
Travel Companions

Gauhar's POV

Her question caused a rush of warmth to spread through my cheeks, making me feel sure that my face was a blotchy red by now. I looked down and straightened the too long sleeve of the bright green sweatshirt that I had decided to wear today. As I sat in this warm kitchen surrounded by love and warmth I wondered why I had worn it, and although I knew the answer I decided that it was better I ignore it.

"No auntie I would never steal any clothes from that git, who knows what he does with them" I wrinkled my nose in disgust "Clothes like this are trending right now, it's fashion and not to mention it is extremely comfortable also I think this green looks pretty good on me."

Snorting at my words, she shook her head as she poured herself another cup of Qahwa "I don't know what is going on with young girls these days. A few days ago Daniya was cutting up a perfect pair of jeans, telling me that it was a 'trend now'"

It was with difficulty that I stopped myself from giggling at the way she said the words trend, as if it had left a bitter taste in her mouth. Swallowing the bread in my mouth I solemnly said "Yes it is pretty popular right now, which I'm sure you don't like."

"Obviously, I had no idea looking homeless was the fashion now."

Masking the laugh that escaped me as a cough, I solemnly held her eyes "Don't worry auntie I'll make sure that Daniya stays as far away from these 'trends' as possible."

I felt excitement bubble within me at the prospect of keeping Daniya away from these awful trends, I was pretty sure she'd either die or kill me. The prospect of violence brought a small smile to my face.

I felt a prickle of consciousness as I felt her thoughtful gaze trained on me, it seemed as if she was having an inner debate with herself. The curiosity within her seemed to triumph as she took a deep breath and asked me "You can tell me what you wanted to talk to Daniya about. I can sense that there is something that is bothering you, and even if I can't help you I promise to be here for you."

Gratitude and love welled up in my heart as I looked into her clear greenish brown eyes that were brimming with sincerity. I felt my breath falter as I searched for the right words to tell her what happened, all the time she watched me patiently waiting for me.

"Baba has decided to go ba-" I swallowed the lump that seemed to be stuck in my throat "Go back to India, leaving everything over here behind." I blurted out, looking at the empty cup in my hands.

I loved how there was no pity in her eyes, just understanding and support. Her steady gaze gave me strength "How does that make you feel ?" she asked.

"Honestly?" I asked, earning a single nod from her, which encouraged me to go on "Quite literally, I feel like I'm drowning. Like everything I know is slipping away and I'm being sucked back into a place I don't want to go."

"Then take us with you. We'll help you stay afloat." she said easily, as if that was the simplest and most obvious solution. It made me look up into her face, searching for something, I didn't know what but searching nonetheless and as I saw the small smile that she gave me I knew what I had to do.

Swallowing thickly I met her even gaze "I can't ask that of you, you know that." pushing aside my selfishness I continued "Daniya's searching for jobs right now, I cannot bear to be a hindrance to her."

Especially since it is time for you to smile again after so many years, it is time for you to hope again, I bit my lip to stop myself from letting these words out.

For several long and excruciatingly uncomfortable moments, her piercing gaze stayed on me. For some reason I couldn't help but stop breathing as her eyes, that had seen and experienced things far beyond what I could fathom, bore into me as if reading every thought in my head.

Resting her elbow on the table, she propped her head on her hand, her intense expression suddenly breaking into a smile, startling me. "You know what I think?"

I shook my head silently, watching the enigmatic smile on her face in puzzlement.

"I think that Daniya needs a break from everything. I've watched her wear herself thin for nearly an year now, but I couldn't stop her from overworking herself to death. Because I couldn't give her a reason important enough for her to stop doing what she had set herself up to."

Taking a long sip of her qahwa she leaned forward and placed her hand on mine "But now you have given me a reason that would be important enough for her to allow herself to take a break. And Gauhar, I am very serious when I tell you that I would be grateful if you allow us to come with you."

"It would basically be like a free all expenses paid vacation for us." She grinned at me.

I felt unease unfurl within my gut, making me feel uncomfortable. Shifting in my seat, I cleared my throat "I feel like I'm exploiting the love you guys have for me, which is why I feel guilty for even wanting Daniya to come with me, no matter how much I would like Daniya to be there. God knows I could do with some familiar places in that hellhole.

"I think it's only you who thinks this way. I was always afraid that Daniya would get herself into trouble because of her tendency to put others before her, but I feel at peace when you are there with her. Since the day she has met you, what is it? Ten years ago?"

"Twelve" I offered.

She nodded her head "yes, twelve years ago, you have always protected her against all those who threatened her. And since then for twelve years I have been at peace knowing that she has someone looking out for her and someone who would make sure that she isn't exploited by anyone" her hold on my hand tightened "You have been a pillar of strength for her so for once I think that it would make her happy to be the same support for you."

I gulped down the remaining Qahwa in my cup, pinning auntie Ayesha with an intent gaze "Are you sure about this?"

Her eyes lit up with a light that rivalled the brightness of the sunlight filtering through the windows "Positive!" she exclaimed, rubbing her hands together in excitement "I'll make sure to pack some tasty treats for you when we go."

"We?" I asked slowly, my voice laced with uncertainty. Making sure I heard her right.

"Yes we" she said decisively "Did you really plan to leave this old woman behind." The pout on her face and the crestfallen expression in her eyes tugged at my heartstrings.

Grabbing her wrinkled yet firm hand both of mine I stumbled to correct myself "Oh no, auntie of course not! I did not mean it that way. You're always welcome to come anywhere with us of course."

I felt a crease form between my eyebrows as I saw her shoulders shake in silent laughter, before relief flooded within me "It's alright habibti, I know you'd never mean anything bad for us. But yes, I'm serious. Daniya and I will come with you and help ensure that Abdullah settles there comfortably."

Watching me grin at her she pushed the dish with food towards me "Now eat up. You need that energy to fight the cold."

Smiling to myself, I broke off a piece of bread, warm and comforting thankfulness filling my heart to the brim.