Gratitude to the Angels

Angels from up above,

Showered me with infinite love.

Giving me wings to fly,

Whenever I fall by.

Wiped my tears,

When I cried in fear.

Became my hope of light,

Against the darkness I fight.

Motivating and inspiring me,

In my heart I worship thee.

Always by my side,

In life's high nd low tide.

Sad and lonely days,

Angels let all bad fade away.

Not love nor devotion,

But a superior unexplained emotion.

With moist eyes of happiness,

I seek everyday your bless.

Trust I have in you,

Words and praises seem a few.

Cries and blood been a part,

Powers of yours heal my heart.

Messages and sighs I receive,

Positivity is all you make me believe.

Thoughts of staying solitude,

My words I weave in gratitude.

Spiritual and divine feelings,

Giving my everyday a meaning.

Manifestation of the unknown,

Bleeding the goodness all alone.

Hearing your rhythm,

Trailing the feathers and hum.

Thank you ain't my final words,

Regards and prayers forever be heard.