
Will Bill Kill?

Gauhar's POV

Instead of taking my advice seriously, she furrowed her wispy eyebrows looking at me with a gaze that clearly suggested that she thought it was me who needed the mental help "I have no idea what you are trying to imply here Gauhar, I perfectly remember what happened a few moments ago. You gave up on ignoring me and were finally forced to acknowledge my presence."

I pulled at my hair…almost, I quickly moved my hands away from my head as I remembered that I was still wearing the headscarf around my head, feeling a pang in my heart as I realised that maybe I DID need help. Shaking the unbidden thoughts from my head I focussed on the idiot at hand

"Did you perhaps forget what exactly it was that forced me to acknowledge your presence Willy?" the questioning look that followed my question made me nearly growl in irritation but I controlled myself as I continued in my most calm voice, forcing me to grit my teeth so that I don't sound as threatening

"You nearly choked on your hair love, which is why you have your hair piled in that pony on your head. But that didn't stop them from attempting my murder did it?" I eyed the deceptively pretty golden locks blowing in the breeze warily.

"The real question that begs an answer in this situation is, why exactly do you have a hair tie on your wrist when you very clearly do not have any hair?" She flicked the golden locks away from her shoulder, emphasising the lack of any sort of hair on my shoulders.

"To give it to you whenever your unruly haiir decide to attempt your murder." I replied, my face adopting an expression that said 'duh' although i hadn't uttered the word myself "Your lack of attentiveness makes me anxious to think that you live alone and have to survive in this world without me protecting you." I flicked at her forehead causing her to wince.

"Haru would you kindly shut the heck up?" she snapped rubbing at her forehead, uit had been quite some time since I had witnessed the lethal glint in her grey irises, and I couldn't help the smile that spread on my face. I didn't particularly enjoy getting hurt, but fierce Bill was my favourite type of Bill.

 "You must be thankful that I haven't gotten angry at you for the many times that you called me by that ATROCIOUS name." her voice was low, and calculated, and had it been anyone other than me….. I'm sure they would have most probably run away from there.

But I stayed, not because I was particularly brave (Which I am, but that's beside the point). I knew Bill in a way that nobody else did, her open cheerful personality was warm and welcoming which attracted people towards her, quite oftentimes also attracting the wrong type of people. But that was not who she was, I knew the real Wilhelmina Daniels…the girl who was as fierce as a lioness and the girl that had saved me.

And the girl I knew would never hurt anybody, no matter how badly they might have hurt her. And that made me want to protect her even more.

"Hey don't say that you absolute dummy, that name is great." that earned me a growl from her, making the secret masochist within me grin in satisfaction "In my humble opinion, Wilhelmina suits your personality a lot better than 'Bill'"

I quickly distracted her deathly glare away from my visage, by using my special move 'the boop' which consisted of me flicking her nose with my finger. She swatted my hand away, her eyes lacking in hostility but quite full of irritation once again shining down on me.


[EFFICIENCY: -100]  (Made the beast angrier!!)

"You can take your 'humble' opinion and shove it up your- " before she could complete her sentence, I placed my hand on her mouth, effectively silencing her. On second thoughts, it did not seem a good idea to do something as reckless as that.

But then, I was never known for my excellent decision making skills was I?

"There Bill darling, we don't want the kids to learn bad things now do we?" I smiled at her, moving my hand away from her mouth quickly. Not because I was afraid that she might potentially bite me, but because I didn't want her to breathe in my sweaty hand any longer.

I was considerate that way.

My wise words made her scoff for some mysterious reason, but it also seemed to make her forget the times that I had purposely  addressed her with her given name today, so I chalked that up as a win "If you were that concerned about that shiet, you would stop trying to purposely rile me up. It has been a total of two times that you addressed me by that name, and I have been generous enough to let it slide. Just because your smile is damned cute, you understand that Gauhar?"

I flashed her the very smile that I she'd mentioned and I knew she found cute, pulling at her cheek affectionately because she was also adorable when she struggled to stay mad at me. Only then did I realise with a start that I was supposed to ignore the presence of the woman now walking beside me with an arm wrapped around my shoulder.

I internally cursed at my weak resolve when it came to staying mad with friends. The choking on hair and near death experience was also most probably an elaborate act planned by her and her vicious hair. I knew my resolve was weak, but I was utterly disgusted by how weak it actually was, I didn't feel even a shred of pity as it hid its head in shame.

Being so gullible was a serious occupational hazard, I could be tricked into selling my kidneys and I wouldn't even realise it till I had an actual problem with getting rid of all the urea accumulated inside my body.

"Why were you stalking me you…you- ugh" I groaned in irritation.

"What happened my angry little woman? Did I leave you speechless, or is it difficult for your modest vocabulary to articulate the greatness of my being?" The cheeky smug smile on her face made want to say something so amazing that it would wipe it right off her freckled face.

I wracked my brains to try to come up with something, but before I knew it my mouth worked on its own volition "Wilhelmina you astoundingly annoying human, do not test my patience."

As soon as the words came out of my mouth, I realised that I had invited my own death. But my wit was silently patting itself on the back upon seeing the irritated expression that had been on my face, mirrored on Bill's. Her stormy grey eyes were narrowed at me and her lips were drawn into a thin line.

I took a step back, waiting for the storm to be unleashed upon me. And this time, it had nothing to do with the gloomy mass of clouds swirling above us and everything to do with the murderous gaze that was focussed on my innocent face.

Bill took a step closer towards me and I took another cautious step back, looking behind me to gauge if it was a good decision to run back home instead of going to work "Oi where do you think you are going you little coward?" Her loud voice pierced my ears causing me to wince.

I stood rooted on my stop, holding my breath as she approached me. I could feel my eyes widen in surprise as my brain tried to comprehend how on bloody hell was she able to read my mind, my eyes darted around scanning the area to formulate the best escape route to get away from her.

Maybe I needed to add my brain to the list of traitors along with my face, I was having way too many people around me who could read it like an open book. Or maybe that was a power that everyone had but I was the only one who wasn't able to use it.

The thought made me feel incredibly depressed.

"Tch…. Don't look at me with those eyes of yours." She clicked her tongue in annoyance, forcefully averting her eyes away from me "This is the very reason I am coming with you, you are way too cute for your own good. You look so much like a little puppy right now that I can't help but succumb to the uncontrollable urge to protect you." Her eyes were diligently trained on the little rock that she was pushing with her foot, her hands on her hips.

Her admission made me melt a little from the inside, but I couldn't go all out mushy on her or I knew that would creep her out. So I just wrapped my arms around hers, giving her the warmest smile that I could muster, hoping that she would understand how grateful I was for her presence without me having to say anything.

"Aw c'mon let me keep up the bad girl façade Haru, your presence is converting me into a total softy." She rolled her eyes in mock irritation but I didn't miss the smile on her lips.

Wilhelmina was most probably the only person who saw me as being cute or soft, we were both hardened due to the things that life had thrown towards us. But I knew that she had a lot more to deal with than I ever had and she was the one of strongest people I had  in my life and I respected her for that.

"You do know that I was only following you because I need the free coffee made by Mrs. Abercrombie, don't you?" she asked, making  me grin at her attempt to cover up her caring nature. I punched her arm doing my best imitation of an I-am-super-pissed glare, she merely looked down at me and raised an eyebrow, looking extremely unconcerned.

 "You do know that I didn't report you to the police for following me because I thought you cared for me somewhere, but I guess I was wrong." I let out a huge dramatic sigh, playing along with her attempt to cover her true self with this shield that she had created for herself. It always hurt me to think about the things that made her the way she was now, but I knew that life wasn't fair for everybody and sometimes you had to fake a strong façade even if you felt as fragile as glass.

Bill laughed at my comment patting my head as if I were a little child "I know you would never do that Gauhar, you love me way too much, and moreover I am your personal drug dealer. You absolutely cannot live without the weekly dose of waffles and chicken that I make."

I suddenly realised that I was getting incredibly late for work and that I had to get there as soon as possible, my sudden burst of speed had absolutely nothing to do with me not wanting to admit that she was right, and everything to do with the potential threat of death or maybe even unemployment that would be result of annoying Mrs. Abercrombie by bring late.

I could practically feel her smug grin as she followed me for her free coffee.