
Whipped Cream

Gauhar's POV

I couldn't think of a proper response for what he had said. He was the first one to break away from our staring match, turning around he offered both of us his most practised professional lawyer smile. "Now then ladies, I will take my leave." His pleasant tone couldn't hide the twitch of the muscle in his jaw as he looked at me, "I wish you two the very best of the day."

With a final nod he pushed his thick dark hair away from his face as he walked back to his room while Daniya gaped at his retreating figure, leaving me feeling defeated and strangely empty. 

I could hear the thud of his footsteps as he walked towards his room, leaving us in a silence that seemed to stretch forever. Or maybe it was only for a moment. I could still feel the scorn in his eyes as he scoffed at my assertion that I didn't find him repulsive. 

I could still sense the unspoken hurt behind his unbothered mask.