
Gourmet Ankles

Gauhar's POV

I was a firm believer of the idea that Sunday mornings are reserved for snuggling under your bed covers and having a warm steaming plate of pancakes dripping with syrup and a huge cup of coffee. I also believed that what they were definitely NOT meant for, was to be spent getting your nose and fingers frozen in the chilly weather and having your shoes get drenched in puddles of water while your favourite pair of joggers get stained with mud.

I wrapped my arms around myself as a gust of cold wind whooshed past me, my nose almost freezing to a shard of ice in the cold as I braved my way towards my best friend's house. The loud and impossibly annoying sound of a dog barking blared through my eardrums, making me groan loudly in exasperation.

I'd always questioned why Daniya did not get that rude little mutt thrown out of the neighbourhood into the deepest pits of hell. The little demon was a menace to all the people who visited the place, especially me. And I could never comprehend why, since it seemed to like my brother, who came here a lot less often. I was pretty sure the dumb animal had extremely crap taste in humans, because it was difficult for anyone to dislike someone as amazing as I was.


As I evaded the insane creature, trying to bite my ankles off, I contemplated how I had brought myself in this situation. I knew that I absolutely did not have the energy to deal with this sort of shiet this early in the morning.

Especially after what happened last night.

My legs stopped moving as the thoughts from last night flooded back, making the hair on the back of my neck stand up. The memories made my chest ache in a strange way, I felt an unfamiliar emptiness course within me as I remembered the harsh weather and the harsher words spoken.

Maybe it was regret that I felt, but I couldn't allow myself to dwell on something as irrelevant as that. No matter how important my heart wanted to think it was.

I walked up the porch of the house painted in tones of beige and cream, its sight bringing a smile to my face and considerably improving my mood. The broken mailbox on the entrance and the honeysuckle growing along the walls showed how old the building was. I always marvelled at how well they had managed to maintain something as desolate as this place, it was only their presence that brought life to something as dead as this place.

I glared at the little fiend that had not stopped barking, its leash thankfully preventing it from having a taste of my gourmet ankles that I could modestly admit were indeed incredibly delicious looking since they belonged to me.

As I walked on ahead towards the quaint little building, my senses were engulfed in the delicious smells of breakfast being cooked, wafting from the open windows of Auntie Ayesha's kitchen. My nose perked up, guiding me closer to the source of the delicious smell.

Feeling impatient, I raised my hand to knock on the door, but I stopped halfway as a loud agonised creak announced the opening of the door. There stood Auntie Ayesha in a purple maxi dress, a smile on her face as her hazel eyes so much like Daniya's, landed on me.

With my arm still halfway raised in the air I watched her scan the street behind me. "I heard Meringue barking and instantly understood that it was you who was coming."

I internally shook my head, wondering for the nth time what made the owners of that abomination of a creature name it something as tasty as a meringue. As I looked at it now jumping excitedly at the sight of Auntie Ayesha, I felt a strong tickle in my nose, most probably a stray hair of the beast making its way toward me, causing a loud sneeze to pierce the morning din.

Auntie Ayesha stopped in her motions as if she were shot, her warm eyes widening as if she suddenly became aware of a very astonishing and unwelcome fact.

"What do you think you are doing outside in this weather, Gauhar?" she almost shouted. Her exclamation was so loud, it made me wince and make a silent prayer for the well-being of my ears that were already in bad shape.

She wrapped a firm hand around my wrist and pulled me into the house. Although I protested against being pulled inside, I was secretly thankful for the warmth that engulfed me when we walked inside, making me realise how cold it really was outside.

My stomach made a loud sound as it detected the proximity of good food, making me blush as auntie Ayesha turned towards me. Clearly hearing the loud rumble that sounded like a hungry beast.

The sternness in her eyes appeared to have multiplied tenfold as she looked at my stomach and then at my face, making me feel scared of the silent wrath in her gaze.

"I um, I had come to meet you." I hesitatingly offered as I attempted a smile that I hoped was charming. I wondered in the back of my mind how Daniya managed to handle someone as scary as her. Although Auntie Ayesha was one of the warmest people I'd ever met, when she got that stern glint in her eyes, it was always prudent to be prepared to be bombarded with either a thorough dressing down or a thorough 'taking care of' as she liked to phrase it.

Still looking ahead as she roughly pulled me in through the hand embroidered curtains that smacked my face, she said in what I could only describe as a disapproving tone "That's all very nice and good, and of course you're welcome here my dear" her voice softened for only a second before hardening again "but you have a terrible cold and as such I cannot have you outside for a single second more."

I knew that informing her that I in fact did NOT have a terrible cold was futile, so I silently allowed myself to be led away into the cramped yet cozy little kitchen. I could see that there was something bubbling away on the stove and a freshly baked batch of bread was sitting on the small wooden dining table.

"Did you have breakfast yet?" she interrogated in a tone that made me feel as if I would be put into prison if I dared to reply in the negative.

Maybe for someone with a heart as tender as hers, someone going out of home hungry was a crime that asked to be sentenced to a decent time behind bars.

But my fear of her disapproval was not as pressing as the burning of my stomach so I shook my head "No, I got here as soon as I could. Since it's a Sunday I thought Daniya would be here."

I scanned the house, looking up the stairs that had her bedroom and trying to peek into the drawing room with the pink floral sofas to check if she was there. I even strained my neck to peek out the window that had golden rays of sunlight falling onto the creaky wooden floorboards.

Auntie Ayesha pushed me onto the wooden chair and looked at me apologetically, gently squeezing my shoulders "Ah dear, she went out just half an hour before you came. She told me that she had some interview for her 'dream' company" she smiled fondly at this, but it dimmed a little as she continued "It's been this way lately, I barely have her to myself."

I groaned out loud at the knowledge that had I been here just a few minutes earlier I would have seen her. This made her smile as she patted my head "Don't beat yourself up over it habibti, she'll be back in no time. And It's for the better, how long has it been since we had a day to ourselves like this without that pesky brat eating your head?"

I smiled at her words, taking her hand in mine and gently squeezing it "It's been way too long. Well take me then Auntie I'm all yours." I opened my arms dramatically watching her give me a smile that reminded me of warm sleepovers, steaming kunafeh and contentment.

"Now you sit there silently and don't make any trouble" she warned me just the way she used to when I was a teenager.

Resting my head on my hands on the table I gave her a cheeky smile "you must know after all this time that those words don't work on me, don't you?"

I heard her chuckle as she walked towards the stove "An old woman can only try, maybe one day it'd work."

"Daniya is someone who is pretty persistent." I smiled to myself as I remembered how we became friends "If she's determined about something she'll definitely get it. Now that she's gonna get her degree in MBA I'm pretty sure many companies would be eager to have someone s smart and hardworking as her."

"I hope that happens." There was uncertainty in her voice that caused a painful pang in my heart.

"It will definitely happen" I told her confidently "She's been slaving away at internships and building up her resume since high school. She's practically invincible right now, with all that experience and that pretty face, she's exactly what those businessmen are searching for,"

I felt a rush of satisfaction as she smiled, her eyes shining with hope.

Something that had been robbed away from those beautiful eyes so long ago.

"Oh yes by the way Auntie, please don't tell her about what I just said. I don't want to have her ego puff up like a balloon. Who'd marry her if her head was so large that she didn't fit in through doors?" I exclaimed in mock horror

"Don't worry about it, it's our little secret" she reassured me with a mischievous grin and an adorable wink that made her look much younger than she was "Want some Qahwa?"

I nodded my head excitedly as she placed the kettle and two small cups in front of me. I turned towards her as I poured the Qahwa "What are you making for breakfast? The smell is enchanting."

She brought the steaming pan towards the table "Nothing special habibti, it's just shakshouka and I baked some bread to go with it, I'd planned on eating alone you see. But now we'll eat them together."

I pulled off a piece of the bread and put it in my mouth, letting out a sound of satisfaction as it melted in my mouth. The mild sweet and salty flavour doing nothing to reduce the burning hunger in my stomach. Auntie Ayesha slid down on a chair in front of me, wrapping her fingers around her little cup of Qahwa.

"I'm glad that you came" she said taking a long sip "I don't like eating alone, especially in the mornings."

I wrapped three of my fingers around the small cup, enjoying as its warmth seeped into my fingertips "I'm always happy to give you company auntie." Taking a sip of the earthy and spicy drink I gave her a grin "I was meaning to ask you for quite some time, when are you going to make me some basbousa? I've practically forgotten how it tastes and it's all your fault."

"Well, let me see what I can do about it." Her eyes scanned my outfit with a mix of confusion and distaste "What is up with your clothes? Why are they so big for you? Did you by any chance wear Muqeet's clothes?"

Her question caused a rush of warmth to spread through my cheeks, making me feel sure that my face was a blotchy red by now. I looked down and straightened the too long sleeve of the bright green sweatshirt that I had decided to wear today. As I sat in this warm kitchen surrounded by love and warmth I wondered why I had worn it, and although I knew the answer I decided that it was better I ignore it.