WebNovelThe Secret100.00%


Part 2

Squirming in my bed I started to wake up. Not yet.

I felt strong arms around me and I gave in to the comfort brought by these sturdy arms and soft body.



I woke up with a startle.

"Lia... Come here baby, let's sleep."

What did he just call me? And why is he in my room again?

He isn't awake. Maybe I should scream.

I was going to shout on top of my lungs when suddenly I felt a palm cover my mouth and those same sturdy arms around me, pinning me to one place where I cannot move my hands.

"Lia baby, will you do me the honour of keeping your mouth shut!"

He said with a stern voice that sent shivers down my spine.

I tried struggling and all that came out was a muffled groan.

I gave in.


He left me and I just glared at him when he came and stood in front of me.

"Aw baby I know that I am sexy you can stare at me whenever and for however long you want."

I just glared at him not even paying attention to whatever he was saying.

My anger was reaching at its peak right now. I have tolerated enough of him now!

First, he comes into my college, then he comes at my house and then he

Claims me as his!

"Baby I'm doing this for you only I want you to have the best of your last week but I want you to spent it with me."

"First of all, stop calling me baby! And if you really want me to enjoy my last week then let me enjoy it my way, I do not want you to interfere in my life. And it's not like you have given me any choice so at least let me enjoy the few days I have with the people I LOVE!!!"

Finally, I let it out. But it hurt me too. I didn't like to raise my voice at him I don't know why!

He looked down sadness filled in his eyes. I guess I caught a tear slip down his cheeks but any evidence regarding to that was wiped off.

"Ok if you want me to go I will, I will come to take you later."

He disappeared in a blink of an eye and I was left alone in the room with his scent.

I moved to my cupboard to remove the outfit for the day and kept everything ready on my bed.

I moved to the bathroom and took a bath and came out to get ready.

Even though all this while I couldn't be happy all I felt was a weight drawn on my chest because I spoke harshly to someone who's supposed to be my mate.

I think I like him.

I came out of my room and went straight to the kitchen.

Mom was drinking her regular black tea and I sat to have the tea with some toast.

"Good morning ma." I smiled at her.

"Good morning baby." I froze.

It sounds so familiar but only when he says it but it sounds foreign when ma says it.

In the meantime, I get a text from Nora.

Nora babe 🐥: (yeah, she changed her contact name on my phone) waiting out with Austin and Macey.

I silently laughed at the nickname for Mason. And I very well know what would be happening out there. Austin and Nora would show extreme PDA and Mason would every time cringe at them.

I had my breakfast, packed my bag and left the house with a silent good-bye to my mom.

As I stepped out the cool breeze of August hit me and I felt afresh.

During autumn's I find cool and calm breeze swaying silently. To wherever they want to. At least they have freedom.

As usual I spotted Mason and Norin. (ship name for Nora and Austin)

I walked up to them.

"Hey guys!"

"Hey D thanks for coming."

This sentence by Mason received a glare from Norin.

I laughed it off knowing the exact reason why he said that as I saw Nora stuck to Austin's hip.

I didn't say anything.

"Hey Lia! Nice to see you again."

"Hey Aus, nice to see you too, long time no see."

Nora hugged me and then we walked to college.

We went to our respective classes and decided to meet out of my class once college gets over.

The scene that enfolded in front of me was shocking as I saw Everly!

Everly the great, happy, cheerful and bubbly girl sad and tired. Sitting in the seat next to mine typing furiously on her phone.

The poor phone.

I went and sat next to her. She didn't even look up.

I coughed wierdly to make my presence known it sounded like a donkey braying and monkey screeching together,

but instead of her noticing me the other guy next to me took notice of my weird cough.

"What! I have lungites."

(What does that even mean)

Bad Dahlia, I mentally slapped myself for the stupid excuse.

"Ugh whatever dude keep your cough to yourself." He replied with a disgust look on his face.

I looked away immediately to see that Everly was now paying attention to me.

"Lungites? Seriously?"

My cheeks turned red; everybody must have heard it.

"Umm... Nothing you tell me what's up?"

"Nothing much just going through a bad stage." She sighed a very sad sigh and looked down.

"Okay, you want to share?"

"No, I'll be fine." She gave a weak smile. I understood she was going through something but If she doesn't share, I'm fine with it. But if she needs me, I will be there.

The teacher entered and our regular classes started I couldn't help but notice that Everly was sad and she looked like she needed help.

She used to check her phone every two minutes.

The rest of the day went really well, we met after college and went to our favourite bhelwala out of college.

I noticed that Everly was taking my pics subtly and I didn't like it.

I pushed the various negative thought aside and went to ask her about the photos. To which she replied that she was just taking candid pics for my birthday.

She laughed it off on a very weird way, the noise that you make when you are forced to laugh and screech at the same time. The same thing.

I brushed aside whatever negative thoughts I got and continued with my chat session with them.

We all went home and I was tired so fell asleep.