Annoying Soul Fragment


"Lavy, do you mind roasting this piece for a bit longer?"


Bob ran out of ingredients for cooking, so he made do with only roasting meat to eat. Since the forest dungeon was burned to a crisp, he couldn't even forage unless he gets out of the dungeon.

"Hmm. It's not too bad."

"Cluck. Cluck cluck cluck!" Lavanuk happily ate the well-roasted drum stick. A bird eating another bird was bizarre to look at but it's quite the norm.


Getting their meal over and done with, Bob got up to stretch his body. He didn't want to get stomach cramps should he continue his monster hunt later. And lately, his ears have been ringing non-stop, as if a bug decided to live in his canals.


"You're getting annoying!"

Beside Bob was a floating orb. It was revolving around him as if he was the sun should it be a planet. It's been bugging him since earlier, constantly trying to catch his attention.