CHPT 452: The Oddity of Number 2....

The HellSlayer's Hound. Oddly enough, a power similar to that of the Lupines. An intimate and introspective power entirely differing and dependent on its user. Throughout the ages of HellSlayer's, the Hounds form was probably never repeated. Like a fingerprint. If fingerprints were wrapped in black scales with barbed manes and horns for eyes.

In the Library, Gil looked large. Larger than he seemed when he was usually set in the backdrop of a forest or field of dead HellBred creatures. Gil wasn't an inside type of Hound. And none of the Detectives Claude had ever come across were open minded.

As soon as Gil hit the Library carpet, growling and spitting green flames from his gills, the Detectives drew their weapons. Even Rory Legrand's two sons were up with their thick bladed swords drawn. The metal was so hot from their touch it was glowing red.

The Red Knight leaned in, remaining seated and suddenly interested. He kept his right hand raised, holding off the legion of readied combatants behind him.

He didn't seem as violent or idiotically headstrong as before. Not that it had disappeared, but more came to the surface. He was thinking.

"This is Gil. He eats Demons." Claude explained.

Prof. Alvis was shaking with excitement. He could smell it leaking off the man's clothing like perspiration as he assumed the Professors brain exploded with ideas and theories on the emergence of the HellSlaying power and its application.

"What does this prove?" The crescent bladed Detective questioned as small beads of sweat dripped down his black skin.

Claude clenched his jaw with aggravation.

"Are you all serious?" Ursula cut in. "You're all blatantly reaching for anything you can-- when the basis of your case collapsed the moment I walked my ass in here willingly-- beside him. There was no kidnapping. There was an attack, and we survived. Now here we are, retelling everything that happened, and giving you evidence.... free reign to look into our claims even. How about you try doing your jobs and investigate. The hell is going on in here, man. What are you all doing? Trying to make him trip up so you can kill him in a University Library? This is childish. You know who else tried this? Ronin. He failed! Maybe you should consider that maybe he isn't a terrible person out to kill students and steal nobles."

Gil purred and circled Ursula like a monstrous scaled housecat.

The Red Knights children cracked suddenly. Body language was a form of speech Claude knew well, just as the Wolves did. He watched them, they spoke with their movements. Small and easily unnoticed like whispers. Their feet moved in their combat boots repeatedly. Fingers tapping on knees. Eyes everyone but on Ursula-- it took a physical effort. Despite their resistance to heat, they were feeling her pressure.... their own? Guilt?

Whatever it was, Rory didn't feel it. Claude didn't see it. He simply nodded with a shrug and got to his feet. The chair he sat on let out a thankful sigh of relief. As he approached them, he still didn't look at Ursula.

The heavy jangle of his armor rang out like death bells. He stopped short as Gil growled and placed himself in front of Claude. As if Rory couldn't evaporate Gil and him with the heat of a sun.

He grinned faintly again. There was nothing positive in it. Like a brute silently gaining satisfaction from images of you being put through a meat grinder. The more animal part of Claude rose to respond. He stuffed it back within as he looked down at the man.

"No left arm, huh?" Rory questioned the missing piece of the HellBreeder again. He was asking about the Demonic Armament. He was asking about the very thing that made HellBreeders immortal.

A shiver ran up Claude's spine like an Arachnoid in a canyon, "Nope."

Rory nodded.

"Marshall spoke of you. He said you were full of surprises... infectious to anyone around you. It seems some more than others...." Rory said as he looked past Claude to eye his friends failing to be hidden by the Professors. Still didn't look at Ursula, he faced Claude again, "I'll tell you this, Vampires are the greatest at hiding inside groups of man. And you're no Vampire. Just full of surprises. And surprises get burned, boy." His breath felt like solar winds.

He began walking away, stopping once more with his sons and the Detectives in his wake. He turned his head, "I expect you home this weekend since you've returned."

The more Claude watched Rory speak to Ursula the more he wanted to rip his throat out.

"What, you mean in the back with the maids? I'm good where I'm at." Ursula replied. Her tone was cold. Less Berserker and more killer.

"And where is that at?"

Ursula stifled a growl with a loud swallow, "How about you investigate to find that answer."

Rory chuckled to himself and began walking again, "See you all at The Slayers World Tournament. Oh, Bounty Hunter come and get your money. And leave my City..... I wouldn't want anything bad happening to you with all that coin."

Casually, he threw out a written check and let it fall to the floor where a dozen Detectives stepped on in as they left.

Det. Mixus one and two were the last to remain. They stood in front of Ursula. The more physically imposing of the two hung back while the slimmer one with shorter hair spoke.

"You make solid points, Ursula Legrand. Even if our payout is entirely dependent on the notorious nature and infamy built around our employers suspect, a bit more reason should run alongside cases. Justice is blind after all. But we are not. We will see you all tomorrow to conduct more personalized investigations." Det. Mixus said robotically before heading out of the Library with her twin sister close behind.

They all sighed once everyone left.

Claude stood still as Prof. Raizen undid his cuffs. His wrists felt raw. He rubbed them as he turned to face his friends, absorbing Gil seamlessly in the process.

Ursula looked over at him. Claude nodded in her direction and they bumped fists. It didn't go terribly. That was what they were hoping for. He just wished along the way Ursula didn't have to rack up another traumatic experience with her father. He'd fix that somehow.

He looked them all over as they consoled Ursula. They changed-- almost just as much as He and Ursula had. They had to adjust to the absence, thankfully they did so quite well. Even so, more strength would be needed soon. He knew that for sure as the Professors watched him beside Cassidy.

He looked away from them as Maris approached him. She looked older. Still younger than the rest of them by a surprising amount, but older. Matured. It made him wonder her actual age. None of them knew including Maris. Her face wasn't so blank anymore. Bits of emotion and expression resided on her lightly tanned skin and long regal nose. Even her hair held some personality now. It wasn't the usual long groomed beauty her village people must've chosen for her years ago. She cut it herself. It was short. Uneven. Out of the way and uncared for. It wasn't her sword, so she didn't care. Fit like a puzzle piece.

She looked up at him, studying what looked back at her.

"It's been a while." Claude said as he held out a hand to her.

Maris grabbed it and used her other arm to pull up his sleeve, revealing the Druidic Markings.

"[One objective in mind as always. She would've been a wonderful asset in my day...]" Arne commented. It felt like more than a passive comment...

"Take me to the Druid who gave you these. I would like one that makes me better with the sword."

She didn't know what Druids were. Somehow that made Claude smile.

"Girl what the hell?!" Warren yelled at Maris as he let go of Ursula, "Why are you worried about tattoos?? We're about to enter a Tournament as first years!!"

Claude was more worried about The Red Knights fixation on the Demonic Armament. But yea, a Tournament was on the rise. He didn't even know what it entailed. They had work to do.