
Veiled in Mystery

Gauhar's POV

Taking her hand in mine, I crossed the street. Offering her a genuine smile that she mirrored back at me. Her bright green eyes glittering at me in what I could only describe as relief.

The café was bustling with customers as we walk in through the class doors. Mrs. Abercrombie stood behind the counter making a cup of coffee, and as soon as the bell chimed, announcing our presence her eyes shot up to us. I looked at my watch and winced as I realised that despite trying to make it on time, I was ten minutes late.

Mrs. Abercrombie pursed her lips and glared at me, as she rubbed the coffee cup in her hand a little too aggressively. Bracing myself for her wrath, I took in a steadying breath and made my way towards the counter after seating Eva on my favourite table near the window. 

"I'm sorry for being late Mrs-"