
Cursed Apron Strings

Gauhar's POV

"Would you stop leaning back on that chair like a spoilt teenager? I admit watching you get kicked out by Mrs. Abercrombie would definitely be amusing, but I don't want to lose my job for bringing you in here" looking around at the people in suits and skirts gave me the distinct feeling that these people had lives as exciting as a bottle of watered down coca cola "Although I'm sure the people here would definitely enjoy a bit of spice in theory lives."

The entire café was humming with sounds of conversation and the fresh aroma of coffee was predominant in the air, charging the atmosphere with the buzz of caffeine. My eyes followed the figures entering the cafe, the jingling of the door announcing their entrance. I felt myself release a sigh of tiredness, already sensing that this was going to be a long long day at work, but maybe it was better this way.

I wanted to take my mind off of things a bit. The knowledge that the company was in a crisis and that something strange was happening behind our backs constantly bugged me, and I knew that I had to do something about it…. I just didn't know what, and maybe a hard day at work could give me some clarity.

Bills chair landed with a thud, causing me to nearly jump out of my chair. I grit my teeth as I saved myself from landing on my bum, narrowing my eyes at the woman now lounging on her chair as if it were her personal little throne "Mrs. Abercrombie would rather fire you than kick me out of this place. This place is way too boring, my amazing presence is the only thing that adds a bit of flair to it." She leaned forward towards me, her voice growing cockier by the minute.

 "Besides, I'm way too adorable to be kicked out." She flicked her golden hair, a smirk decorating her face that made me want to punch her in the face. 

I hated the fact that she was right, but before I could actually act on my bloodthirsty instincts, I heard the door of the kitchen open and watched Mrs. Abercrombie emerge with the most amazing looking croissants. The mouthwatering smell of fresh bread filled the entire place making my mouth water and my stomach to growl pathetically.

I grit my teeth as I walked towards the cupboard that held the staff's aprons and pulled out a shocking yellow apron that hurt my eyes with its brightness. I sighed loudly as I out it on and began the hellish process of trying to tie it around myself as I reached my hands behind to locate the strings.

I felt a pair of eyes on me, the hair on the back of my neck stood up as I heard footsteps that could only belong to Mrs. Abercrombie approach me. I frantically tried to search for the damned strings that seemed to have had an extremely crap day and had hence decided to enjoy watching me get in hot water with my employer.

I growl of frustration escaped me as I tried to comprehend how on earth was one supposed to tie something that you couldn't see anyway? Things like this should be banned, weren't humans advanced enough to have something easier than this, why were we still using this piece of outdated technology?

As I contemplated the perks of burning the useless apron and risking getting fired, I heard Bill sigh behind me. I turned around to vent my frustration on her, but quickly shut my mouth as I saw the soft expression in her eyes. Before I could say anything, she beckoned me towards her. I would usually lash out on her, using it as a perfect excuse to get rid of the irritation bubbling within me, but her face was calm and it somehow managed to alleviate the stress within me. I silently listened to her when she asked me to turn around.

"And this Haru, is why you need me to be with you all the time. You can't even tie the strings of an apron without help." She tied the apron so tight that I momentarily felt my ribs threaten to escape out of my mouth. I sucked in a deep breath, afraid that I'd faint if my lungs were compressed any more than they were. 

Was this how ladies of the old times felt when they wore corsets?

I felt a gentle push, shaking me out of my thoughts "Stand up straight warrior, your boss is approaching us." Bill whispered conspiratorially, which knowing her was most probably for dramatic effect because I was sure Mrs. Abercrombie could definitely not hear us over the din created by the customers.

"Good afternoon Mrs. Abercrombie!" I chimed out in the most cheerful 'I-am-a-perfect-employee-please-don't-fire-me-'  voice that I could muster.

Her chubby face lit up in a radiant smile, her green eyes glittering in happiness. It surprised me to see her so happy to see me- she was positively beaming, but I was thankful nonetheless. Maybe she hadn't noticed that I was late and I hoped fervently that the smile on her face meant I was exempt from getting an earful today.

It wasn't often that she appreciated me anyway, maybe having so many customers made her miss me. I felt my eyes widen in surprise as she spread her arms out, as if coming in to hug me, and although I was very confused, I waited with bated breath for it.

I closed my eyes as she approached me, because it did feel quite a bit weird to be hugged by my strict employer. But I felt good nonetheless, maybe she had noticed that I was an extremely essential asset for her business and was thankful for me.

"Oh my god Willy I'm so happy you came here!!!" I heard her gush, causing me to abruptly open my eyes and turn around. I felt my cheeks heat up as I watched her envelope Bill in a hug, feeling bit dumb.  It was weird to see that my boss loved my friend more than she loved me, but the smile that Bill had on her face made it all worth it.

"Why don't you come here anymore?" she pouted, looking up at her "Don't tell me you found a place that makes better coffee than ours." the expression of genuine fear on her face made me nearly crack up…nearly though, because I knew that it was a testament of how serious she took her work.

Bill pulled away from the hug, holding Mrs. Abercrombie by the shoulders she looked her dead in the eye "Ma'am I guess I'll have to be honest with you, but i think it's important that you know." Mrs. Abercrombie nearly stopped breathing as Bill continued "the coffee and croissants at your cafe are the best that my mouth has ever had the fortune of tasting, and I don't think that that's going to change any time soon."  She had a smile on her face, but the seriousness in her eyes conveyed how special this place was for her.

Her words brought back the smile on Mrs. Abercrombie's face with hundred times the radiance, I was surprised Bill wasn't blinded by its brightness "Ah well, that's a relief. I don't want to have to compete with anyone for superior food quality. Now you sit down here, I'll bring you a cup of my amazing coffee."

As Bill sat down on the chair, leaning on it again till the point of making me anxious that it'll fall. But I ignored it, secretly hoping that she fall and hurt her butt as followed Mrs. Abercrombie like the dutiful overworked employee that I was.

"Why are you following me, Gauhar?" She asked once we had reached the kitchen door, I was surprised that she had even noticed me, seeing how I had been completely ignored up until now.

And no I was absolutely NOT even a bit hurt by that, absolutely not….. Ok, maybe just a little bit. 

"Um, I'm going into the kitchen to help you make coffee." I pointed towards the coffee maker, wincing at how my statement sounded more like a question. I wasn't supposed to be this unsure about something that I've been doing for almost five years now but Mrs. Abercrombie's piercing green eyes always managed to make me feel like I was an inexperienced teenager all over again.

I felt myself sweat, making me realise that maybe my hijab was way too tight, or maybe I was soaking up my own sweat and expanding like a sponge out of sheer stress. Although she was quite a bit shorter than me, she still managed to look down at me in what I felt was disappointment.

"You don't have to make any coffee."

I blinked for a second as I processed what she said before regaining my composure. I cleared my throat and wiped my sweaty palms on my apron "Alright, do you want me to check up on the tables?" I reached into my pocket to get out the little notebook I used to write the orders down on.

"No, you don't need to do that either." the dismissal in her short reply caused a wave of dread to envelope me. 

Was she implying that she didn't require my help anymore and that I was going to be fired? 

I felt my heart hammer in my chest at the thought, damn Wilhelmina she was actually right. Mrs. Abercrombie was actually more likely to fire me instead of kicking her out for her placing her feet on the table and potentially breaking her chairs by leaning them out of balance.