An Unreasonable Request

"Apologize to my employee." It wasn't a request but a demand.

Employees gasped, taken aback by Aarvi's actions. They looked at Aarvi, understanding she was standing for them. It warmed them to see she gave them more importance than the foreign old man who was their client.

Dax was a little surprised too. He thought she might try to tolerate the man more as she understood the old man's behavior. Anyway, he was proud of his friend, the President.

Palmer's assistant froze but he didn't find Aarvi's behavior odd. Because that was her, bold and straightforward. Whereas Palmer glared at her.

"Aarvi Evans, you are crossing your lines." He glowered at her.

The lady employee flinched, fear ceased her body and she stuttered lowering her body, turning to Aarvi, "Pr-president Evans, i-it's alright."