don't know how to feel…I trusted her, I thought maybe deep down she loved me even if she didn't always show it.

Jin: Jungkookie none of this is your fault so don't put any of it on yourself ok? Let me take care of this and help you ok?

Jungkook: But hyung, what do I do? I'm locked in here and I wont be able to get out.

Jin: what do you mean?

Jungkook: I mean my mom changed the code to the doors. The one you need to enter for them to unclock and depressurize.

Jin: Ok, don't worry Jungkookie we will figure his out. We are boarding the plane now, I will figure this out I promise. Stay calm ok! See you soon, I promise.

Jungkook: Ok hyung…

(📲 End)

Jungkook could feel the panic flood him. This had to be dream, or more like a nightmare. How much about his life was a lie. He decided to investigate himself. He walked to his mother's office and tried to find at least one piece of paper that said he had SCID…anything to make this all a big mistake.

Every folder he opened had vitals written and notes made about his diet and so on, but nothing that was proof he was seriously sick. He found a folder that had dates on them from when he was a baby, and he opened them and saw exactly what Jin had said. He had been sick as a baby and was proscribed medication but was never seen by another doctor as far a he could tell.

He heard foot steps approach but didn't tear his eyes away.

"Jungkook…wh-what are you doing? Look at this mess!" His mom said irritated.

"Where is it mom?" he asked calmly at first.

"Where is what?" she asked annoyed.

"The records. The diagnosis. The notes from the doctors about me having SCID." He said feeling the anger build in him.

He looked up to see his mother's stunned expression that dropped quickly as she tried to play it off as nothing.

"I'm sure it's here, it has to be." She replied.

He watched her skim through several folders pretending to look for the proof, but he knew there was none. Jin was right, his mother had lied about everything.

"Do I even have SCID?" Jungkook asked almost yelling.

His mom turned and looked at him surprised.

"What do you mean? Oh course you do! Why would I lie about something like that?" She said sounding offended.

"You wouldn't lie? Then why don't you tell me about my sister, and about what happened to her and dad. Tell me what really happened!" Jungkook said very angry at this point.

His mom sighed and sat down before letting out an annoyed sigh.

"Fine. I'll tell you everything ok. Since from how you are acting you have a lot of assumptions. Our family was in a car accident, and your sister died. Your dad had a broken leg and arm but he was ok and so were you and me. Once we left the hospital your dad was different, he couldn't accept you sister's death. He was depressed and I tried to move on because we still had you, but he didn't want to. Then one day he said he couldn't take living here any more. So he walked out. I was so upset and I wanted him to come home, come back to us. Then a month or so later, you got really sick again and I rushed you to the hospital. They didn't know what was wrong with you, so I accepted the percriptions they could give and took you home. I told your dad you hadn't been well, which seemed to worry him and he came often to see you. Then when you got better he stayed away again, I was so upset. He would only care if you were sick, so I told him you had SCID…."

She paused then.

"You lied to dad so that he would stay with you?" Jungkook asked almost speechless.

"He said that he was starting his life again and had met someone else. I didn't know what else to do to get him back. I thought if he knew how sick you were he would come back, even if it was only because of you. But he didn't he said he would help financially if needed but he couldn't bare to see you sick after everything. I was so angry and I wasn't thinking….i just kept convincing myself that there was something wrong with you. I said it so much that I started to believe it, and I just didn't want anyone else to leave me." She said almost sad.

Jungkook was stunned. His mother had been making him sick and believe he was sick his whole life. He was furious and he rushed past her down the stairs toward the door. She chased after him, but slowed when she remembered she had changed the code to the door.

"Jungkook please calm down. I was just trying to protect you! You were all I had left." She said a little more desperate.

"You trapped me in here and convinced me I could die at any time because I was so sick. You trapped me with no way out!" Jungkook yelled.

He then remembered there was an emergency code that could override the system and he punched in the number and rushed out the door.

"Jungkook! No please stop!" his mom yelled after him.

He stopped in the drive way and turned to her for a second.

"Did you ever even care about how I felt?" He asked.

"I thought only about protecting you and keeping you with me, I gave you a good life I didn't think you would want anything more. It wasn't until that rat next door moved in and filled your head with all those ideas about traveling. If he ah dot come none of this would have happened." She spit out almost like venom.

Jungkook was stunned and felt the anger build in him even more.

"Don't you dare talk about Taehyung that way! He is the best thing that ever happened to me! He made me want more, want to be more than this. He never treated me differently, he really cared about me. More than you ever did….I never NEVER want to see you again!" He said in a deep angry voice before he turned and ran down the street.