Confined I

Two days. Two days had passed since the confinement of Laura and yet she was still not released. She didn't know how long until she will be stuck in her own room but for sure it wouldn't be anytime sooner.

Not only that she did not have a chance to talk to Lester or Mary and for sure they were prohibited from entering her room. But there is someone who brings her food but it wasn't a servant she recognized. Definitely, they are hiding something and all she could do is trust her loyal servants who might help her out.

"Enter," Laura answered.

The servant rudely placed the tray down on the table and left the room without saying a room. Laura walked towards the table and stared at the food. This food isn't edible anymore it's a good thing that the bread is still edible while the soup had a weird color and wasn't steaming.

"Childish," Laura mutter, tearing the bread into half and took a bite.