A Bewitching Enchantress

While Aarvi went near the ambulance, Alex was instructing the other four members of the Shadow team.

A male nurse in the ambulance opened the door and soon the painful groans of the lady reached Aarvi's ears. That kicked her heartbeat rate. The male nurse asked Aarvi with a slight frown, "Yes?"

Aarvi had heard natural birth could be done anywhere with proper precaution so she asked, "Is it possible to deliver a baby if I get a doctor?"

The male nurse could say from Aarvi's strong presence that she wasn't an ordinary lady. She had the power to get the doctor if needed hence she asked. He shook his head and hurriedly stated, "I just checked the reports, there are some complications and needs cesarean. The operation can't be done in this ambulance."

Aarvi bit her lip walking faster behind the moving ambulance. Since the road was blocked at the junction, the road would be definitely free after the junction.