Chapter 12: Free

Jungkook had been running for some distance now but everything looked blurry because his eyes were burning from his tears building up. His heart felt like it was breaking. Everything he had though the had known about who he was and his life had been a lie and he honestly couldn't think straight. He came to a stop when the sound of car horns were blaring in his ears.

He realized he had almost run into busy traffic without realizing it. He slowly backed away from the edge of the sidewalk and leaned against the closest building leaning over and trying to catch his breathe. He didn't know where he was, since he had never explored their neighborhood before. He ran his hands down his pants and realized he had his phone in his pocket still. He took it out quickly and saw that the battery had died. Now what was he going to do?

He wondered if his hyungs had arrived back home yet. He walked slowly down the street until he snoticed a convenient store. He stepped inside and saw an older woman behind the counter.

"Excuse me." He said bowing to her. "Is there any way I can borrow your phone?"

She looked at him for a minute and noticed he seemed exsausted and desperate, so she took pity on him and agreed. She smiled and handed him the store phone. He was glad he had rmebered Jimin's number by heart at least and dialed it right away. A wave of relief fell over him when his best friend answered.

"Hello?" said Jimin cautiously.

"J-Jimin hyung?" Jungkook said his voice shaking.

"Jungkook? W-why are you calling me from an unknown number? Where are you?" Jimin asked frantic with worry.

"I-I ran away and my phone died, but I'm not sure where I am." Jungkook said feeling like crying again.

The woman tapped his shoulder and handed him a business card wit the store address on it.

"Hyung I am at some kind of store and I have the address." Jungkook said quickly.

"Ok, ok! Tell me the address Jungkookie." Jimin said getting ready.

Jungkook read the information into the phone and Jimin repeated it back to him to be sure it was right.

"Jungkookie we are on our way, Ok? Please just stay where you are we are thankfully only 10 minutes away. Please just stay there and be careful, we are coming!" Jimin said.

"Ok hyung thank you!" Jungkook replied softly.

"We are coming Jungkook, just hold on." Jimin said before saying goodbye.

The woman had overheard his conversation and when Jungkook turned to return the phone she looked at him with sympathy. She wondered what on earth he had been through, and sat him down.

"Here eat this and drink this, ok? You look unwell." She said sweetly.

She handed him a triangle shaped food that had a wrapper around it and a yellow bottle of some kind. He looked at them both curiously not sure what to do with them. She watched him confused.

"This is samgak-gimbap and this is banana milk." She said opening them for him.

He could smell the banana right way thanks to his sensitive sense of smell, and it smelled heavenly. He took a sip and his eyes widened almost comically wide which made the woman giggle a little.

"You like it I see?" she said patting him on the shoulder.

She sat and watched him gulf down what she gave him plus two more of each thing. Then he felt guilty when he realized he had no money, he apologized and promised to repay her as soon as his hyungs arrived. She smiled at him.

"Don't worry, I heard what you said to your hyungs. You ran away right? And from the looks of you, it was a spontaneous thing and you obviously didn't bring anything with you. Please don't worry! Now how about desert?" She asked smiling.

Jungkook smiled back at her as she stood and headed toward the sweets section. She brought back several items that Jungkook also didn't recognize, and again she explained each item and showed him how they were to eaten. As he was happily eating his second desert, the sound of running footsteps could be heard entering the store. The woman looked up and smiled, but before Jungkook could turn arms were wrapping around his neck.

"Jungkook, oh my gosh are you ok?" Jimin said squeezing Jungkook tightly.

"I was until you started choking me hyung." He said trying to squirm out of Jimin's hold.

Jimin was a little stunned that Jungkook seemed so calm. He stepped back and looked down at the table then Jungkook then the woman. He couldn't help but smile and laugh a little. Only his cute bunny could melt a strangers heart and get free food. He gave Jungkook one more hug in relief.

"I am so glad you are ok Jungkookie!" Jimin said as the other hyungs joined the hug.

Jin pulled away and bowed to the shop keeper. "Thank you for taking care of our Jungkook, how much do I owe for the food?"

The woman smiled. "You don't owe me anything, me and this cute little one are friends now. Just make sure to come back and see me again ok?" She said sweetly.

Jungkook nodded in agreement. "Thank you noona! I will defiantly come see you again."

The hyungs smiled at the cute interaction before sitting next to Jungkook in any available seat.

"Jungkookie what happened? We were on our way to come get you!" Jin said.

"I confronted my mom and she told me everything. Hyung I don't have SCID." He replied.

"I know Jungkook. The doctor contacted us as we got off the plane. All your tests came back fine. He said your immune system was immature, almost like a baby because of taking the antivirals and not being exposed to germs as much as most children are. But he says you will be fine! You are fine Jungkookie." Jin said with a big smile on his face.

Jungkook smiled as well, hearing that he was actually ok and he didn't have to be locked away ever again.

"There is something else too. My dad said a judge approved new guardianship after everything we showed. That means you can come home with us Jungkookie and your mom can't take you away again. That is if you wan to come home with us." Jin added.

Jugnkook couldn't help the smile that appeared on his face. He was so happy and relieved to be some where with people he loved and knew he could trust. He was beyond happy by this news and happily agreed.

"We still have your stuff from our trip but tomorrow I will go get the rest of your stuff from your house. You don't have to go, I will handle it ok?" Jin said firmly.

"Thank you so much hyung. I don't know what I did to deserve you guys!" Jungkook said feeling the tears again.

After the joy had settled he noticed Taehyung wasn't with them.

He turned to Jimin and asked, "Where is Taehyungie hyung?"

A sad look fell over his hyung's faces.

"Something came up with his family, but he asked us to have you call him as soon as we brought you home." Namjoon replied.

Jungkook felt worried by this, but agreed to call Taehyung as soon as he could. The hyungs stood to leave and headed toward he door with Jungkook sandwiched between Jimin and Hobi.

"Wait Jungkook-ssi! Here take this." Said the store owner handing Jungkook one last banana milk.

She turned and looked at his hyungs. "This one is his favorite!"

She gave Jungkook an affectionate smile and waved goodbye to him.

A short car ride they arrived at Jin and Namjoon's apartment. It was really big, and Jungkook was in awe. The others laughed watching Jungkook discover that Jin hyung was kind of rich. They al settled on the couches, and Jungkook looked at them a little confused. Jimin followed the youngers line of sight and laughed.

"Oh yeah there is no way we are leaving and letting you out of our sights right now." He said giving him a pat on the back.

"Come on Jungkookie, you can use the guest room! Well it will be your room now." Jin said smiling.

He lead Jungkook to a room down the hall and into a very spacious room with a very large bed in it. Jungkook smiled and dropped down on the bed immediately, and before he could enjoy it Jimin and Hobi hyung came in huddling in and cuddling Jungkook. They all let out goofy laughs as they cuddled the youngest.

"Ya! Don't squish him to death! He our legal son now, and I won't let you kill him on his first night with us!"Jin said protectively.

Namjoon wrapped his arm around the others waist and rested his head on his shoulder.

"Jin, let them be. Can't you see how happy Jungkookie is?" Namjoon said smiling at the three boys.

"Fine, but seriously they can't stay every night or we are gonna have a problem." Jin replied walking out with Namjoon still cuddling him.

Jungkook fell asleep easily sandwiched between Jimin and Hobi, and had never felt so cared for. In the morning he woke after sleeping for over ten hours. He guessed he had been tired after all the running and crying he did the day before. The smell of breakfast filled his nose and his sat up with a smile on his face. It seemed like Jimin and Hobi had already gone because the bed was empty.

So Jungkook washed up a little and headed into the dining room to rowdy sounds of his hyung's laughing and joking around. He stood there for a moment and just smiled at the sight of all the people he cared about being in arms reach of him.

When Jimin noticed him, he grabbed him by the hand dragging him to the extra seat by Yoongi. The silent hyung gave a small smile before leaning over and nudging Jungkook with his elbow.

"Morning kid." He said.

Jungkook knew this was code for something was sweeter, but it was Yoongi hyung after all. Breakfast went by slowly as they all talked and joked around about the smallest things, and Jungkook had never smiled so much in his life.

He had never realized that this was normal for most people, but he was happy to have the chance to experience it now. The phone rang a few moments later and Jin answered and smiled after a few words were exchanged.

"Jungkookie, it's for you!" He said with a grin.

With the look Jin was giving him, he had some idea of who it could be. SO he stood and took the phone from his hyung and walked toward the guest room.

"Hello?" He said softly.

"Jungkookie?" Came the voice on the other end.

"Taehyungie hyung?" He asked.

"Yeah, Jungkookie it's me. I hoped to hear from you last night but Jin hyung said you fell asleep pretty quick when you got there. So I wanted to call you this morning and check on you." Taehyung said a little shy.

"Sorry hyung, I forgot to call. I did fall asleep pretty quick when Jimin and Hobi hyung were cuddling me." Jugnkook replied giggling cutely.

"Oh so you have replaced me already have you?" Taehyung said teasing.

Jungkook panicked. He didn't want Taehyung to think he was being replaced.

"No of course not hyung! I like your cuddles way more!" Jungkook replied.

"I'm just kidding Jungkookie! The hyungs already know you are my Jungkookie." Taehyung said smugly.

Jungkook fell silent into an internal panic. "Y-your Jungkookie?"

"Yep, my Jungkookie!" Taehyung said confidently without any awkwardness at all.

Jungkook let out a shy giggle and didn't know what to say in reply.

"So, are you ok Jungkookie? I'm sorry I couldn't be there with you right now. I am helping my mom get our stuff from my dad." He said.

This sent Jungkook into worried mode. "He didn't hurt you again did he?" Jungkook asked.

"No I went while he was gone. Don't worry Jungkookie, we are both free now." Taehyung said.

"Yeah, but didn't you say your aunt lived kind of far from here?" Jungkook said disappointed.

"Yeah she does but I will be living in the dorms when I start college in a couple of weeks!" Taehyung replied.

Jungkook's eyes widened with joy at those words. "That is so great Taehyungie! I am so happy to hear that!"

"Yep and the University is a 10 minute walk from Jin hyung's apartment, so I am happy." Taehyung replied.

It took a moment for Jungkook to fully understand but once he did he was giggling again from happiness.

"So I'll get to see you Taehyungie!" Jungkook said happily.

"Yep as much as you want! So for now we can call each other as much as you want, and in a few weeks we can see each other in person again!" Taehyung said.

"I can't wait to see you, but I am glad we can talk every day! I miss you!" Jungkook blushed when he realized he said too much.

"I miss you so much too Jungkookie and I am so happy you are free and can start a new life. And I will love to be apart of it as long as you will have me!" Taehyung said, now feeling a little too forward.

Jungkook giggled again. "Well you're my boyfriend right? It wouldn't make sense to not have you in my life right?"

The took Taehyung by surprise. Why did he say boyfriend?

"B-boyfriend?" Taehyung asked shyly.

"Yeah I believe the doctor mentioned that my boyfriend Taehyung had helped give him some much needed information when I was unconscious." Jungkook said cutely.

"Oh uh about that…I can explain that…." Taehyung began feeling a nervous sweat starting.

��What's to explain? Do you not wan to be my boyfriend now?" Jungkook asks jokingly.

"NO NO that's not it! I just…I mean…if you…i-" Taehyung didn't know what to say.

Jungkook laughed at how cute Taheyung sounded when he was flustered.