CHPT 453: What's to Come..... I Have to be Ready

Another day survived. Another challenged laying ahead. Resting like a deranged old Lion in a Cave, just waiting to be approached-- waiting to be awakened into a ball of bloody madness. That day would come, and Claude had to prepare.

But now, so did so many others.

With Rory Legrand and his associate's departure, Claude and the others remained in the Library for a considerable amount of time. It blew by as Claude watched Ursula reconnect with the others as if she never left. Maris continued to grill the two about their visible changes and strength growth all the while. But he could feel that there was more to it. There would always be more to her...

"You missed them, aye wolfboy?" Cassidy whispered from beside him as he watched.

Claude turned to watch him. Seeing him in his hooded attire once more felt almost like a memory, "Of course. They're her family where The Red Knight fails." He said in reference to Ursula.

"And you?" Cassidy questioned, "You never speak much about your family other than the animals."

Claude shrugged, "As you know, the best of it was taken from me. The others took my father.... Frosty's been my brother for as long as I can remember. Otherwise, I think my family would only bring more danger to them. Me and Ursula have wildly different fathers. But we both lost our Mothers... somehow I still can't shake the feeling that mine is worse."

The dreams still were present. Maybe that was part of the feeling.

"I feel you. I don't mean to sound like a cornball but don't forget the strength of a bond like family. It helped you here. You almost went into this alone."

Claude agreed. Truly. If Cassidy and Rollan never reminded him of his newfound connections, he would've been at a true disadvantage and short five hundred gold. The thought of being tied to that much money shook him to his core.

"Now, I think it's time I find my way out. Wouldn't want the teachers knowing too much." Cassidy said.

Claude nodded and turned to face him, "You saved my ass.... more than once." He held his calloused and scarred hand out.

"Likewise, partner. I'll see you this weekend." Cassidy gave him a wolfish grin and shook hands with him.

Claude could feel the bowstring damage done to his fingers. He must've started with a bow when he was younger.

Cassidy moved to let go and Claude tightened his grip. The memory of what The Red Knight said to him still firm in his mind, "Don't go straight back to the Grove and watch yourself after cashing the check. Detectives will be watching you."

Cassidy laughed, "You forget how long I've been in this business. Trust me. They won't know what to follow. Never get rid of that paranoia."

Cassidy let go of his hand and headed out of the Library.

Claude watched him go.

"Never will."

"Hey, Claude. You can't still be anti-social after not seeing us for nearly three months. There's no way." Warren explained.

Claude turned away from the Library exit and approached his friends.

"You're right.... my bad." Claude managed and shook up with Warren before pulling him into a half-hug.

"You got taller.... like a lot taller." Claude mentioned as they disconnected. Warren was always a string bean, but now it felt even more exaggerated with his newly attained height. He used to be a few inches taller than Maris at around five six. Now he had to be at least six foot even. And solidly built. The constant pulling of bowstrings and running gave him a lean fatless frame. He looked fast.

Warren's youthful face twisted into a smile that split his full lips to show his white teeth, "Yea I was telling Maris my dad is almost seven feet. I was just waiting on my familial genetics to come in."

"I don't know man it looks like you've worked for this. Not the height obviously.... but you look stronger. You all do." Claude said, "I was confident you'd be fine without us."

Isaac nodded in his direction, but Claude could feel an apprehension wafting from him like a physical smell. Not exactly bad, but different. He was thinking about things other than the current events.

"Man fuck all that. Next time you leave take us with, I can't do Tangents with two people anymore." Warren explained.

"Yes, take us with and share the secrets behind your growth in power. Share them now actually." Maris said in agreement with Warren. Must've been a blue moon.

"Hopefully Claude will tell you guys someday." Ursula said from beside Isaac.

"Why can't you tell us?" Maris questioned.

"For the most part, it's not my secret to tell." Ursula said as she watched him with her penetrating honey gold eyes.

He nodded, getting the message loud and clear.

Warren nodded, "Well, If you can't tell us everything. How about one thing?"


"What's your level?"

Before any possibility of the question being answered could come up, The Headmaster and Professors re-entered the Library.

"Dammit!" Warren cursed himself as everyone moved to reach the Professors.

As soon as they did, they were sat down at a table near the front of the Library. Where students usually studied in groups surrounded by bookshelves as tall as trees with a ceiling of ancient New Glorian historical art. It had a seriously studious feel to it, like genius was grown and cultivated within regularly.

They sat on the far-right side of the Library. The front desk and the pretty Librarian now a foreign concept as they hunkered down in between two Bookshelves at a table. Claude read the section they entered beforehand. It read, "Event Ruling and Procedure/Historical Logs"

Also known as the section where students would go to do anything but read. Claude could smell the old lust soaked into the carpet like rainwater to soil.

Ursula's nostrils flared at the smell.

They sat in silence as the Headmaster picked out books from the shelves with his massive hands. Claude watched Isaac in the silence.

Like everyone else he'd changed. He hadn't grown much in height like Warren, but he'd slimmed out. Less baby fat based on the sharpness of his jawline and capped shoulders. His skin had darkened as well. But the quickest note of change was shown in his hairstyle that now matched his mothers. Cornrows. Long and well cared for. No frizz in sight. Claude remembered having a similar hairstyle once when he was much younger. It hurt so much he buzzed his head with a sword as an act of rebellion.

"[Stop obsessing. Talk to him later.]" Arne cut Claude from his staring.

Immediately after, Headmaster Alaric slammed five books on the table as he turned to face them. The first book read, "Slayers Global Initiative".

"Ok. Raizen why don't you take them through it. I know you're knew to teaching here but if I remember correctly, you did quite well in spite of our disadvantages when you participated."

Prof. Raizen nodded and didn't even make a move to divulge in that possibly interesting portion of his history as he took the book and began speaking, "Ok. Being that you all are first years, you're behind. On knowledge. Power.... may be a different story." He explained as he looked at Claude across the table.

Claude nodded but stayed silent.

"Students participating in the main event usually get specialized training from established Heroes in their region. The others will, but you guys won't."

"Why?" Warren questioned, fighting off the urge to flinch as Prof. Raizen looked at him, "They won't take you serious. They'll be offended at the idea without context and Ronin has probably blackballed Claude into the eighth circle of Hell."

Prof. Brennan nodded in agreement from beneath his cloak, "You have us, and we'll do our best to help you along, but it won't be easy. You're walking through the fire this time around."

"Same shit different day." Claude thought.

"So, what is this exactly? I get it's a tournament but what are we competing for?" Ursula questioned.

Prof. Raizen started, "I'm no longer surprised you don't know after catching word of your living situation before all this. It's simple, this tournament isn't simply a game to be played. Students die here... sometimes not even in battle. It's a World Tournament. All of the world's active powers send the best of their next generation to compete. It's a clash of cultures, customs, nobility and skill. All to see where the next greatest Slayers are located."

"And how do they do this?" Ursula asked.

"By fighting Monsters... many Monsters." Maris said confidently.

Prof. Raizen nodded, the lights rays danced on his stubble lined chin, "Exactly. Even there, it's a testament of power and prestige. Whatever Monster your heroes can gather to be slain will be aimed at overpowering everyone else..... to show that their Slayers can defeat the Monster the others could not."

"This sounds detached from a Heroes job." Claude noted.

"I knew you'd think so. Heroes choosing Monsters in hopes that they'll kill other foreign Heroes is something a lot of students have failed to wrap their head around. And it's for that reason that the students with no care for ethics or moral coding do the best. This is a gladiator match at it's core, only there is no man against a lion. Everyone in that event is their own carefully crafted Monster over years of combat and cultivation to that point. I understand this is much I'm not supposed to lead with, but we're in strange times, would you agree Headmaster?" Prof. Raizen explained.

The Headmaster simply nodded beside Prof. Alvis.

"With that in mind I'd like to drive home a simple fact to you all. As students that have been described by a few others as working towards heroics, there is something you all need to keep in mind. Your definition of Heroes means nothing. It means your death in there, because this whole event in a sense weeds out people of that nature. At a base all Reborn beings are Slayers. We need to slay every Monster polluting the planet. Simple, violent, not sullied and greyed by morality and confused by doctrine from an old age. I respect young men and women looking more into what they believe in. But I could never respect myself if I sent you all in to without every advantage, I could give you."

"I understand." Claude said as he looked around the table. "We understand." He corrected.

"Now, with that being said. I'll get into the simpler things. Through the years the tournament has taken it's participants around the globe, not only to keep things disconnected from illegal tampering from any one nation, but also to show the next generation a variety of Monsters and culture."

"Where was it last year?" Ursula questioned.

"Arthuria. Actually, Rory Legrand's oldest won and graduated that year. He killed a Gold Ranked BloodStarved Vampire. It destabilized the strongest Coven of Vampiric Dark Elves in Arthuria and the death rate all over has plumeted since. Your name is like gold there, Ursula." Prof. Raizen explained, "But I understand you feel differently."

"Damn straight." Ursula said.

"That's still pretty badass..." Warren whispered as everyone looked at him, "...You're right, that was too soon. My fault."

"So, Monsters are status symbols?" Claude said.

"In a way." Prof. Raizen replied, "They'll come with some of the best of the region-- that they can manage to capture of course. Sometimes capture is harder than killing. With that being said, The Sunland's is where you'll be heading. Not only are they the most technologically and societally advanced nation in the world, but they also have the strongest Slayers and Monsters on average."

"FireTrolls in the Sunlands are said to have flames more similar to Solar Fire than regular fire. And their Primal Population is second to only the Republic of Tierra Primazon. The Average Rebirth age is also fourteen." Prov. Alvis fired off the facts like a living projectile weapon.

"That's the age all of you were Reborn at, right?" Prof. Brennan questioned.

"Around there." They all said.

"I don't know my age." Maris explained flatly.

"Well, we aren't too disadvantaged in that regard. Now we just need to level the playing field elsewhere." Prof. Raizen explained.

"We're entering a training regimen. We'll teach you what we can about The Sunlands and get you ready physically as best we can."

"We need high placements this year." Headmaster Alaric explained, "Not only will it bring sponsorships and capitol that would dwarf the funds Rory Legrand is withdrawing, but it'll also bring resources from Nations that could level ours in a heartbeat. It could skyrocket New Gloria's potential. And that's not even considering winning."

"Winning will put targets on your heads." Prof. Raizen explained, "That isn't the goal. Winners get scooped up by special agencies and such to better a Nations backing. And usually, they know the winner before it happens. They invest a lot of money."

"So, they need that person to win as payout." Ursula clarified.


"This is a mess....." Claude thought to himself.

"What are you thinking, Claude?" Prof. Brennan had been watching him the entire time.

"When is the Tournament beginning?"

"In one month."