February 7, 2021: Stupor

Konrad didn't fully hear what Syn had just said. It was mainly because her head was lowered, partnered by the fact that she was whispering. 

"Syn, please look at me. I'm having a difficult time understanding you." The man said as he roamed his gaze around the lobby. 

He could see that the Felines were already in their positions, ready to depart together with Rolo Varendel. Although, there was Oliver Sundry and Ulysses Vernon, the one who fetched Syn from the bus stop, standing right in front of the circle that Konrad's guards made. They were doing their best to disallow the CEO from taking a step further. Brock, on the other hand, was trying to negotiate in order for a commotion not to arise in the building. Yes, Brock Matthews was ceaselessly insisting on forcing their way in, considering that he was completely recognizant what was set to transpire. Perhaps, he was only killing some time by toying around the two guards.