
Re-compensation of a Murder

"I'm sick of following my dreams, man. I'm just going to ask them where they're going and hook up with them later."

-Mitch Hedberg (Nice tactic, pls try it and inform if it works...and regret.)


Gauhar's POV

I tugged at my scarf, worry nearly knocking out my breath "I'm so sorry, please hang in there. I'll try to get help." I looked at him earnestly, only when he smirked did I realise that he was not going to die.

Bloody jerk, did he have no regard for my feelings?

"The only help I need is yours. Please give me your hand, I want to get up." Only then did I realise that he was still lying on the ground. I folded my arms across my chest as I stepped away from him.

"Get up yourself, you don't deserve any help from me, after the prank you just pulled on me." I narrowed my eyes at the smug expression on his face, hating the fact that I couldn't claw it off his face.

"That's where you are wrong lil fang. I deserve help, and re-compensation from you." He got up, dusting off the dust on his shoulders "After the damage that you inflicted upon my expensive clothes, not to mention the way you killed my ice-cream and let it go to waste. Don't you think I am entitled to get at least an apology from you?"

I pressed my lips together, refusing to acknowledge that he was right.

The psycho turned bane of my existence walked towards the bench and sat down, stretching his long legs in front of him he turned his head towards the sky. Running a hand through his raven black tresses, he sighed deeply.

As I looked up at the sky myself, I realised how dark it had gotten. I had to get to the orphanage, and at this rate I was definitely going to get wet to the skin, if the darkness of the clouds was anything to go by, this was going to be a hell of a storm.

"Where do you think you are going?" he turned towards me, one of his thick eyebrows raised in question.

"Where I am going, is none of your business." I replied as I picked up the paper bag I had placed on the bench.

"No, you are not allowed to go so easily. Especially after ruining my ice-cream, which was my only source of nutrition." his eyes that looked like burnt amber bore into mine, as he grabbed my sleeve to stop me from going anywhere.

"Sit down here and give me company." he ordered, making me feel hot anger surge through me. I grit my teeth as I realized that maybe, I did owe him for ruining his stuff this way.

And then I still had that green sweatshirt that smelled amazing.

"What are you thinking lil fang? Come here, have a seat." I shook my head I tried to stop thinking about the amazing smell of that sweatshirt.

This was not an easy feat as the musky, sharp spice hit my nose, heightening my senses. I made sure he didn't notice me breathing in the scent as I sat down beside him.

I wanted to beat myself for acting this way, bur the smell made feel warm and slightly giddy. Kinda like a drug. (Which is bad)

I made sure I placed as much distance as possible between us as I sat down on the bench beside him.

"If you sit any farther you'll fall down off the bench." he pointed out, as he made himself comfortable, placing one leg over the other and reclining as if he owned the place.

"Maybe that's exactly what I want to do, at least it would be better than being forced to endure your presence." I muttered to myself, as I stiffened my back and stared straight ahead.

"Too bad you're in my debt now, so you're stuck with me." He turned towards me, a smile that I had never seen before adorned his face. I clutched the bag tighter to my chest as I noticed the dimple that formed on his right cheek "Would you just relax a little? I noticed that you were stressed the moment I set my eyes on you, the firm set of your shoulders and that permanent scowl on your face is a dead giveaway. Just loosen up will ya?"

I narrowed my eyes at him "How am I supposed to lower my guard in the presence of a complete stranger? What if you're hatching some elaborate plan to kill me?"

He folded his arms behind his head and looked up at the sky, a complacent smile gracing his lips "Well I could kill you if I want, but then where would the fun be in that? I'd rather enjoy the little pout on your face and the way your brows get furrowed when I say something that irritates you."

"So you're saying that you enjoy torturing me?" I raised an eyebrow at him.

He turned his head towards me, a cocky smile on his face "Pretty much yeah. Good work lil fang, a sharp little brain you got there." He pointed his chin towards my head.

"Gee, I'm honoured to get praised by you." I commented dryly "But I need to use my brain for both of us, because yours doesn't seem to be working too well." I smiled mockingly at him.

"So you're saying I'm dumb?"

"Pretty much yeah." I said, repeating his words from earlier. "look at the sky genius, do you want us to get soaked? It is going to rain soon, and I don't want to get wet, and I really really don't want the food in this bag to get damp."

As if agreeing with me the sky growled ominously, or was it my stomach? It was beginning to get hard to tell.

Suddenly the potential serial killer got up, startling me "Come with me." He instructed, causing me to raise my eyebrows at his tone.

"Where are you taking me?" I looked at him suspiciously, not willing to trust him, and definitely not willing to follow him to wherever he was asking me to come with him.

"I know you have to go somewhere, or you wouldn't have crashed into me like a little torpedo, and ruined my ice-cream."

I looked at him expectantly, waiting for him to elaborate "So what I'm saying is that I will take you to that place in my car, so even if it rains. Nothing would get wet."

I narrowed my eyes at him, why was he being so kind to me. Nobody was kind without any ulterior motive "What do you want from me? I'm sure you aren't helping me just out of the goodness of your heart."

He placed his hand on his chest, an expression of hurt contorting his features "Damn woman, your words hurt me. You're saying I'm not capable of goodness when the first time we met was when I saved you from getting arrested for murder."

He turned around and started walking "Besides, I actually do want something in return for my kindness this time."

I felt my eyes widen at his words "What do you want?" I was nearly afraid to know his answer.

Just nearly though, because being scared of a brainless idiot was beyond my standards. (That's what you have to keep telling yourself when you find your self-esteem seriously in danger)

He turned around and smirked at me "Nothing that you can't give me, I assure you. But I will tell you what it is once we reach the car."

I felt a heavy weight settle in my stomach, what was he thinking now? What was it that I could give him? What did he want to take?

As we reached the car, my eyes darted around scanning the area for ways to escape if he did anything suspicious.

"Get in the car already lil fang, I'm not going to eat you." He called out from the driver's seat.

I contemplated ignoring him and running away, but as I looked at the steadily darkening sky, I had to agree that going with him to my destination was the best option I had right now. If I didn't want to get soaked, that is.

I sighed in defeat and opened the door of the car. As I slipped into my seat, the strong scent of this man smacked me in the face, causing me to nearly swoon.

Maybe I just had to stop breathing for the entire time I sat in this car. It might potentially cause my death, but I'd at least have a unique death. 'Reason of dying: due to suffocating herself, just so that she wouldn't fall for the heavenly scent and the guy that it belonged to.'

As I was trying to slowly suffocate myself by not breathing, I noticed that the psycho was doing the exact opposite, he had his eyes closed and he was breathing in deeply. A dreamy smile forming on his face.

"Um, what are you doing?" I looked at him uncertainly, regretting my decision of getting into the car.

"I am taking in the smell of the freshly baked goods that are there in that bag." he trained his gaze on the bag in my arms, his unholy intentions shining through his golden brown irises.

I moved the bag away from his line of sight, trying in vain to protect it from this man.

"C'mon lil fang, don't hide it away from me. I have not eaten anything since morning and I'm nearly dying. On top of that you also knocked down my ice cream, all I'm asking for is that you share whatever there is inside that bag with me."

I could see that he was sincere, because his eyes held the same look that I must have when I'm extremely hungry. Which is how they must look right now.

I sighed deeply and fished out the sandwiches that Mrs. Abercrombie had given me. My mouth nearly overflowed with drool as I thought of finally eating something. Mr. Psycho looked like he had been granted his dying wish, and it was that he would be allowed to live a little bit longer.

I nearly cried as I took the first bite, and I could see the almost childish happiness on his face as he gobbled up his sandwich. It was almost cute how his dimple popped out when he was happy, just almost though because his ability to irritate me far exceeded his ability to look cute.

And that was extremely unattractive.

As we drove on towards the orphanage, I sighed to myself. The trees and buildings fleeting by as we raced ahead made me marvel at how thing had turned out. I had never expected to be driven to my destination, and I had expected to run in with this man even less.

I t was weird, but I was happy that it was this guy and not anybody else. Because though it barely made sense, I knew that he wasn't going to harm me.

"Stop here please." I told him as we came close to the orphanage. Though I knew that this man wasn't bad, I couldn't trust him enough or see the orphanage or anything concerning me.

He looked around at the street, where people were busily making their way towards their homes. Probably trying to reach home before the rains started pouring down.

"So this is your destination?" he raised an eyebrow at me, his fingers tapping on the steering wheel. It must seem odd to him that I asked him to stop in the middle of the main road, and not near a specific location.

"Well, no this is near the place that I want to go." I replied as I stepped out of the car.

"But I haven't ruled out the probability of you being a serial killer, so I would rather you don't know where I'm going." I smiled down at him as I spoke to him through the window.

"Well that just sucks, maybe I'll just have to resort to stalking you now." He smirked at me, causing my back to stiffen in alarm "Are you this rude to everyone, or does my charm naturally bring it out of you?"

I pulled away from the window and straightened my back, and smiled sweetly at him "Wouldn't you want to know? Too bad you will never know though, because we'll never meet again."

I stepped away from the car and watched as he smiled at my words shaking his head to himself. As he stated the car and started driving away, I heard him shout out "Au revoir lil fang! Don't be too sure about that, we'll meet again soon."

His words caused an involuntary smile to form on my lips. I tightened my hijab, as I started to walk towards the orphanage.