Makeup Trends?

"Waiting for someone to make you happy, is the best way to remain sad."

- Anonymous


Gauhar's POV

I tried my best to ignore the gloating look on my brother's face as I climbed the stairs. I wanted to punch that smirk in but that would definitely prove counterintuitive in my case. I'd be imprisoned in my house by mother for the remainder of the month if I ever did something like that, and that git knew it very well.

There was a high chance that he was trying to get me to do that to him. He could never be trusted, though I never knew he was masochistic. Who knew what weird things went through that head of his, maybe he did enjoy getting beaten up.

You never know.

"Enjoy your meeting with Baba, make sure you hide this bruise from him." He suddenly gave an exaggerated shudder "I don't want to be in your shoes if he notices it."

I narrowed my eyes at him "You are one to say, when all this would have most probably not happened had you not been a snitch and called mum. I'd have been safely hidden in my room by now and this would have been hidden a little longer." I pointed towards my cheek.

He leaned against the wall and shrugged nonchalantly "I suppose you are forgetting the minor detail that this bruise is situated on your cheek, which means it is in plain sight for anyone to see."

I clenched my fists focussing all my anger on his smug face. I absolutely hated the fact that he was right. Lord, why did he of all people have to make sense? I couldn't help but seethe at the unfairness.

"No need to say it, I know I'm right, like always. Either way, you were going to get into trouble, I just made sure I didn't give up on the perfect opportunity of being the reason of your misery. Consider this payback for sneaking on me when I went out with the guys." his words made me want punch that grin off his face.

But the memory of the dressing down he got for that brought a smile of satisfaction on my face. Ah, that was so worth it, I dislike regret telling on him one bit. But I couldn't relish in those sweet recollections, as I heard a growl.

"Seeing your face right now, it makes me really happy of doing what I did." He smirked at me, but I could see the anger glowing in his dark brown eyes.

"God knows what you were doing there with your friends, I actually did you a favour by stopping those unholy acts." I smiled sweetly at him, knowing very well that it was making him angry.

Ah the sweet love between us, it never failed to make me want to kill him in the name of this love.

He lifted his hand to stroke my cheek, but I moved away from his touch "Enjoy little sister, I hope this is a lesson for you to not nose into my affairs."

I smirked at him as I started to climb the stairs "Ha! You wish, that's never going to happen my dimwitted brother. You just make sure you don't fall asleep at night, because it could most probably be your last."

"All empty threats." I heard him scoff.

"It was my job warning you, don't be too sure of yourself!" I called out from the head of the stairs, which caused him to roll his eyes.

Ah well, at least he couldn't complain that I stabbed him without warning. It was a sign of his dumbness that he didn't pay heed.

I shook my head to myself as I walked towards my room, I seriously needed to make a foolproof plan this time. I couldn't bear to fail this time, like I did the last time. I cringed to myself as I remembered how I had been caught. I winced as I remember how brother had made sure I never forgot it the entire month by bringing it up at the most random times, and in front of random people.

All thoughts of revenge left my mind as I passed the closed door of my father's study. I felt an ominous chill pass down my spine as I pictured father's reaction to the consequences of my fight with that troll, brother got me good this time.

The rapidly increasing throbbing on my cheek was an indicator of just how bad my cheek was going to get inflamed.

I was no beauty expert, but even I knew that a cheek that looked like I had Botox done by an extremely experienced monkey, wasn't a flattering look to sport. I took in a deep breath as I entered what would be described as the den of all things sinister and evil, by brother.

And what I liked to call- my room.

The familiar sight of my cosy bed, with its dark fleece quilt and the white curtains blocking the harsh rays of the sun that very nearly killed me today. Filled me with a sense of calm. A feeling that was soon brutally squished out of my mind, as my traitorous brain reminded me that this was just the calm before the storm.

I sighed tiredly and pulled the hijab off my head, which was still surprisingly clean. Perhaps it was the only thing that had survived the trials of this incredibly doomed day, the invincible hijab. At least that was one less thing that I'd have to wash today, maybe I could wear the hijab again tomorrow.

I ran a hand thorough my hair, as I looked at myself in the mirror. The pair of black eyes staring back at me, looked deceptively fearless. Even the mirror had begun to lie to me, the lifeless mass of tangled copper brown on my head made me sigh in despair. The limp strands that fell down my shoulders reminded me of their gruesome death by drowning in my sweat.

That was going to take ages to wash. I grimaced to myself as I remembered the dried blood on my knees and arms. I was usually not lazy to take a bath, but this was going to be a particularly unpleasant experience. And I was absolutely not looking forward to it. I'd rather not take a shower in the given circumstances. Unlike brother I did not enjoy pain...and this was going to be hella painful.

Nobody is allowed to judge a person in pain, and it's not that bad being dirty. Why do you think elephants enjoy playing in the mud?

I leaned forward into the mirror, gingerly running a finger down the faint purple bruise now adorning just one cheek. It eerily looked Asif I had applied blush on just one cheek.

Maybe this could be a new trend now, after rainbow highlighter anything had potential to be the next big thing in the makeup just needed to have artistic potential to be big. Maybe Daniya would be into it, I make a mental note of asking her about it when we meet next.

Looking like you had just been beaten up had great potential to be a rage among the youth, I'm sure. Looking as if you're a warrior, even if you got scared of little mice. Now that would be amazing.

God, sometimes I surprised even myself with my ideas.

I ran my thumb across the bruise that was rapidly darkening into a murky purplish-blue. I deduced that it would probably take about an hour more for my cheek to start looking like a failed Botox procedure. Maybe I could hide this bruise with the concealer that Daniya had kindly forced me to buy.

Her foresight was indeed commendable, she must have most probably anticipated me getting stuck in a situation like this. Well it was an untold fact that people with green eyes were related to fairy folk, no wonder Daniya always managed to intercept my intentions and successfully shield her plate of fries from me.

I never understood why people with green eyes had this unfair advantage. What wrong had people with black and brown eyes committed to be treated this unfairly?

I let myself fall down on the bed, its familiar warmth surrounding me. I took in a deep breath as I finally allowed my tense muscles to relax. The soothing smell of musk and something spicy tickled my nostrils. I inhaled more deeply, the earthy notes calming my senses.

The comforting scents made me feel strangely warm from within. I felt a smile form on my face. As I closed my eyes, a pair of honey brown irises twinkled at me, a strange intensity shining within them. The warm smile that flashed a set of straight white teeth, made me sigh.

My eyes flew open as I realized what I was thinking about. I shook my head to myself to get rid of these wayward thoughts. What on earth was I thinking? And where was this smell coming from? I slapped a hand on my forehead, as I realized that this smell was coming from the ridiculously large, bright green sweatshirt I was wearing.

I couldn't help but laugh at his weird taste, though he did manage to pull it off. It didn't look as weird on him as it did on me. I felt my hand tingle as I remembered his warm touch on my hand, I knew I absolutely did not want to remember anything of the sort. Still, I felt my cheeks heat up at the memory.

Strange, why where both my cheeks burning when I had hurt only one?