
Pretty Girls with Running Noses

"A real friend is someone who, when they don't understand, still understand."

-Nancy Werlin

(Cuz they're amazing at acting as if they know everything.(◠‿◕))


Gauhar's POV

I gave him my most unimpressed expression "Of course I am extremely interested in this Altamash guy. Seeing how don't even remember ever meeting him, it makes 'complete' sense that I'd be suuuuper interested."

I leaned my head against the cold metal of the metal chair, swinging my legs "He good be a hideous ogre for all I know, but I'm still sure he'd be a lot better looking than you." I added with a wicked smile, knowing that this particular jibe was quite uncalled for. But I couldn't resist irritating him even more, just seeing the scowl on his face filled me with a sick sense of satisfaction.

"Ok ok, slow down there you moron. I get the hint you just have a sick fascination with knowing about other's business, tone down the sarcasm will ya. That pathetic attempt nearly made me puke." He shook his head at me in indignation, making me glare at him.

How did he always know what to say to piss me off? It pissed me off no end, and caused my bloodlust to increase ten fold.

"Seeing how things are between him and his son, it makes total sense that he came here for the sole purpose of meeting his son doesn't it?" he raised an eyebrow at me, making a pathetic attempt at sarcasm himself.

But as I mulled his words over, I realised what a foolish question that was to ask him. It was pretty clear to me that the old man pretty much despised his own son, which was saying something since I knew absolutely nothing about those people.

I smirked at him, patting him patronisingly on the back "Well done brother, you have entered the ranks of the elite, you have made my ears bleed with your incredible attempt at sarcasm there." He narrowed his eyes at me, but I chose to completely ignore it as I went on "So now, do tell me what is it that he exactly wants to accomplish from coming over here. It's not to meet his son, that's something we've already established. I doubt it was to enjoy your absolutely riveting presence either, no matter how smitten he seems with you."

It still seemed like a mystery to me, how someone as accomplished and distinguished as Mr. Quadri would so ardently love my brother. Maybe even the best people failed in their taste of people, or maybe Muqeet had something about him that others could see but I was for some reason blind to.

He sighed deeply at the question, the angry expression on his face quickly changing into a wistful one. I watched him as he absentmindedly fiddled with the strings on his jumper looking ahead at the nurses rushing by "He came here all the way from India to help Baba with his company, because apparently he was the only one that Baba deigned to share information on the problems of the company with."

I knew why he didn't tell anything to Muqeet, but I chose to remain silent. This was not the time nor the place to remind him about his shortcomings, especially after an emotional upheaval like this.

I could detect the resentment in his voice as he said those words, I was glad that he was feeling the exact same way about the situation as I did, no matter how much he shied away from responsibility at least his priorities were straight.

"Well it would make sense I guess if Baba tells him about it anyway, seeing how he was actually the one who provided him with initial funds for the company and gave him advice along the way." He sighed to himself, I nodded my head knowing how much Mr. Quadri had helped father in is journey of reaching where he was.

I internally winced to myself as I realised what a great idiot I was to not be able to remember him, despite knowing what he had done. But I had my reasons.

"What I don't understand is why he doesn't appreciate his own son." He wondered out loud in irritation, his overgrown hair falling into his eyes.

I furrowed my brows as I turned towards him "What do you mean? Aren't you supposed to be close to them? How do you not know?"

I groaned to myself, I always knew that my brother wasn't the smartest when it came to people. But it disappointed me immensely that he didn't have answers to my questions, especially when I was in desperate need of good quality tea.

Good lord I missed Daniya.

"Contrary to how it might appear, I don't have info on everything. That git Altamash doesn't share everything with me. In my eyes Altamash is the perfect son, what with being the director of a law firm over here and accomplishing that at the age of 26." I felt my eyebrows climb up into my hijab as I saw the pure unadulterated awe in Muqeet's eyes. This Altamash guy sure must be a hotshot to have inspired such awe, or maybe Muqeet was in love with him, I couldn't be sure with him.

"Don't you think you know an awful lot about this Altamash guy? Did Baba tell you all this?" I knew very well that they were friends since he last years of school, but feigning innocence was totally worth it and I saw the look of annoyance on his face.

"Muqeet stop scowling, or you'll get wrinkles. Can't have your already ugly face to get even more unattractive can we?" my kind advice earned me smack on the head, but I chose not react to it because I knew this was long overdue. I was actually surprised that he hadn't snapped earlier.

Satisfied with my 'non-reaction' he continued as if nothing had happened "Acting dumb won't work with me Haru, you know as well as I do that Altamash is my friend since before we joined college. The only reason you haven't seen him is because I don't like my friends meeting you because…." He drifted off averting is eyes away from mine.

I grinned at how much he hated to admit it, but I knew the reason for his reluctance. He didn't want his friends to have a crush on me (because though he hated to accept it, he thought that I was pretty enough for them to get attracted to me) or for things to get weird between them, which I was completely fine with.

I had no intention of meeting the weirdos that my brother called his friends, one Muqeet Siddique was enough for me. I had no desire to meet men who would no doubt be as annoying as him, if not more.

I felt the grin on my face widen, as I turned my body completely to face him "Please don't tell me you haven't let me meet him because you secretly have a crush on him… and if he sees me you're afraid I might steal him away from you." Muqeet eyes nearly popped out of his skull at my words, making me feel certain that I had hit the nail right on the head.

I looked at him solemnly "I'm not sure mother is ready to handle that news." I covered my mouth with my hands to stop myself from laughing as I saw him choke on his own spit.

"I know you're hoping for me to do something like that, but sorry to disappoint you. I still very much admire and prefer the beauty of the female form." He turned his nose up at me, attempting to reply to me in the most dignified and stuck-up voice he could muster.

"Are you referring to that one girl you had the hots for in kindergarten, the one who always had snot running down her nose which she used to lick?" I inquired in a voice that showed how genuinely curious I was about it.

My inner self patted herself in satisfaction as I saw him wince at the memory, as if just remembering it caused him pain "Will you shut your annoying mouth? I think my head will burst from the pain you are causing, God I knew that sitting with you alone for an extended amount of time would definitely effect me adversely." he groaned exaggeratedly clutching at his head.

And just like that, I instantly felt a lot better. Never knew that annoying my lovely older brother would prove to be such an effective form of stress relieving therapy.

"Alright alright, I'll not let anyone know about your secret no need to worry...especially not Daniya." I patted him gently on the shoulder, but quickly realized that it was a very bad idea when I noticed the glint on his eyes. I backed away from his punching range as soon as I could, placing my hands in front of myself as a form a defense.

I looked around myself for inspiration to turn his attention away from thinking of ways he could end me in the most efficient way possible "How is Mama? Is she alright?" I nearly jumped at the question as it occurred to me.

I was very thankful for my brains ability to think of ways to slip out of life threatening situations, if the scowl on his face was anything to go by, I was extremely sure that I was going to meet a really painful end.

Muqeet sighed tiredly and ran a hand through his hair as he plopped down on a waiting chair, letting his head rest on the wall "She is not fine, at least she wasn't when I left for the hospital. She was really shaken and in all honesty I didn't want to leave her, but pi- your friend Daniya came over with her mother and forced me to come here to you. Mrs. Suleiman assured me that she'd take care of Mama. And so I'm unfortunately here with you." He gestured towards himself, giving me wry smile "Mama seemed to enjoy their company. So it was easier for my conscience to bear when I left her."

I placed my hand on his large one, "Don't worry Muqeet, I'm sure Daniya will take good care of her."

I wanted to ask him how Daniya came to know about everything that had happened, and how she was handling the situation. But I stopped myself, Muqeet looked guilty for leaving mother behind and wanted to give him with comfort.

He might not realize this but he had been an extremely essential pillar of strength for me. It was due to his presence that I was able to hold myself together.