
Mismatched Socks

"According to science, forgetfulness is actually a sign that you are intelligent."

-By someone who wants to see you smile :)


Gauhar's POV

"You don't need to know it. I don't want you to hate me Dani." I curtly replied, trying to mask the sadness I felt saying those words. Good thing she couldn't see me right now.

"Alright, Its okay. Anyways, how are you even talking to me?" the surprise in her voice made me roll my eyes.

I suppressed the urge to face palm, as I heard her words "I know you're dumb, but I thought you'd learnt to hide it Dani. For your information, I am speaking through my mouth. Though if you didn't know I'll enlighten you, that the sound is actually generated in a voice box in your throat. Yeah, no need to be surprised, it's astonishing I know but it's the truth."

"Could reign in your sarcasm a little, you very well know what I mean. Aren't you supposed to be busy right now?" I loved to annoy her, the irritation in her voice was like music to my ears.

"Gosh, I didn't know you had gotten bored of me already." I gasped dramatically "Monday afternoons are practically dead for business and I'm dying of boredom here."

I blew out a breath as my eyes rested on the cakes and pastries winking at me through the glass display "And then there's that fact that these cakes are staring at me mockingly."

I heard a loud 'smack' from the other side, as if somebody had hit Daniya on her face "Gauhar, are you alright?" the worry and exasperation in her voice made me furrow my brows in confusion. What was up with her now?

She sucked in a sharp breath "Bloody hell! Don't tell me you hadn't had breakfast again today. Good lord, now you're going to start hallucinating. I demand you to stop having dirty thoughts about those pastries right now."

An ominous growl from my stomach answered her question, I looked down at my stomach "Too late, I'm already imagining…stuff."

Since graphic content is censored, I can't describe my thoughts. But they were bad enough to make Daniya start hyperventilating.

"That's it Gauhar, I'm coming to you with something to eat. Mum is busy with work so I guess something that I cook will have to suffice for you at the moment."

As soon as her words penetrated my hunger induced haze, warning bells started ringing in my head. I had to make sure Daniya understood that I was hungry, but not hungry enough to die.

"No!!!" I screamed out, before matters could get any worse. When I realized that it might have been a little to emphatic, I cleared my throat "Um, I mean, don't bring me anything you cooked. I'm fine now, I'm not hallucinating I promise."

"Rude! Here I am worried sick about you and you don't even have the courtesy to appreciate my effort." The hurt was clear in her voice, it wasn't that I didn't feel guilty but I could only endure so much for friendship.

"I love you Dani, I really do. But even my love for you can't make me eat burnt food. I can't turn suicidal in my love for you." I tried to reason with her.

"Har har hilarious, god please remind me why I befriended this ungrateful woman."

Her words made me roll my eyes "Ah, here is my drama queen. Save your overacting for when we meet love. I love to see the ugly faces that you make when you are angry."

The words that came from Daniya made me wince, if ears could wilt, mine would have already fallen off.

"Damn gurllll, my ears. Just because I have Muqeet as my brother, does not give you free licence to cuss. My ears like to abstain from hearing unholy words."

Before I could get Daniya's response I felt a tightening near my waist. I was barely able to breathe, let alone let out the scream that was stuck in my throat.

"There, all done." I felt someone pat on my back. I turned around to find a person half my height standing with her hands clasped behind her back. A bright grin on her face, and her impossibly green eyes shining at me like a pair of emeralds.

"I saw that you had again tied the knot badly, so I thought I'd help." She began sheepishly as I continued to stare speechlessly at her. She tucked a strand of her red hair behind her ear and looked away from me, a slight dusting of red on her cheeks.

"Thank you Natalie, I never understood how to get these infernal knots right. Thanks for helping me." I grinned at her, as I rubbed the back of my neck in embarrassment.

My god, how bad was it that even little ten year olds were better at tying knots than I was.

"Do you….um, remember what day it is today Haru?" she looked up at me hopefully, causing my heart to thud erratically in my chest.

Dammit I did not remember what day it was today, panic built in me as I tried to keep the smile on my face from faltering. Why the heck does your mind refuse to remember info when you need it? When usually it manages to remember crap like the different coloured socks Muqeet wore to work, thinking that it might be good blackmail material.

I wracked my brain to find a suitable reason that might make a child happy this way "It's your birthday today." The question came out like a statement.

But apparently that was the right thing to say as I saw her face light up in a smile "Haru you remembered it after all." small arms wrapped around my waist, squeezing me tightly.

"Did you bring me what you promised?" those green orbs looked up at me. The hope shining in them made me feel sick with guilt.

Now what on earth had I promised to bring her? I gently patted her head as I willed my brain to remember what I had promised so that I didn't have to see the disappointment on her face. I felt the panic rise as my heart beat frantically under her expectant gaze.

"Natalie, come here. Are you troubling Gauhar again?" never in my life had I been as happy to hear Mrs. Abercrombie's voice as I was now. Natalie reluctantly detached herself from me and walked to her mother, her head bowed down sadly.

"What was she asking of you now Gauhar?" Mrs. Abercrombie's sharp green eyes were now focused on me, and weirdly I was afraid to lie under her piercing gaze.

Was this how Harry felt when Dumbledore looked at him with his piercing eyes? No wonder that old man manage to weasel out the truth all the time.

"I-I asked her if she brought me the gift she had promised me." Natalie spoke out, picking at the stray threads that frayed from her skirt.

"I'm sorry Gauhar, I know she asked you to buy her the princess frock that she had seen in the mall the other day. But I know that it is extremely expensive and you don't need to buy it for her." a groan of protest escaped Natalie's mouth, as she stared resentfully at her mother.

Mrs. Abercrombie glared at her daughter, effectively silencing any words of protest that she might utter.

I felt realization dawn on me as I finally remembered what I had promised to buy for Natalie, as we had gone out to buy supplies for the store. I mentally smacked myself for forgetting and willed myself to buy it for her when I go back home.

"No no, it's alright Mrs. Abercrombie. I want to get it for her, and after all Natalie should get what she wants for her birthday." I smiled at Natalie and received a grin so bright that I was momentarily blinded by its light.

"Oh, thank you Gauhar dear. I know it is too much…" she began but I cut her off.

"It's absolutely nothing Mrs. Abercrombie. Nothing is as precious as that smile on Natalie's face." I waved a hand in the air, effectively curbing anymore thank yous and you-don't-have-to-do-thats.

The gratitude on their faces only added to my guilt, why did she have to be so nice! Why can't she frown in disappointment and say something rude to me, like she was just a while ago? Goddammit it was bad, I hated my abysmal

"By the way, I'm closing the café now, so you have the day off. I have to prepare for her birthday party" her words dragged me away from my gloomy thoughts. I could hardly believe my ears, but the smile on Natalie's face and the complacent expression on Mrs. Abercrombie's forced me to believe that it was indeed true.

"Did you really say that I have the day off?" I asked again, only to be sure I hadn't misheard her.

"Yes Gauhar, you heard right." She smiled at me "No you stay here, I'll be back in a minute." The petite little woman walked into the kitchen, leaving me to stare after her in confusion.

The smell of freshly baked good wafted into my nose, nearly making me fall down as the heady aromas bombarded my senses. I discreetly wiped the drool of my face as she approached me with a large paper bag.

"Here, this for the children at the orphanage. Give it to them when you go there." She instructed as she passed the bag into my hands.

"And this is for you." She said handing me a couple of sandwiches "I know you didn't have breakfast today." she smiled at me kindly, her sharp green eyes softening considerably.

"Don't tell me Mrs. Abercrombie, you were listening on me when I was talking to Daniya." I grinned at her, as her cheeks turned a wild shade of red.

"Well, you can't blame me. Monday afternoons in the café are indeed dead." she smirked at me, repeating the words that I had said to Daniya, before turning around and walking towards the counter.

Before I had second thoughts about it, I ran towards her and wrapped my arms around her little form "Thank you Mrs. Abercrombie, you are a rock. I don't know what I'd do without you!"

She jumped up in surprise at my sudden attack, but quickly calmed down, relaxing in my arms '"Aren't you laying it on quite thick now?" she asked dryly.

"No seriously, thank you Mrs. Abercrombie. And tell Natalie I'll bring her gift tomorrow." I squeezed her a little tighter, causing her to chuckle.

As I pulled away from her she looked outside at the darkening sky "I think you should leave quickly, it looks like it is going to rain soon."

I nodded my head and grabbed the paper bag of food and my sandwiches from the counter as I walked out of the café into the breezy afternoon that was steadily turning darker.