The Rebirth

Early in the morning, the room was quiet and calm. The person in the bed was still asleep. Sunlight shone brightly through the spaces between the leaves of the plum tree near the window and shone over the young girl's sleeping face, painting a faint golden halo around her. With it, she looked even more radiant like an angel.

Her brows were of perfect shape that highlighted the beauty of her face giving her a feminine aura. The outer corners of her eyes, which were calmly closed now in sleep was of an almond shape. The long thick curly eyelashes cast a small patch of shadow on her cheeks and beneath her eyes. Below her long straight nose was a pair of full rosy kissable lips. Her skin was white as snow without any blemishes. Her cheek looked like a peeled egg and appeared delicately blushed under the sunlight. Her long silver hairs were messy and sprawled around her pillow. But instead of looking like a wreck, they gave another type of charisma to the sleeping beauty. Altogether she looked like a fairy sleeping in her bed, waiting for a prince to kiss her.

After a while, her brows formed a delicate frown. The tranquil expression became one of pain and suffering. A faint layer of cold sweat formed over her bright and clean forehead, as though she was trapped in the midst of a nightmare. Under the thin, sculptured eyelids, her eyes rolled non-stop as if she was struggling to wake up with all her might. A long moment passed, when she abruptly opened her eyes in panic. Her white robes became wet near her neck due to sweat.

With wide-open eyes, Liu Yifei's chest violently surged up and down. After a long while, she finally calmed down from her panic. Her whole body was sore. Each and every part of her body was in pain. Her head felt heavy and was throbbing with pain. She groaned and closed her eyes once again.

As soon as she closed her eyes, she abruptly opened them again when she felt a soft mattress under her body instead of a cold wet hard dungeon ground. She looked around her and found she was sleeping on her king-size bed with white silk drapes hanging around it, limiting her view.

She panicked and one question formed in her mind, Isn't she dead?

But she could clearly remember a cold knife piercing her heart and taking her pathetic life with it. She could clearly remember the despair that came after that.

She has lost her whole family in the hands of his evil stepmother, her stepsister, and her lover and all of it was due to her stupidity.

She silently laid there. Her thoughts rushed around like a train wreck. She remembered every torture she went through, the deaths of each of her family members. The death of her father, who had gone in the war and whose body was never found. A sparkling teardrop slid down from those beautiful black eyes and disappeared into the outline of her silver hair. After a long moment, Lei finally felt something was wrong. There was not a single bit of pain in her body. Shocked she removed the duvet that was covering her body and saw her beautiful white legs covered by white robes. She raised her hands to his eyes and stared it for a while. It was beautiful as always with no cuts and bruises. Her fingernails were clean without any dirt. After seeing her dirt-stained hands with dried blood on it, she had forgotten what her real hands looked like. She saw her fingernails which were clean and intact. She remembered them pulling out her fingernails slowly one by one till she had no nails left.

She touched her face which was clean too with no dirt and bloodstain. Liu Yifei can feel its perfectly smooth texture under her palm.

"Is this a dream? An afterlife?" she thought.

Suddenly an idea crossed her head and she jumped from her bed and rushed towards the full body length vanity mirror kept in her room. She could see her beautiful twelve-year-old self clearly in the mirror. She chuckled remembering her fate of her previous life but soon her laughter turned into sobs and wailing. She wanted to cry out all her grief. The mistreatment she received in the past. She cried for the deaths of each of her family members. She thanked the gods for their pity and giving her another chance to rectify her mistakes.

She plopped down on her bathroom's floor without giving any thought that it was cold and cried her heart out.

"Feifei..." she heard someone approach her. She looked at the owner of the voice and once again fresh tears formed in her eyes. she leaped towards the person and tightly hugged his neck crying loudly in his chest. "Sorry, dad. I am so sorry dad." She kept on repeating it while crying out loudly. It has been more than six years that she had hugged her father. After the arrival of her step-mother and her step-sister in their life, she grew distant with her father. She used to do many silly things under the guidance of her step-sister. She used to bully the servants and her other children of the royals. She would play a harmful prank on others and when her father used to scold her, like a spoiled brat she would fight back. As days passed, she became more rotten. People started hating her. Her pointless demands increased and when she didn't get any item of her choice, she would threaten her father by harming herself. Sometimes she would cut her wrist, sometimes she would eat sleeping pills, and sometimes she would try to drown herself.

She cried even more remembering everything about the past. She was regretful of her every action.

"Don't cry, child. You are safe here. I am here and everybody around you loves you. Let's go and say goodbye to your mother." Her father, Liu Ye tried to console her by awkwardly patting her back.

It was then it strikes Liu Yifei. This was the time of her mother's funeral. She looked at her white robes and remembered that back then after her mother died, she suffered from a terrible fever. She was reborn at that time. From the time frame, she knew that it was a day after her mother's death.

Liu Yifei's eyes blurred with tears. She really wanted to see her mother even it meant to see her for one second. She truly wished to reborn before her mother's death. Maybe she could even save her.

According to society and doctors, her mother died because of her prolonged sickness but she knew clearly in her heart who has killed her. It was not a tragedy but a cleverly planned murder. Liu Yifei clenched her hands in a fist, anger and hatred surged in her veins. It was not the time to cry. It was time to exact revenge. And she will get revenge ten folds. She will kill the murderers of her family, starting from her would-be-soon stepmother.