



Taehyung had been camped in front of his laptop for he last hour waiting for the email to arrive. He was so excited to know who his new roommate/new best friend was going to be. After the clock struck five after nine he refreshed the page yet again and the words 'roommate assignments' were there in bold writing. He felt his heart flutter in excitement, and quickly opened the link. H read through all the information about how important tit was to get to know your new roommate even before meeting in person. So he reached the section with his roommates name and number before whispering the name too himself.

"Jeon Jungkook, 18, psychology major, minor in photography….Amarok." He read to himself.

He paused in shock for a moment. An Amarok? The school would allow an Amarok to room with someone? Taehyung read almost everything he could about every creature, but the Amarok was a bit of a mystery. He knew they were not social creatures and did not like company, in anything! So he didn't expect the school to pair such a creature with a Fairy no less. They are total opposites! Of course Taehyung was still excited, and loved a challenge. He decided to take advantage of the number the school had provided to contact his new roommate and get to know him better.

He took out his phone and saved he number under 'Roommate' before starting a message.

(text message )

Taehyung: Hi is this Jeon Jungkook?


…message 'read'….

Jungkook: Who is this?

Taehyung: Oh hi, this is Kim Taehyung! I am your new roommate! :]

Jungkook: How did you get my number?

Taehyung: Ummm….well the school provided it in the email they sent!

Jungkook:….ok….So what do you want?

Taehyung: I just wanted to talk a little before we meet soon!

Jungkook: I don't think that's necessary. I don't plan on spending much time in the dorm this semester, and I am not there to make friends.

Taehyung: Oh….I understand….But you don't have even one thing you want to know about me before we live together? Not even one???

Jungkook: Hmmmm….ok, what are you?

Taehyung: I am a Fairy!!!!:]

Jungkook: oh

Taehyung: Is there something wrong?

Jungkook: I was just hoping for a more chill roommate

Taehyung: I don't exactly know what you mean….

Jungkook: Well fairies are usually like way too happy and energetic all the time, it's pretty annoying.

Taehyung: Not all of us are the same, my best friend is definitely not.

Jungkook: well, anyway just give me my space and we won't have any issues.

Taehyung: oh ok Jungkook-ssi, I guess I will see you in a week then!

Jungkook: I guess I don't have much choice

Taehyung: lol…yeah, see you then Jungkook-ssi

Jungkook: yeah bye

(text message end)

Taehyung knew that his roommate would be difficult, but he had hoped they would be a little more open. This Jungkook did not seem the least bit interested in even being civil. Their conversation left him feeling a little down, so he searched under his recent calls and dialed Jimin's number.

"Tae? Hey what's up?" Jimin answered.

"Hi Jimine, I just talked to my roommate." Taehyung said sounding defeated.

"Why do you sound so sad?" Jimin asked concerned.

"He seems pretty cold, he doesn't really want to get to know eachother." Taehyung said.

"Don't you dare let that jerk make you feel sad! Do I need to have a talk with him?" Jimin asked firmly.

"No it's ok. I just wanted to hang out if you aren't busy!" Taehyung replied.

"Definitely! I will be there in 10, ok? I'll bring ice cream!" Jimin said.

"Thanks that sounds great!" Taehyung letting out a little huff.

"See you soon Taetae! Bye!" Jimin said hanging up the call.




Jungkook threw his phone to the side and went back to resting on his bed lazily. He already could tell his roommate was going to drive him crazy. A fairy of all things, why a fairy? They are too chipper and smiley all the time. He made sure when he registered for school that he reserved a spot at the library for the whole year, and now finding out about his roommate he was pretty sure most of his time would be spent in that very spot. He can just go to the dorm to sleep and shower. He was sure that he wouldn't hear from his roommate again after that conversation, but he didn't know Taehyung. That fairy is nothing if not persistent and he was not about to let that conversation be their last.

Jungkook had started to drift off to sleep when a notification went off and then another and then another. He groaned and picked up his phone to see messages from the number of his new roommate.

(text message )

Taehyung: hi again jungkook-ssi! So I know you said that you didn't have any questions for me, but I would really like for you to know some things about me so here we go…

My name is Kim Taehyung I am 20 and I am a fairy! I don't have my special ability yet, but I will soon on my 21st birthday. I love Disney movies and stawberries. I have pink hair (which is unusual for a fairy not sure why! Lol)....also I really love making new friends, and I am really nice!

Jungkook:....these were random...

Taehyung: ikr!!! Hehehe... sorry I was kind of nervous! Sooooo....can I know something about you now???

Jungkook: no

Taehyung: come on! I really want to get to know you jungkook-ssi, we are gonna live together for a whole year!

Jungkook: no thanks....there is nothing to tell

Taehyung: well your a Amarok right? Why don't you tell me a little about that!:)))

Jungkook: no

Taehyung: uh, the mystery is killing me!!! I have mysteries....oh hey! That's something about me you didn't know.

Jungkook: why can't you just leave me alone?

Taehyung: I just want us to be friends!:(

Jungkook: we don't need to be kind doesn't have friends...

Taehyung: see! That's something I didn't know!!! What else?


Taehyung: that one I'm starting to see, but the reason we are roomed together is to change things...make the light and dark blend into one big happy family.

Jungkook: I do not see that happening...

Taehyung: well, anything can happen when people try! Things came change if someone starts the change, why can't that be us?

Jungkook: I don't want to help anyone, I just want to go to school, graduate and be done. So just go away

Taehyung: :( sorry to have bothered you....

(text message end)

Jungkook again tossed his phone aside and let out a fustrated sigh. He had a thought, maybe he could request a single room for personal reasons. Those reasons being hating everyone and wanting to be left alone. So he sat up and dragged himself to his desk to type out the request.

Dinner in the Jeon house was usually quiet, at least Jungkook was. His little brother liked to tell them pretty much everything that happened to him on a daily basis but Jungkook mostly tuned them out. Tonight his mom decided she wanted to engage Jungkook since he would be living at the University spoon.

"Jungkook have you heard about who your roommate is?" She asked.

He didn't answer right away, but his mom kept watching him and waiting for an answer. So he nodded, that should cover things.

"Tell me about them! They send you some information about them right?" She asked.

Seriously? Why is she so curious? Jungkook was not in the mood to talk, he just wanted to eat dinner in peace. Again he didn't answer right away, but again his mom just looked at him waiting for an answer.

Man why is everyone in the mood to ask me questions today?

"Yes they sent me an email." He answered.

"Aaaand???? Tell me what kind of person they are?" She pryed more.

"He is a fairy, his name is Taehyung." He replied.

The answer look his mom a little by surprise.

"A fairy? Why did they room you with a fairy? Aren't they really sensitive? You are gonna make him cry on the first day just by looking at him." His brother chimed in.

"Leave your brother alone!....So a fairy? Have you spoken to him yet?" Ms. jeon asked.

"Yeah he texted me." Jungkook answered.

"Oh for heaven's sake Jungkook can you can actually answer my questions with more than a couple of words?" His mom snapped.

Jungkook let out annoyed sigh.

"He is an annoying cheerful fairy what more do you want to know mom? He is already driving me crazy and we haven't even met yet. I plan to avoid him as much as possible. Happy?! I'm not hungry anymore." Jungkook stood pushing his chair harshly and walking to his room.

He was done with this day, but he decided to scroll through Twitter a bit. Then yet another text came in interrupting his quiet. He groaned loudly seeing that number yet again. What does this fairy not understand?

(text message)

Taehyung: ummm....hi again....I uh just wanted to apologize. I know I may come on a little strong, but it's just because I am a happy person and I like to see other people happy. I'm sorry to have bothered you, and when we move in I'll make sure to give you as much space as I can. If you want me out of the dorm at certain times so you don't have to see me then I can do that! Anyway, sorry.

Jungkook: don't have to do that. Uhhhhh....look I'm sorry to, ok? I am not good with...people. I am just moody all the time so don't take it personally.

Taehyung: oh I see, well I'm glad you are letting me know!

Jungkook: look can we....uh....start over? I'll try to be nicer...

Taehyung: oMG! Yes!!!!....oh sorry that was too enthusiastic sorry....I'm yeah that's cool.

Jungkook: lol...ok so what is it you want to know about me?

Taehyung: EVERYTHING!!! I know whatever....

Jungkook: lol...ummm...well you know my major right?

Taehyung: yeah! Psychology! Honestly I'm a little surprised.

Jungkook: yeah? Why?

Taehyung: well psychology is usually so you can help others, but even you said Amaroks are not very social. Sorry I hope that doesn't offend you.

Jungkook: it's doesn't don't worry... actually I am really fascinated by both Ciaran and Sorcha psychology. Like why some traits still affect us and some don't.

Taehyung: isn't that more like a biological thing?

Jungkook: yes but it has to do with how we are raised and our perception as well. At least that's what I am trying to study more! Like take my friend Hoseok, he has been in a committed relationship for a few months now.

Taehyung: that's great but why is that a big deal?

Jungkook: well, out kind don't do relationships. We mate to have children and our mothers raise us on their own. We don't date or get married or any of that. It's like a residual instinct thing.

Taehyung: oh....I see...that's too bad.

Jungkook: so this is one of the many things I want to study, maybe in the future things could idk be different...

Taehyung: that's strangely optimistic jungkookie! You are not at all what I expected.

Jungkook: really?

Taehyung: well you were pretty snappy before....this side of you is kind of a surprise! But a happy one!

Jungkook: uh thanks...

Taehyung: your welcome jungkookie!! :))))

Jungkook: ....jungkookie?

Taehyung: yeah, is that ok? I mean I usually call everyone by a cute nickname, but if you don't like it then I won't use it again.

Jungkook:....uh no it's ok....

Taehyung: yay!!! So tell me more about Amaroks I apparently know nothing about it! Lol! It's so interesting!!!

Jungkook:...oh ok sure, so....

(text message...)

Jungkook didn't realize that he and Taehyung had been talking for hours learning everything about each other, and when Jungkook saw his clock read 3 am he decided they should sleep.

Taehyung seemed like he didn't want to say goodbye but Jungkook insisted leading Taehyung to send him several puppy sad eyed emojis. This for some reason made Jungkook smile a little, he didn't want to admit it but Taehyung was pretty cute over text. He brushed that thought aside figuring it may be some instinctual thing.

He was determined not to let his instincts to mate to take over him, he did not want to be that guy. There was something inside him that wanted to be more than what his kind had been like in the past. Even though his instincts to be harsh and a loner were harder to fight he knew once he understood his kind more the answer would change things.

In truth he wanted to feel less like a creature with an uncontrollable side and be different...better. Maybe being friends with a creature of light could help him find the answers he was looking for. Things were changing and he wanted to change too.