Unwanted Help

"Never abuse a kind heart, you might never be offered one again."

- Anonymous


Gauhar's POV

I felt someone roughly pull me away from the man. I turned towards the offender, meaning to aim a few punches on their face instead for interrupting me from delivering punishment to this worthless human.

"I think that will safely guarantee him a few nights in the hospital, and if the ribs are taken into account. Then maybe even a few weeks." I heard a velvety smooth voice say, though right now it didn't sound pleased with what I had done.

"Calm down lil fang, if you hit him anymore he'll die." I heard him whisper, his warm breath penetrating through my hijab.

"Take a deep breath, and let the anger out lil fang. We can't have you go to jail for homicide now can we?"

As his words registered in my brain, my eyes widened as I took in the state of the man lying on the ground. His labored breath was the only indication of his being alive, which I was now thankful of.

"I would not want to be in his shoes." I heard the man behind me say, which made me realize that he still had his hand on my shoulder. I roughly shrugged it away, and turned around. Instead of encountering the face of the person who had kindly stopped me from committing murder, I was greeted with the sight of a green sweatshirt. I dragged my eyes up to find a pair of amused golden-brown eyes looking down at me.

His lips were pressed together, apparently in an attempt to stop himself from laughing out loud. I narrowed my eyes at him, unable to understand what he found funny in a situation like this.

"And why are you here?" I raised an eyebrow at him, reminding myself to remain calm. It wasn't polite to kill the person who stopped you from going to jail. But my tone betrayed my displeasure….damned traitor.

He suddenly burst out laughing, causing my eyes to widen in alarm. Had he lost it, was I in the company of a psycho? Now that I thought about it, that seemed highly likely. I looked around for Daniya, she was with the injured girl. Dammit I had completely forgotten about them because of my stupid anger.

I hoped that she was able to find help, the wound on the girl's head seemed as if it required immediate medical attention. I ran a hand down my face and winced in pain. My bleeding elbow had soaked my entire cardigan, which was torn halfway down the sleeve.

I looked up to find the suspected psycho staring at my elbow. His sudden bout of laughter seemed to have subsided, the intensity of his gaze caused a shiver to run down my spine. He suddenly sighed and ran a hand through his hair, which I noticed were an extremely dark black.

I nearly jumped out of my skin as I felt his warm hand wrap around my wrist. I hadn't realized he had come that close, what was I thinking, letting my mind wander around a psycho killer.

"You better move away or you will join him on the ground." I kindly informed him, as I pulled my hand away from his grip.

He looked at me with furrowed brows "I was just trying to help, you're bleeding lil fang."

I nearly choked on my spit as I heard what he had called me "What did you call me just now?" I ground out slowly through clenched teeth. It took every ounce of my self-restraint to stop myself from breaking his nose.

His eyes met mine as he smirked at me "I don't like to repeat my words." he reached out to grab my hand "Now give me your hand, it's bleeding."

"I don't need anyone's help, especially not yours." I informed him, taking a few steps away from him. His touch sent goosebumps up my arm, and I chose to take it as my body warning me to stay away from him.

It couldn't possibly mean anything else could it?

"I can clearly see that." he turned his head meaningfully at the man on lying on the ground. "At least wipe the blood." he said, as he pleaded with his eyes.

I sighed deeply and nodded. He handed me a handkerchief which I gratefully accepted. I wiped the blood that had now mostly dried, wincing as it grazed my now tender skin.

"Wear this please, your clothes are entirely ruined." He said when I was done cleaning the blood. I noticed that he had taken off his sweatshirt revealing a grey t-shirt underneath.

I knew I couldn't possibly go home in this state so I silently accepted his clothes.

"Thanks for everything." I said as I handed him the bloody handkerchief.

His honey like eyes shone as he held the dirty handkerchief in his hand. An amused smile gracing his lips "You're welcome lil-" he stopped himself from continuing when he noticed the look on my face.

"Your friends are alright, I have given them first aid. Though I think your blonde friend requires medical help." He informed me as he put the handkerchief in his pocket.

I furrowed my brows in consternation, my blonde friend? How did he know about Wilhelmina? I nearly face-palmed myself as I remembered the blondie from earlier.

"I'll take her to the hospital with that gentleman there." he continued. "I think you should come with us to the hospital as well."

I shook my head "Thank you very much for your concern, but I am fine."

"Are you sure?" he looked at me uncertainly.

"Quite sure." I smiled at him.

He took a sudden breath and let it out, alarming me. There was something seriously wrong with this man. I wasn't sure it was a good idea to let blondie go to the hospital with him. Wait…how was he going to take them to the hospital anyways?

He huffed as he supported the heavy man on his shoulder "Alright then, I'll leave. It was a pleasure meeting you Miss. I have your blonde friend waiting in my car, I'll make sure she is taken care of."