
Puzzling Cup of Tea

Gauhar's POV

The wind was like a whip against my face, leaving a slight sting on my cheeks. I revelled in the tingling burn that the cold air left against my skin, but it was not enough to numb the unease settled in my gut and the heaviness in my heart.

I desperately wanted to escape my body and rid myself of all the things that were expected of me. If I could claw out of my body and run somewhere far away, I would.

Frustration coursed through me as I growled under my breath. I pressed harder on the acceleration, causing the wind to whoosh against my ears as the colours of the trees around me melted into a blur of greens and browns.

As I held the steering wheel tighter, my knuckles turned white with the force of my grip. The chirping of the birds and the low murmur of the trees swaying in the breeze seemed to mock me with their calmness and gaiety.

I felt out of place. I felt unwanted. I felt helpless.

My father was supposed to be my safe haven, the only reprieve I had against the bitter experiences that life had always thrown towards me. I had always believed that no matter how wrong things would go, he would have my back.

But I was wrong. Oh so wrong.

Why was it so calm around me when there was a storm burning within me?

I wanted to scream and cry, but my body rebelled against me like everything else in my life, the cursed tears refusing to give me the relief that I craved. The haze of the thoughts clouding my head made it difficult for me to focus on where I was going, and frankly, I didn't care as long as it was far away from my father and my obligations.

The sky was beautifully clear. But through my speeding car, it was all a fleeting mix of blues that mixed with the greens around me and made a murky brown that made my head spin, and I loved it.

I loved that the perfect beauty of the pristine sky was marred by the breakneck speed of my vehicle.

I loved the rush of the wind that deafened my ears to the cheerful sounds outside.

I loved the thrill that passed through me as my car hummed beneath my fingers.

It helped me lose focus and let me wander amongst my thoughts, which no matter how unwelcome, didn't seem to linger far from my mind.

It made me forget that I could possibly hit another vehicle.

I was so high on the adrenaline running through my veins that I lost control of my car and when the loud scream of the horn from the car in front of me sliced through the hollow of silence in the wilderness around me, I felt myself tense up.

Dread filled me as I tried to move my body quickly, to reverse the damage that I could cause. I felt the blood in my limbs turn cold in my veins, as a strange numbness consumed me, the only sound I could hear was my heart pumping erratically in my ears.

I felt like I was watching myself crash from a distance away, even the simple action of breathing becoming a challenge as I struggled to take in enough air to clear my head. To sharpen my foggy senses.

I could do nothing to stop myself from colliding with the car in front of me. Resigning myself to my fate, I closed my eyes tightly and held my breath as I scuttled towards the inevitable.


A thundering jolt shook me to my core. The smell of burnt rubber invading my senses despite the fact that the air bag that had inflated in front of me blocked my air flow.

Shaken from the force of the crash, a low hum buzzed in my ears as I gingerly tried to move. Needles seemed to prick the entirety of my body as I ventured to push myself up from my seat.

I felt the bright light pierce my eyes as I attempted to open them. My neck hurt from the impact and there was a dull throbbing in my head. How was I still alive?

Straightening up I tried to focus on what I had crashed into, and felt the blood drain out of my face as I realised that I had ruined what seemed to be an expensive looking car.

Getting out of my car, I made my way towards the silver masterpiece of a car whose sleek bonnet was smoking furiously now. My heart beat faster in trepidation as I peered into the car, praying that whoever was inside was not hurt because of me. A woman who appeared to be around my mother's age was inside the car, seemingly unconscious. Her dark midnight black hair that was streaked with white, was splayed across the white leather of her seats.

I squinted my eyes, trying to detect any traces of blood on the seats or on her. I breathed a sigh of relief when I realised that there didn't seem to be anything wrong with her.

Wiping my sweaty hands on my pants, I pulled the door open and took off her seat belt to inspect her for any damage.

"You really should be more careful, you know." a gravelly yet oddly soothing came from the woman I had believed was unconscious, making me nearly jump out of my skin. Taking two steps away from the car I stared at the woman now watching me with mesmerising deep grey eyes, that were oddly shining with amusement.

As if watching me nearly piss my pants was entertaining for her, which I admit would actually be quite a hilarious sight to behold but I was pretty sure that was something that would be pretty low on your priority list if you'd just escaped death by a hair's breadth and had your expensive car destroyed by someone

"I-I am really sorry." I rushed to her side, and crouched down close to her. I felt like an idiot as I tried to figure out what to do with my hands, which were stupidly hanging by my sides and making me feel as if I was not doing a good enough job of apologising. Hoping I didn't cross any boundaries, i bit the bullet and gently took her hands in mine.

"I didn't notice your car in front of me, or I would definitely have stopped." I lied in my most sincere tone.

The lady who I was surprised to see unscathed after the mess I made, scoffed at my words, a disbelieving smile forming on her lips that were painted a shade of killer red, "I doubt you would have noticed if a person stood naked in front of you and waved a red flag darling."

Warmth crept up my neck out of embarrassment, as she continued "since this path doesn't allow much place for two cars to move comfortably, I couldn't do anything but come in front of your car's uncontrolled trajectory and embrace my death. I'm sure if you were in the state of mind to pay any attention on the road ahead of you, you would have noticed me at least five minutes before the crash."

Squeezing my hand which was still holding hers, she grinned at me. I ducked my head and took a step away looking around me to find a way that I could make up to her for my foolish behaviour.

"Uhm- ma'am is there any way I can make this up to you?" feeling helpless and foolish I lamely added "Would you like some water?"

Letting out a chuckle she nodded silently, making me want to scream out in embarrassment as I walked towards my car to find a bottle of water, hoping to God that it was unharmed by the crash.

As I handed her the bottle of water I asked her "Is there anything that you would like me to do, to, you know," I cocked my head meaningfully towards her smoking car "make up for that?" The guilt within me was so strong that I was ready to give her my first born in return for her forgiveness.

Which wouldn't be a very big sacrifice on my part anyway since I found handling crying babies to be a nightmare.

"Take me to the chai place up ahead." She stated, making me take a double take.

Who was this woman? Never in my life had I met someone who was as nonchalant about having been nearly killed by a rash driver as she was. Not only was she unbothered that I had ruined her expensive car, she also wanted to have a cup of chai with me, as if that were the most normal thing to do.

Trying to make sure I heard her right I repeated what she said, "You want to go up to the stall where they sell that fire masala chai up there?"

Nodding, she grinned broadly at me, her white teeth shining brighter in contrast to her red lipstick. I couldn't help but think that she would be the perfect candidate for a toothpaste commercial. Walking out of her car she got into the passenger seat of mine without invitation, waiting for me expectantly as I walked over to my car unable to wrap my head around her strange behaviour.

Instead of being pissed, she seemed excited to have this little chai date with me. Was she mad? I couldn't shake of the feeling that I was taking a potential psychotic individual who could very likely kill me as I started my car.

The car ride was awkward as I felt her unwavering steely gaze fixated on my face all throughout the short drive uphill towards the place I loved to visit when I was troubled. It felt weird to be taking someone there along with me, I'd never even taken Muqeet there along with me. Although it was not surprising that someone would know about the amazing tea spot there, it still made me feel strangely uneasy.

"I am Inayah Mohammed," she announced as we sat down with our steaming cups of chai, the pleasant smell of brewed tea and spices swirling around us with the flowing breeze.

I had no idea why that name sounded oddly familiar, but I ignored the feeling as I put a smile on my face, "I'm Gauhar."

Taking a sip of the warm tea I turned towards her "Not many people know about this place, especially-" I broke off, not knowing how to tell her that it was unusual for people driving expensive cars like hers to come to a remote tea stall like this.

Her dark gaze was shrewd as she nodded at my unfinished sentence "I know what you're trying to say." Taking a long sip of her tea she looked ahead, watching the occasional motorbike speed by us, "Pretentious rich people like us don't often frequent places like these, and you're not wrong."

How did she understand what I was trying to say?

I looked at her mutely as she continued speaking, "I wouldn't have known about this place either if my husband hadn't brought me here when I was pregnant with my son. Apparently he used to come here along with his best friend during the days when he barely had anything to himself."

Looking at something I couldn't see she gave a wistful smile, "coming to this place was like a luxury for him, and I think I can understand why. The tea here is awesome."

Tightening my hold on my cup of tea, I smiled as a strange warmth bloomed in my chest for her. Although she appeared to be extremely wealthy and difficult to approach, she made me feel at ease with her eccentric demands and little titbits about herself that made me relate to her. Inhaling the fresh mountain air, I allowed myself to relax in her company and enjoy the spicy yet mellow taste of the most amazing tea I ever had the good fortune to taste.