
Talking Ice-creams

"There are people in the world that are so hungry, that god cannot appear to them except in the form of bread."

-M.K. Gandhi


Gauhar's POV

The air vibrated with the promise of rains, and I was determined to reach Mrs. Singh and the children before I got soaking wet. I especially needed to protect this heavenly smelling food from getting wet.

Gritting my teeth, I increased my pace, as I felt the cramps on my leg return again. At least this time I didn't have the birds chirping and those happy voices mock my misery.

A loud clap of thunder rang out in the silent afternoon, causing me to nearly jump out of my skin. I had rejoiced too soon. All those who were enjoying the glorious weather were now perhaps safely nestled in their homes, a hot cup of cocoa in their hands, waiting for the rain to fall and rid us of the unbearable heat.

As my thoughts wandered towards the bitter-sweet taste of cocoa and its thick creaminess on my lips, my stomach gave an omnious growl. Damn I really shouldn't think of images like that, especially when I was just a step away from fainting.

Another bright flash of lightening blinded my eyes, loud thunder following in its wake. Goodness gracious, I had thought that these were going to be innocent rains, who knew it was a storm silently brewing in the shadows.

I grabbed the bag in my hands tighter as I increased my speed, the image of soggy croissants and cakes haunting my thoughts and spurring me on. I raced on mindlessly not paying heed to my surroundings, my destination the only thing on my mind.

That was a lie, it wasn't the only thing. Food took the foremost spot followed by my destination. But it looked way less cooler, and made me look like a pig.

I was shaken from my thoughts about food and reaching the orphanage before getting wet when I collided with something hard. My hazy mind tried to understand how a wall could suddenly sprout up in the middle of the street. My crash was followed by a loud thud, my eyes widened as I looked around. Making sure that nobody had seen me knocking down a wall, I didn't want to pay to the authorities.

Though it was past my understanding how I had managed to knock an entire wall down, I looked at my hands in awe. I never knew I had so much strength in myself, maybe I could be some cool underdog hero who rises up to understand her powers and fights against the bad guys.

My brother in this case.

I looked down to inspect the wall that I had just pummeled to the earth. The bag in my hands nearly falling to the ground as I realized what it was that I had just thrown to the ground.

I felt guilt overwhelm me as I saw the man lying on the ground. His dark blue dress pants that looked worth at least two months of my salary at the bakery, were soiled by dust, his white dress shirt now streaked with traces of brown.

I winced at the thought of attempting to clean those stains. If it had happened to my clothes, I didn't even want to think what mothers reaction would be to it.

"I'm so sorry sir, I didn't mean to crash into you like this." I mentally slapped myself, who on earth is dumb enough to say that. Apparently me.

"I- I mean, I wasn't looking where I was going and I was in a hurry. It's going to rain and I didn't want to get wet. I have food in this bag, and don't you think it would be a pity if all this food got wet…." A bright flash of lightening stopped me from my mindless rant, only then did I notice that the prostate figure on the ground wasn't even paying attention to my words.

Thank god he didn't, I never want to let anyone hear what comes out of my mouth when I'm hungry.

I looked down at the man, he was tall. But I couldn't make out his face, his dark hair hid his features. I followed the direction in which his gaze seemed to be trained. I noticed that my carelessness had not only caused the demise of the incredibly expensive suit this man was wearing, but it had made me commit another murder.

And this was even worse than the one I had done before. The broken remains of an ice cream were lying on the ground near my feet, the cone tragically cracked and dark brown ice cream bleeding out of the crevices.

Another wave of guilt washed over me, nearly suffocating me in its wake "I'm so so sorry, I never meant for this to happen." I started apologizing again, more fervently this time.

"You will have to pay for your crimes miss, I cannot forgive you so easily." A silky smooth voice replied, startling me. I crouched down and looked closely at the dead ice-cream, how on earth did it speak? Did I kill a talking ice-cream, and one that had an amazing voice at that.

Guilt stabbed through my heart.

"I'm so sorry, I'd do anything to get your forgiveness." I nearly cried, clutching the bag tighter to my chest.

"Are you mad? Why are you talking to the ice-cream?" The smooth voice asked me, causing me to scrunch my brows together. Why was the ice-cream addressing itself as 'the ice-cream'?

Quite a weird ice-cream I must say, but then ice-creams must not have been taught pronouns. What did I know?

"I'm here miss." The voice said. Only then did I realise that it was coming from another direction. I turned towards the man lying on the ground and barely held in the gasp that threatened to escape me.

I quickly jumped back to my feet, as my eyes met with his honey brown irises. He pushed his messy dark hair back and stared at me as if he couldn't believe his eyes.

Or maybe because he thought that I was mad, which I probably was due to my empty stomach.

"Damn lil fang it's you! Did you perhaps forget to take your sense with you today?" he smirked at me, the expression irritating me as I realized who it was.

"So Mr. Psycho it is you. What a way to meet again, though I can't say I'm pleased to meet you." I smiled bitterly at him, hating the way my heart was suddenly beating faster in my chest.

It was all because of running so much, I knew.

"And would you stop calling me that weird ass name? I am not little and I have no fangs."

The smirk on his face only got wider, which only caused me to get even more irritated "Ah, that's where you are wrong, but alright. I'll not call you that, your Miss. Balls Breaker now."

I choked on my spit as I heard what he said, I clenched my fists in anger yearning to punch that irritating smirk off his face.

"If you don't stop calling me that, I'm afraid I'll have to give you a demonstration of my skill." I grinned at him, baring my teeth. Or as he liked to call them, my fangs "God knows, how much I want to try it on you."

He sucked in a sudden breath at my words, causing him to start coughing violently. I put my bag of food on a bench nearby and walked towards him, afraid he might die of choking "Are you alright? Do you perhaps need some water?" I looked around hoping to find some place where I could get some water.

As his coughing got more violent, panic started rising in my throat. I felt the air get thinner, and a strange weight come over my heart as the helplessness shrouded me.