One Week

The two news stories were spreading like wildfire. A positive one was for Skylar and Rivas Industries, due to Aarvi and Aaron. The negative one for Leon, who was being criticized ruthlessly.

Harmon Industries PR department was trying to suppress Leon's news but there were innumerable reposting of the news hence they were helpless. Whereas Skylar and Rivas Industries monitored the news so that things don't go out of hand while they cleared any news about Evans connecting with Aarvi Evans.

Undoubtedly people were saying Aarvi purposefully put on a drama at Coasta in the morning to get positive views on her. The netizens in favor of Aarvi were high using her dialogue, 'Then why didn't you have the guts to do it?' and a video of the newborn baby's mother and father speaking for Aarvi, sending their gratification helped to die down the negative impact.