Confined II

"You…what is the maid of Tine doing in my room?" Laura sneered.

"I…I'm just here to deliver a letter from Mary," Vivan fidget and held out the letter but Laura did not take the paper, leaving her hanging.

"How can I believe you that it's from her?" Laura asked as she crossed her arms. The estate is full of enemies and so she put up the coldest look she could muster despite having a fragile look.

Vivan was at a loss for words and panicked as her eyes looked everywhere as if the answers were going to be there. Laura sighed out loud and snatched the paper away. She nodded her head, reading what Mary wrote.

There was no doubt that this neat writing came from Mary. Not only that, there was proof this letter was written by Mary because there is a mark that Laura and she only knew about. Something like a secret code? Also, Mary is one of those who knew how to read and write.