
Best Chai Ever

Altamash's POV

"But I do care." I told her, "I don't want you to feel unsure in this arrangement of ours Gauhar."

Her onyx eyes continued to bore into mine as she gave me a curt nod, the redness blooming over her ears didn't go unnoticed by me, although her face didn't betray any emotions. So I decided that I wouldn't call her out on the blush that was starting to paint her cheeks a pretty pink.

I couldn't take my eyes off her as I watched her unbutton the cuffs of her shirtsleeve and meticulously roll it over her forearms, giving me a glimpse of the muscles she had hidden underneath. I knew that Gauhar was strong, but now, seeing the chorded muscle and the hint of veins popping along her forearms, I realised just how serious she was when she said that she could easily kill any man.