
Tortured Sandwich

Gauhar's POV

"Wanna know a secret kiddo?"


I cupped my hand secretively and whispered in his ear, "More often than not, being polite and having good manners makes things a lot easier. Even more than scaring them into submission does." He leaned back at that and looked at me in disbelief; I gave him a nod as if to assure him that I was telling him the absolute truth. "I'm not joking, not only will people like you, you will also have considerably less chances of being put in prison. Try it sometime and you'll thank me later for telling you about this hack."

Standing back up I brushed off the dust on my knees and smiled at the boy's father. "It was a pleasure to meet you sir, I hope you have a good day."

He seemed to be taken back at that as he struggled to respond to that. Taking his father's hand the child smiled up at me, "You too!"