I sighed for the last time as our sociology period was going on. It doesn't seem to end.

Everly is as irritating as before, her questions did not stop about the 'mysterious guy' as she says it. It sounds so cringy.'

She kept blowing questions at me and I just answered 'I don't know'.

I mean her questions were stupid.

As I entered college everybody was staring at me, I pulled my red hoodie and walked to class. I had met mason and he hugged me asking me how I was. I just replied with a simple fine. He did irritate me a lot too. Nora didn't come to college due to sick reasons we all know these 'sick reasons' that everybody makes. And now I am stuck with Eve she's damn cute but damn irritating too.

Why does everyone in my life have to be so irritating? And I cannot get over the stares I'm getting especially the one from the front of the class in the corner near the door.


He's been acting like a crazy stalker and every time I try to pay attention in the class, he gives me that stare like... 'No look at me you aren't allowed to pay attention to anything else except me.'

Yeah, he said that in my mind.

As I looked around in the class, I saw that no one was paying attention to the teacher I felt bad.

Then the bell rang and I literally sprang up from my seat and jumped to the door. I went out and Everly and Zayden followed. I met Mason by my class door he was already waiting there.

We got together and went to cafeteria. Mason put his arms around my shoulder and a voice sprang in my head.

"Lia tell him to remove his hand from your shoulder."

I looked behind from my shoulder and saw Zayden glaring at Mason.

To spite him I put my free arm around Masons waist and gave a smirk.

Mason leaned into me and we started walking.

I heard a loud bang followed by gasps.

I turned around what I saw left me shocked and trembling.

There was a hole in the wall and the Physics lab could be easily seen through that whole. Some equipment's destroyed.

Opposite the hole I saw Everly, she was looking perfectly normal except she was angry and looking at Zayden.

On the other hand, Zayden was glaring and his eyes had turned black and students just kept staring.

"Are you crazy!" I shouted; I have no idea where my power came from.

"Me? Crazy?" he replied in the same anger tone.

"Yes, this is not your freaking property it's a college not your palace. This is bad."

"You're the one to talk, you are mine and not a public property that anybody can touch." He shouted.

I flinched a little at that. I was no one's property.

"You are mine!" he replied to my thoughts.

"Well for the thousandth time I AM NOT YOUR PROPERTY!" Saying that I ran from the college.

Tears daring to spill.

I kept running till I reached my favourite spot.

I clearly remembered his face he looked so angry and mad. Somewhere it hurt me to see him that way.

Ugh! I'm so confused, what do I actually feel? I don't know. I sat on the sand at the back at looked at the sea. The waves taking my disturbing thoughts away for a minute.

The sun looked beautiful as it was almost about to set.

The perfect time.

Then I heard his voice. Somewhere it calmed me that it was not him but also made me sad.

He sat next to me. He knows that whenever I am sad this is my favourite place to come.

Next to the church there was a stone pavement above it were some palm tree. We sat in the shade of the trees. I stretched my leg and kept my hands behind for support.

He did the same.

"Hey." He said softly and shyly just like the first day we met.

"Hey." I replied.

"Are you ok."

"Yes, I am fine."

"If you don't mind me asking, what was all that about."

"Umm... I don't want to talk about it can we just sit quietly." Actually, not wanting to talk about it.

We sat in silence. The breeze blew on our faces and my messed-up hair flowed back hitting my face.

I felt a finger on my cheek where my tears were.

And it graced my cheek before putting my hair behind my ears.

I looked to my side and saw Mason smiling at me.

I smiled back.

"Thank you, mace." I said actually meaning it.

"No problem Lia."

Only he calls me Lia, the way Mason said sounded wrong on his tongue.

But I ignored it, not uttering a single word.

And for the rest of the evening I sat quietly. With him by my side I felt good, comfortable and my feelings were not mixed.

I only see him as my best friend and I'm happy he didn't leave my side.

He never will. My best friend Mason.