Innocent life

Alex noticed Aarvi changing her accent, she was so fluent that it felt like she was a different person. Her words sounded professional with a hint of menace towards the other person.

"Hey." Her short greet sounded in the car.

Alex noticed the corner of her lips arc slightly before settling hearing to the other end. He could sense the surprise on the other end. He somehow guessed they weren't Aarvi's team but a foreigner.

"Yeah sure. Let's talk business. Market manipulation? Harmon Industries." She ordered.

Alex knew Aarvi is Twyla who was a genius in reading the future market. But he hadn't expected her to be in contact with the people who manipulate the stock market as they want.

He was expecting Aarvi would drop the share price of Harmon Industries but he was shocked to hear, "Rise it, 4% daily for a week."