
How To Lose Intelligence

Let's brush up on some definitions~

Siblings: (noun) Products of the same set of human beings who tend to behave perfectly normally, until they are together.

(Let's admit it, siblings are the only enemies of ours that we can't live without.)

ps. don't show this to my siblings 0_0


Gauhar's POV

"Dayum girl, who are you and what did you do to my crybaby of a sister?" The sudden onslaught of the incredibly annoying voice caused me to nearly jump out of my skin.

I took a few staggering steps behind to balance myself, nearly toppling over at the suddenness of his voice. So much for acting put together, I thought to myself as I puffed out my cheeks in exasperation.

"Yeah, you're Gauhar alright. A grown woman with the balance of a newborn penguin can only be my ditzy sister." He chuckled to himself, revealing his annoyingly white teeth which I wanted to punch in. Although I admit newborn penguins were extremely cute, it wasn't fun to be compared to them in dexterity.

"Ho ho ho! Look who's talking. The notorious head of the arts department of bluebell high school, who possesses two left feet." That quickly managed to sober him up, I could see it in his eyes that he was remembering the gruesome memories of his high school days when he had tried to dance.

"Would you shut up about that? There is no need for you to bring that crap up right now." although he was trying to glare at me, all he could muster was a pleading gaze that was beseeching me to refrain from reminding him of those painful memories.

But this was an opportunity that was just too good to miss, I placed my hands behind me, leaning forward towards him with a grin on my face I said, "Why big bro? Are you scared of those recollections?" his answering narrowed gaze was answer enough for me.

Which is why I diligently continued, straightening myself up, I leaned against the wall so that I could better behold the rapid change of colours on his face "I often wondered how you were made the head of that department when you had no artistic talents whatsoever, always made me wonder if the teacher in charge had a special spo-"

Before I could complete the sentence, a large hand covered my mouth, stopping me from continuing "Shut the heck up, I don't want to hear any more of your aimless prattle."

Once he was quite sure that I wouldn't say anything, he slowly moved his hand away, causing me to take in a deep breath "Why would you do that you dunderhead? Your hand stinks, where the hell did you put it before smashing it on my face." I narrowed my eyes as I wrinkled my nose "Wait, I don't even want to know what gross things you've been up to."

He shrugged at my words, putting his hands into his pockets he smiled at me "Pretty forward of you to assume I would even grace you with that information." His cocky words caused me to roll my eyes, thank goodness none of his arrogance managed contaminate me in the many years that we've unfortunately stayed together.

"And for your kind information, I was chosen to be the head not because of any...ahem... favouritism. But because I was good at managing them and-" he abruptly stopped furrowing his brows together "Wait a minute, why am I explaining all this to you?"

I smirked at him "How am I supposed to know what's going on in that dumb head of yours?"

He placed a hand on his forehead, an expression of extreme worry on his face "Dammit I guess I've been staying too much in your company, I'm slowly losing my Intelligence."

I closed my eyes and took in a deep breath, gathering strength to deal with the exasperating human being that happened to (unfortunately) share genes with me "Did you know that it is incredibly rude to ambush unsuspecting individuals this way, especially when they are exiting the restroom after completing a task that requires immense concentration? And then you have the audacity to say that YOU are losing intelligence in my presence."

"Har har! Look who's teaching me manners, news flash little sis I don't need to be taught any manners, I guess you must have forgotten, I'm already perfect the way I already am." He gave me the cockiest smirk that he could muster, making me roll my eyes at his clearly overflowing confidence.

I sometimes wondered where he got all the confidence from, but then it's not that surprising if I actually thought about it. He had girls throwing themselves at him (I couldn't help but pity their taste) and it was actually amazing how much of a boost you get in self-esteem when you actually do know how attractive you were.

"Ah I'm sorry, I actually forgot for a moment what a great idiot I had as a brother. Why would you need manners and politeness when you could just be a knucklehead and breeze through everything?" I crossed my arms across my chest, narrowing my eyes at him. He rolled his eyes exaggeratedly at my words, leaning against the wall beside me and running a hand through his hair.

"I swear you'll get bald because of the number of times you run a hand through your hair." I kindly pointed out to him, shaking my head in exasperation.

"Shut up dumbass, you don't lose hair by running your hand through them. This is why I refrain to stay in your presence, I cannot allow myself to believe in absolute crap like that." He crossed his arms across his chest as he looked at me, his chocolate brown eyes softening as he continued "Anyway I had come here to check up on you, I couldn't have you crying alone in the bathrooms now can I? What if the poor nurses got scared because if your banshee like sobbing?"

I ignored his comment in my crying. Knowing that it was difficult for his dense self to show that he cares for me without insulting me, I allowed his words to warm my heart, I felt an affectionate smile curl my lips "Aww so you came to check up on me and offer me your shoulder for shedding tears."

He nodded his head "Unfortunately yes, I had to keep up the 'big brother' role that I have been entrusted by god from time to time, no matter how much of an annoying dolt my sister was." His eyes turned serious as he continued "So tell me, are you alright now?"

"Of course I'm alright, the fact that Baba is out of danger is enough to put me in a good mood." I wrapped my arms around myself, the contentment I was feeling making the smile on my face to spread wider. I started to walk ahead turning around to make sure Muqeet was following "Anyways, it is very reassuring to know that when I need to cry, I'll have your shoulder to clean my snot on."

"Why of course, you're always welcome to use my shoulder as your personal tissue paper." Muqeet increased his pace to catch up to me.

He bumped his shoulder with mine as he slowed down his pace to walk alongside me "But be thankful that you have such an amazing brother you ungrateful little piece of-" I narrowed my eyes at him, daring him to continue his sentence.

"Whatever you were about to call me, is something that you secretly believe you are." I applied the age old logic that made no sense but was supposed to be morally correct.

He glared at me as he failed to find a fitting retort to my statement. Turns out things that are taught to you when you're young is difficult to refute even though you may not be able to make much sense out of it.

Being a mature adult, Muqeet vented out his frustration by discreetly pinching me in the side. I barely controlled my gasp of anger at his extremely childish behavior.

Did he not know that it was extremely unbecoming of two adults to act like this in public, especially in a place like a hospital?

I hit him on his arm as retaliation, unable to control myself and act like the adult in this situation. It sucked to be an adult anyway, so I made sure that I hit him hard enough to hurt him but not loud enough to attract attention. Can't have a nurse faint upon seeing to adults fighting with each other in a hospital corridor now can we?

I knew that watching that happen would be extremely entertaining, but although we hated it we had to still 'act' like responsible adults. Life sucked, the child within me was sulking at being robbed of first class entertainment, but since reason seemed extremely calm (and really approving) about the situation, I was sure that it was alright.

"By the way, do you have any idea why Mr- Uncle Quadri was so salty about his own son? I noticed that he kept comparing you to him, it seemed as if he wanted you as his son instead of the one he got." The question was burning me inside my head, and by the expression on Muqeet's face, the answer was not going to be pretty.

"Yeah, poor Altamash has got it pretty hard, Uncle Ahmad is very hard to please." He rubbed the back of his neck as he looked ahead "There are a few things that they don't agree upon, and well…All I can see that Altamash has got the short end of the stick in that matter."

My dislike for Mr. Quadri increased another notch at these words, I didn't remember much about Altamash but I was sure that it must suck to have a person like Mr. Quadri as your father. I felt a surge of sympathy for this unknown person, feeling thankful for my own father.

"From his words I surmised that Uncle Quadri doesn't stay here, so why did he come here? To meet his son?" I inquired feeling extremely curious about these people for some strange reason.

God! sleep deprivation was turning me into a gossiping old woman, but I couldn't help but let myself indulge in the guilty pleasure.

He smirked at this "You seem very interested in this guy, should I be afraid? Do I need to turn on my protective big brother mode?"