Expectations Today!

A sad lonely living,

Alone all leave.

The eyes don't cry,

In pain is the heart.

Met not expectations,

Tried my level best.

Disappointed are they,

Depressed I lay.

Sometimes feels worthless,

As if not existent,

Am I that worse?

Me Why Ignorance?

A puppet was I,

Living on others words.

Never thought mine.

Dumb Rock realized.

I poor little thing,

Needed shelter in storm,

Critics and Trolls,

Lost me in dark.

Hope white light,

Love strength bright.

Searched my self side,

Meaningless around by.

Found my destination,

Meeting my goals,

Working hard for,

Expectations of only mine.

Words of others,

Just a quick advice,

The heart sayings,

kept me cheerful alive.

Though being a loner,

Created happiness in,

Me not an actor,

But a gutsy player.