
"Siblings are the only enemies you can't live without."

- Anonymous


Gauhar's POV

He huffed as he supported the heavy man on his shoulder "Alright then, I'll leave. It was a pleasure meeting you Miss. I have your blonde friend waiting in my car, I'll make sure she is taken care of."

I followed him to the car, blondie was sitting at the back, her head resting against the backrest of the seat. The almost psycho stuffed the troll into the car and turned towards me, an eye-blinding grin on his face "Well have a safe day lil- Miss!"

He gave me a mock salute as he sat down in the car and drove off. My eyes followed the car as it sped past the trees into the distance.

"He was an angel wasn't he?" I heard Daniya sigh, causing me to jump.

"You're calling that psycho an angel now?" I raised my eyebrows at her incredulously.

"Did you even see him Gauhar? He's a perfect angel. And you're wearing his sweatshirt now." She pointed out, staring at the entirely too large sweatshirt draped over me.

"Whatever, I don't have energy to quarrel with you."

"By the way, you should stop doing that Gauhar, I'm afraid that one of these days I'll have to carry your heavy body home. And let me inform you, I do not look forward to watching the look on your mother's face when she sees your dead body."

"Ha, she'll definitely suspect you of murder. And not without reason, you did yourself admit to fantasizing about choking me in my sleep." I grinned at her.

Daniya growled in irritation "That was absolutely not a fantasy."

I chuckled at her annoyance "Then I'll make sure I don't die than. Can't have you writhe in pain as your back hurts after carrying me." I assured her kindly.

"It's because of men like this that I'm thankful I wear the hijab, even if it makes me sweat like a fountain." Daniya said as we continued to walk on our way.

"I refuse to be objectified by jerks like him, it's my choice who sees me and who doesn't. And it's most certainly not men like him." I agreed vehemently.

"By the way, your mum is going to go mad when she sees you like this." Daniya reminded me as we walked home. I looked down at the oversized sweatshirt and groaned in despair "I am so not looking forward to that confrontation."

"I wonder what she'll think when she sees you in a mans clothes." She mused "I would say I feel bad for you but I don't, so I won't lie." Daniya said, proving what an amazing friend she was.

"You are so not helping my situation right now." I glared at her "If you don't have anything good to say, kindly keep your mouth shut."

As we stopped in front of my house I took in a deep breath, who knew facing your mother's wrath was even worse than fighting a troll.

"All the best!" Daniya said, as we stood near the door. My ears pricked up as I heard a familiar ringtone, Muqeet was home. I ran a hand down my face in irritation....the day seemed to just keep getting better and better. I noticed that Daniya's face had turned weirdly pale, the smile on her face had slipped off.

"By the way, mom said she is making baklava today, I think I'll bring you some when I come to make sure that you are alive." she started moving away slowly.

"Why don't you come inside? I'd be saved from the ordeal of facing mum's anger if you were there." I gave her my most hopeful smile, hoping beyond hope that she'd stay.

"Nah, I think I'd like you to face this yourself. It's character building stuff." she smiled at me sweetly as she left for her home, abandoning me in my time of crisis.

I was so lucky to have such an amazing friend, I thought to myself. I gritted my teeth and walked in, preparing myself for the worse. It couldn't possibly be worse than being beaten up by a mountain of a man.

Could it?

I slowly walked into the house, making sure I didn't make any sound. A ninja would have been envious of the skill I was portraying right now. I smiled to myself, proud of my own skill. I should really consider that as my job, being a lawyer sounded quite tame in front of being able to cut someone up with your bare hands.

Ninjas could do that right?

"Oh well, you've come back already." I heard the irritatingly familiar voice of my elder Brother say.

I nearly groaned at my bad luck, I turned my head slowly towards him "What are you doing here? Don't you have work to do? Or did they make the right decision and kick you out?" I inquired sweetly, I was such a great sister.

"I completed my work early" he said smirking at me. His smile widened horribly, as he took in my clothes, his eyebrows rising up on his forehead. His chocolate brown eyes shining with evil intent.

"Where did you get those clothes from? They don't look like yours"

"That's none of your business." I tried to push past him into the house, hating him for ruining my ninja like attempt of sneaking in unnoticed.

He looked unperturbed by my anger, in fact he seemed to enjoy it, the sick bugger. He grinned at me widely and took in a deep breath.

I quickly intercepted his next move and covered his mouth with my hands "Please Muqeet, don't tell mama, please help me, I will acknowledge that you are the best Brother in the world." I gave him my most convincing look - which worked on mostly everybody....except him.

What a pity. Life was so unfair sometimes.

He scoffed at my pitiful attempt at convincing him "And what good will that do to me?" he raised an eyebrow at me. That was quite a good question, for which I sadly did not have any answer. Damn him

"Your name will be high up on the best Brother's hall of fame" I lamely offered, looking up at him hopefully.

"Of course, I'll help you then, because that sounds so tempting right now, who wouldn't want to be on the best brother's hall of fame?" He said sarcastically, rolling his eyes at my lacklustre attempt at convincing him.

But hope bubbled in my chest as he walked away. He hadn't called out for mother, so maybe, he wasn't so bad after all.

As I reached my room, I nearly screamed out in joy. Nearly though, because I was being a stealth ninja here, and wasn't allowed to make noises.

As I carefully turned the doorknob, I heard my mother call out my name, causing me to wince. I dragged myself to where she was, hoping against hope that she wouldn't notice my disheveled appearance.

Really, my wishful thinking knew no bounds.

"Muqeet said that you had returned....'" she began, before she took in my appearance, upon which her kind cocoa brown eyes widened comically, before they narrowed into menacing slits.

I would have laughed if my situation wasn't so compromised right now. I cursed internally at my traitor of a brother. I really should have killed him that night,

"What did you do this time?" she asked, her voice rising higher at every word, her hands were placed on her hips.

I knew I should be intimidated, but she just looked so cute right now, I just couldn't. It was all I could do to stop my face from splitting into a smile, but I successfully managed to control my face, I didn't want to incur any more damage.

"I fell down?" I offered hopefully, giving her a tentative smile. This had happened so many times, the creativity I could muster in my excuses was quickly depleting.

Mother took in a deep breath and I closed my eyes preparing myself for her wrath, while I imagined the various ways I could kill Muqeet in sleep. Trying to optimize it to be as painful as possible.

This time I would be sure to set my alarm clock to wake me up on time.

"How many times should I tell you to watch where you are going? This is the third time this week you have come this way. My lord, what happened to your face?" she screamed causing me to wince.

Don't get me wrong, Hadiya Siddique is the sweetest most kind person you can possibly find. Unless when it came to me, but if your twenty two year old daughter kept coming home with muddy or ripped clothes and you were the one who had to wash the clothes you would be quite pissed as well.

"Don't worry mama It's just a little scratch, it'll fade away in no time. And I'll even take some time off my job and wash all the laundry. I'll even clear the garden." I said trying to placate her.

Surprisingly, it seemed to be doing exactly the opposite of that, as my mother's face turned red and her breathing rate increased "You are an adult now!" she considerately reminded me "I can't, for the life of me see how I can make you see that Gauhar! Why can't you learn to behave like a lady?" she almost groaned in despair

I narrowed my eyes at Muqeet who stood leaning against the doorjamb, a despicable smirk on his face, enjoying himself immensely. I glared at him, hating the fact that looks couldn't kill as I said "I'm sorry mama I will try. If Allah wills this won't happen again."

It did little to reassure her, but she seemed placated. I smiled at her, wincing as pain shot through my cheek.

But I had rejoiced far too soon.

"I'm calling your father. He will speak to you about your conduct. Before that go and have a bath. And do something