Day Of The Trial

The day has finally come. The day where everything will be put to an end. Laura was anxious and she knew it, but at the same time, she knew she had to stay focused on the things she needed to do. The two days felt so long for Laura but at the same time, those days were spent gathering the official documents.

"Are you excited or nervous?" asked Erwin as he placed his hands on her shoulders. "You could say both?" Laura answered and places her hand on his. "Don't be. We'll win this fight once and for all." 'He was right though' Laura thought. This time she is going to win and she isn't that once lonely weak person who didn't have anyone but herself. 

After all this mess, Laura wanted to thank Septus. But sadly Septus isn't here for now. According to Gusion, he went into a deep sleep. It's sad how he went into a deep sleep without telling her. She wanted to do something for him at least. It was thanks to him that everything she wanted to do in life was granted.