I woke up to somebody nudging me.

"I'm awake, I'm awake!"

I heard laughing but a deep voice, Mason?

The laughing stopped.

"Lia it's me." A serious voice said it was deep and hoarse.

Zayden. I spotted him in the corner of my bedroom near the bathroom holding something in his hand.

"Yes right."

I just sighed; I should've known. And who else could be there.

"What are you doing in my room early in the morning?"

"You are going to be late for college and you know you have limited time with your family and friends."

Do I? I thought he was joking with me.

"No Lia I am very serious dead serious."

I laughed at that thought 'dead serious' like literally but then I remembered how much time I have.

"So, am I going to die too?"

"Lia you don't need to know all this now once you will be with me you will know everything."


I then realized that he is holding my clothes and my towel.

"Lia you need to take a bath and get ready; also, did I forget to mention that you will be spending the week with me."

"What are you my servant or bodyguard?" I asked pissed off. though I did like the idea of him spending some time with me and we getting to know each other not that I wanted it.

"I am your soon to be husband and the King of underworld m'lady."

"Ugh ok. Whatever."

It was difficult to be witty or rude in front of him why am I thinking again I know he can hear me.

I got up and took my clothes from him and went to take a bath.

"Please don't enter my mind while I'm having a bath it will be awkward for me please."

You know shower thoughts. The time when different discoveries are made and old arguments come in mind and what you could've actually said to win the arguments.

He laughed. I don't know why does he find everything funny.

"Oh, my dear Dahl, I won't I will give you your privacy and I know how innocent you are." He added with a smirk.

Thinking totally opposite of the last sentence he said.

"Yeah, right!" He added.

I ran into the bathroom and took a bath. While taking a bath I remembered my dream, yes, I had got a dream last night and it was very weird.

I was in this abandoned city and there no one there. The sun was fading into the sky as darkness descended on the city and I walked through it.

From the corner of I eye I saw a pinch of light, like fireflies glowing in the dark, except they weren't fireflies they were like small models of the sun, like stars but very tiny.

A few of them were collected together and they were flying away as I approached them and then I heard a voice in my head saying "follow me."

The same female voice that I had heard during the conversation with my mom. I started following and walked for 10 minutes straight skipping the holes on the road and a few fallen trees.

The fireflies had started disappearing one by one and when they finally disappeared, I saw myself standing in front of a cottage.

I was about to knock on the door when Zayden decided to interrupt my dream by waking me up with his horrible laughter.

That was a lie.

His laugh is not horrible, it's like melody to my ears.

Ugh why am I saying that. I'm sure he kept his word and is not thinking what I am thinking. Talk about irony.

I finished my bath and got dressed I came out and saw him sitting on my bed with his phone in his hand typing something furiously.

I ignored him and went to the dressing table I opened the bun that was tied and combed my shoulder length hair. I put it up in a ponytail with a blue band that matched my top.

I wore high waist jeans, off course Zayden would choose these.

Then I let out some flicks from my front hair and applied some kajal with some mascara. I also applied some gloss.

Through the mirror I saw Zayden staring at me. I blushed and he saw my blush and smirked.

Why do I keep forgetting that I hate him? I don't even know why I am doing this anymore.

"Ok fine I'm ready to go."

My stomach grumbled.

"First let's eat." He said.

"Wait, are you hungry too?"


I got scared as much as I know, vampires need blood. And I am like a meal for him.



"I am not going to drink blood from you, yet."

"What do you mean?"

"I had my breakfast at the palace."

"No, I mean the 'yet' that you added."

"Oh...that, you will understand later on."

With that he left through the window and my mom called me to have breakfast.

I took my bag and left my room; I drank hot chai (tea) with some toast and left.

Today is going to be a long day.