Chapter 13: The End is only the Beginning

*Time jump*

A few weeks felt like forever for Jungkook. All he wanted to do was give Taehyung a big hug as soon as he saw him. They had been through so much, and still had to wait to be together again. It was still a couple of days before Taehyung had planned to arrive but Jungkook was still sulking and pouting like those few days would drag on and on.

"Jungkookie please stop pouting, you know what it does to Jin." Namjoon whined.

"Sorry hyung….I just really miss Taehyungie hyung." Jungkook said dropping onto the couch.

"I know Jungkookie. Why don't you hang out with Jimin for a few hours?" Namjoon suggested.

"No I think I'll just take a nap." Jungkook pushed himself up and dragged his feet to his room and dropped on his bed.

He let out a loud sigh that also sounded like a whine before climbing on the bed and closing his eyes. He had been sleeping for about a half an hour when he felt warmth surround him and he instinctively held the arms that wrapped around him.

A small giggle left the back of the person's throat that had taken their place next to Jungkook. This caused his eyes to open quickly at the sound and he turned instantly to see Taehyung was the one who was cuddling him.

"Taehyungie hyung?!" he said surprised but ecstatic. "Oh my gosh! What are you doing here?"

"I got in town early and I had to come see you as soon as I could!" Taehyung said with a big smile, his arms still wrapped around Jungkook.

Jungkook let out a happy laugh and wrapped his arms around Taehyung as well. He could not be any happier and they stayed like this laughing and talking not wanting to let go.

"So how has it been here with Jin and Namjoon hyung?" Taehyung asked when they finally parted.

"They take good care of me! They baby me way too much, but it's ok I don't mind. I am finally starting to get used to all the constant worrying." Jungkook laughed.

They were still resting on his bed playing with eachother's fingers as the talked.

���I'm really glad to see you so happy Jungkookie, you deserve it!" Taehyung said smiling up at Jungkook.

"I'm happy thanks to you guys! And you deserve to be happy too!" Jungkook said.

"You make the most happy person in the world, so I have everything I need right here!" Taehyung replied.

"Oh my gosh you really have to stop saying these things, you know I get flustered!" Jungkook said hiding his face in his hands.

Taehyung laughed pulling Jungkook's hands away.

"I'm sorry, it's hard to to say those things when you are so perfect!" Taehyung said with a smirk.

This got a slight slap to his arm from the younger before his hands were back to hiding his bright pink face.

They talked for so long as if they had so much to catch up on even though they talked on the phone everyday before this. The subject of Jungkook's mom came up eventually and their happy giggles fell to sighs and sadness.

"She has entered a treatment program. She is required to see a therapist now because of her condition. She has tried contacting me several times, but I just can't bring myself to talk to her." Jungkook admitted dropping his gaze.

"You don't have to Jungkookie. She really hurt you and if you don't want to contact her you don't have to. You need time to heal as well from everything." Taehyung replied running his fingers through the youngers hair.

"Yeah I know. Anyway how is your mom and sister?" Jungkook asked changing the subject.

Taehyung rested his head on Jungkook's as the younger laid on his chest.

"They are doing really good. My mom has found a job that she really likes and my sister has made a bunch of new friends. Honestly they don't need me anymore, and so I am not worried to leave them for Uni next week." Taehyung said with a small grin.

"That's amazing I am so happy for them!" Jungkook said.

"Me too! Oh and my mom sent a bunch of food for you! She made all your favorites!" Taehyung said.

"Oh gosh, don't you know Jin hyung gets jealous? He hates when other people cook for me! But tell her thank you and I will enjoy every bite." Jungkook replied happily.

Jungkook had been so happy when Taehyung had told his mom about them and she was happy. She had figured for a while how much they cared for each other and often would pop up in their video chats to speak to Jungkook, even kicking Taehyung out so they could talk alone. He was happy that Taehyung's mom liked him so much, and she always made sure he was well taken care of. She would call to be sure he had eaten and rested, almost filling the role that had been left empty when he broke all contact with his own mom.

Jungkook had found just right people to be his family, and even though he had gone through a lot to get where he was now, he was happy to have met so many amazing people along the way.

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A year later, and Jungkook joined Taehyung at University and they even shared a dorm together. They were crazy happy and as his hyungs would say "the disgustingly cute couple everyone hates but wishes they could be". A title Taehyung and Jungkook were more than happy to live up to!

The End!