The Most Humble Client

Aarvi didn't comment after Dax as she would have said something similar to Mr. Palmer. Hearing Palmer deciding everything for her and her husband, Aarvi couldn't read this old man at all. Sometimes she felt him as a good man but had an exaggerated way of dealing with things. And sometimes, she wanted to flip the table on him. He was outrageous.

'No big deal?' Aarvi nodded at Palmer. "Sure, Mr. Palmer. A hospital in a big city or small island, they are the same for a doctor."

Dax turned to Aarvi without understanding why she was agreeing with the old man. Even though he believed in her, if he was in the place of Aaron, he would have definitely misunderstood her. He didn't comment and waited to know what she was up to.

Palmer's assistant was surprised. Aarvi playing on somebody's terms, it was hard to believe. Palmer was nodding in satisfaction and the rest were in shock.