The Trial

The paper was handed to the judge and he did not look surprised at all. His face continued to be stern while the nobles were all waiting in anticipation. The verdict is something the Emperor gives and the orders are absolute. 

"I, The Emperor of the Estes Empire herby declare to execute Tine Alvarado and there is no exemption. This is from the Emperor and the court will abide by his wishes," announced the judge, making Tine go rampant. 

"WHAT? NO, IT'S NOT POSSIBLE. SOMEONE HELP ME," Tine screamed not until she saw an old friend of hers. Tine smiled and called out to her so-called friend but that girl ignored her and gave her a cold look. "Vivan? We're friends aren't we?" She laughed nervously, but suddenly her blood ran cold as she saw the person next to Vivian which was her father, Count Harrison.