Waiting for Help is stupidity

Jaxon had thought Aarvi needed his help and heard her attentively for the whole fifteen minutes. He was astonished, then his stupefaction slowly turned to shock and left him wondering. 

Aaron had paused his work and carefully heard her plan. He had the urge to put his wife's brain in a museum, his wife's brain is a wonder on earth. Then he changed his mind, he wanted her wholly for himself.

"Cupcake, when did you plan this?" Aaron asked, letting Jaxon think as it wasn't a small plan Aarvi designed.

Aarvi was prompt as she pointed at the laptop screen, "When I was checking the file Brother Jaxon sent me." 

She had thought for a long time to devise her last plan against Leon. She knew the effects of it so to avoid the after-effects hurting the innocent people's livelihood, she needs to step up wisely.

Aaron nodded proudly at his wife, "After all these, let's take a long break." He needs to rest her little brain from exhausting her more.